Sun God Marvel

Chapter 890

It was unavoidable that Natasha was surprised when he heard that the guy who had just played with oneself was Steve Rogers who had defected to Hydra. But she was still calm on the surface, and asked him coldly.

“You are so brave, Captain Rogers. You know that the whole world is looking for you now, so you dare to appear here. Why, are you not afraid of being caught by me and sent to Tony In front of him?”

“You don’t have the ability, Natasha!” laughed, Steve took off the mask from the owner’s head, and then smiled brightly at Natasha. “Moreover, I think there should be some common topics between us. I have nothing to be sorry for you. Besides, you are too loyal to this country, too, are you?”

“I I don’t have much affection for this country, but I don’t want to betray your side. Steve, you are not as smart as oneself imagined.”

Natasha coldly snorted, there is no hand raising the gun at all. The meaning of putting it down. And it also showed her attitude, she treated Steve completely as an enemy.

But since daring to appear in front of her, Steve has naturally thought of all possible situations. This hostile situation is certainly no exception. So he was just laughed, first released the trigger in his hand, then put down the gun, raised his hand, and showed a completely harmless expression at Natasha.

“Don’t be so nervous, I just want to have a good chat with you. Let go of our current identities, don’t you even give me a chance to chat with me?”

“What do you want to talk about? I don’t think I have anything to talk about with a traitor.”

Hearing this, Natasha asked this and stepped forward Go and kick Steve’s pistol away. This allowed her to completely control the situation. So she became unceremonious when she asked.

But Steve doesn’t care about the tone of her speech, even if it is a bit hurtful, his face still has a hypocritical smile.

“Is it always harmless to listen? I don’t think you can be sure right now, who will win the fight in the end. If you put all the chips in oneself on Tony As far as they are concerned, then if they become the loser in the future, wouldn’t all of your bets be thrown into the water?”

“Shut up, Steve. Don’t let me think about you. Same.”

With a coldly shouted, Natasha interrupted Steve’s speech directly. But he not at all stopped owning because of Natasha’s drinking. On the contrary, he spoke more fluently and smoothly.

“Don’t deceive yourself too much, Natasha. You and I are not much different. Everyone knows this. No matter how well you behave, you are still not from this country. People here are also impossible to give you 100% Trust. For such a group of people who are always wary of you, do you have to sit on their boat until you die?” When this sentence was said, Natasha was also silent for a while.

Because Steve said not at all is wrong. Although on the surface, Natasha is beautiful and graceful, it has always retained a fairly good position, whether it is in Skyhammer or the Avengers. But if you look closely, you will find that she is actually not at all so beautiful on the surface.

Even when Tony’s Caotai team was founded, he never entrusted Natasha with the responsibility of really important things. Not to mention the subsequent establishment of the Sky Hammer Bureau and the Iron Avenger. Even Osborn, a capitalist, can come from behind, and Natasha is still an eighth-level agent to this day and can already explain some problems.

Osborn doesn’t wait to see her, because she is from the Soviet Union. The Russian, one of the three principals of the Skyhammer Bureau, also did not wait to see her because she had been in United States for so long. She is like a ghost wandering outside of everyone, seemingly intimate, but in fact it is detached. Like Steve said, she is simply not trusted.

It seems a bit sentimental and sad, and the expression on Natasha’s face has also become dimmed. She was silent for a long time, and Steve didn’t speak. The two faced each other like this, until Natasha opened her mouth first.

“You’re so sure, can you guys win?”

Hearing this, Steve’s face immediately showed an unconcealable smile. In his opinion, this is what already moved Natasha’s performance. Although it is not certain that Natasha will surrender to them, at the very least, it is enough to explain that her heart is already moved by oneself.

When the iron is hot, Steve also understands the truth, so he immediately spread his hand and said to Natasha seriously.

“You must know, Natasha. The progress of this World has always been in the hands of a few people. Whether it is Alexander’s Eastern March or Hitler’s sweeping Europe. Facts have proved that humans only have Only under the leadership of a few absolute elites can we move towards a more glorious future. Now, please look at your side.”

“Apart from Tony and the leaders of those two big countries, who else It can be called a human elite. It’s just a group of pigs. It can’t even solve the own problem. Can you count on them to solve the problems of a country or the whole world? These people have always been a drag, and they still The most powerful one. With them, it is almost impossible for mankind to want to progress. This can be seen from the development of mankind since World War II.”

“Since World War II, it used to be What has become of Europe in the center of the world. Except for Germany, which is restricted to death, and France, which has some foundations, which other countries can reach their Peak level. Let’s look at United States, the former superpower. When fighting with the Soviet Union, they were able to push human civilization forward so many steps. But once they lost their competitors, they stopped moving forward. The most important aerospace technology of this World has stalled for dozens of times. Years, and the former leader of this country? Besides holding the Thanksgiving turkey all day, giving them two fancy names to win the favor of a group of idiots, did they do anything meaningful? No pieces. This group of empty-mouthed idiots simply don’t have the ability to lead this country. The entire world is also like this. Under such a prospect, do you think they have any hope of victory?”

Waving his arms, Steve said to Natasha excitedly. Judging from his actions, he really meant to give some pointers to Fang Qiu. But Natasha is not very interested in these. In fact, most women are not very interested in such topics as human progress and national politics.

But she heard what Steve meant, that is, there are too many idiots on the human side, and it is impossible to beat them like the elite Hydra.

This sounds ridiculous. You know, although there are many idiots on the human side, there are more than 5 billion humans in the world standing behind them. Even if you choose one level of ten thousand li, there are tens of thousands of geniuses among human beings. No matter how powerful Hydra is and no matter how talented its personnel are, can it still not be able to compete with the entire human race?

But Steve is right. The performance as if the winner is in hand makes people feel involuntarily wanting to believe him. Judging from Hydra’s current performance, it seems that they are not at all showing any obvious decline.

Using the power of an organization to fight against all mankind, until now there has been no obvious defeat, which is enough to support his statement. So how did Natasha not at all refute him, but after listening to him, he showed some thinking.

“What do you want me to do?”

She asked, it seemed that there was some compromise. But the gun held high in her hand is enough to show that she is still not at all completely determined. And Steve saw this too, so he immediately told Natasha his own idea.

“I know you are undecided now, so I will not force you to show your attitude now. It is unrealistic and you will not accept this obvious, possibly Be threatened. So my idea is that we have a limited cooperation!”

“Limited cooperation?” This ambiguous statement obviously made Natasha a little confused, she muttered A moment, and then immediately asked back. “What the hell does this mean?”

“I know what kind of threats humanity is facing now. Star Devourers from the depths of the universe, this threat is also fatal to us. So in the moment In this case, we will not do anything to you. On the contrary, we may also give you some cooperation.”

“Cooperate with what?”

“Our common Enemy, Natasha.” With a grin, Steve said frankly. “I saw you being chased by that guy in Europe. Believe me, that has nothing to do with our not at all. That means Mephisto own, and this guy is not only a threat to you, but the same to us. So, We can work together to deal with this guy!”

“If I remember correctly, Mephisto should be your ally. Is that how you treat oneself ally?”


For Steve’s suggestion, Natasha not at all immediately agreed. On the contrary, she was still sarcasm. And for this kind of sarcasm, Steve wouldn’t have much emotion, he just explained with a smile.

“If it were the kind of real ally, we wouldn’t do it. But you know, this guy is a wolf and ambitious guy. He has reached inside us more than once. So, for He, we have almost reached the point of intolerance. This is a win-win cooperation. We can give you information and a certain amount of cooperation to clean up his chess pieces in the organization. And you can rely on these to get more Right to speak, isn’t it?”

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