Sun God Marvel

Chapter 892

Is it possible for Hydra to defeat an opponent like Zhou Yi? The answer is of course no. Regarding this, Natasha can say that it does not report any hope. Because the ants are impossible to swallow the elephant. By the same token, even the stars in the depths of the universe can be destroyed, and simply cannot be guessed by human beings who stay away from the planets. It is even ridiculous that they even have such thoughts.

So after saying this, Natasha immediately shook her head and denied the stupid idea of ​​oneself.

“They certainly don’t know how powerful you are. You have to know that there will never be too many clear-headed guys in a terrorist organization. Even if there are, they will not take oneself Keep a clear mind on this kind of thing.”

nodded, he agrees with Natasha’s statement. Zhou Yi turned his eyes and placed it on the corpse lying on the ground in the living room.

“Do you need me to destroy this for you? It won’t leave you with any evidence.”

“No, keep it there. Just like that guy said That way, the sudden power failure in this place will definitely attract some people’s attention. I think someone will come to the door soon, and there are many things that are easy to talk about with this corpse under cover.”

Natasha shook the head, indicating that this guy can still play some role. And hearing her say so, Zhou Yi immediately became surprised.

“Are you going to react this matter to the people of the Skyhammer Bureau?”

The reason why he said this was because he did not understand Natasha’s approach. According to Steve, Natasha is not a trustworthy person in Skyhammer and also Avengers. In this case, she has every reason not to be responsible to these people.

This is what Zhou Yi thinks now. Trust is a relative thing. If you are unwilling to give, then there is no reason to accuse others of not being responsible for you. So, if Natasha wants to hide something, he doesn’t object at all. It may even raise both hands in favor.

But what Natasha not at all means, of course, there is a certain gap between her thoughts and Zhou Yi at first.

“This is the only attacker. I will say this to the people in the Skyhammer. I have the experience of being attacked before, and I believe they can’t blame me. As for Steve’s matter, I will find someone Time to tell Tony.”

“You are adding fuel to the fire. Tony that guy will get really angry when he hears Steve’s name, let alone know that he has done that many hands and feet in his own site “

For Natasha’s idea, Zhou Yi is just laughed of an indifferent expression. Of course he can see that this is a smart approach. But to some extent, it is not good for her. How to choose, this requires she herself to make a decision. The current situation is that she seems to have made a decision.

“This is also no way. Who did Steve contact and what seeds did he plant? This is something that nobody knows. And if I tell all the people in the Skyhammer Bureau If you come out, you will be suspected of beating the grass to scare the snake. With Pierce’s lessons learned, no one is sure that the three people above are safe. So I’ll pretend to be in front of them. As for the truth and so on , Leave it to Tony to find it.”

“With his hatred for Hydra also Steve, he must put a lot of energy into this matter. Although he is a paranoid and arrogant, But you have to admit that if he wants to do something and so on, the success rate is huge. Therefore, it’s best to make things clear to him!”

” But this may also make him doubt you.” Raising his eyebrows, Zhou Yi reminded Natasha kindly. “You know, his brain is always better. So if you can guess what he can guess. He can even guess what Steve said to you. And according to you, you It’s not to be trusted by them. It’s hard to tell what kind of attitude Tony will maintain towards you at this time. It’s not very beneficial to you, Natasha.”

“You care about me With a grin, Natasha put a hand on Zhou Yi’s shoulder, and said with a smile to him. “This really flattered me. But it doesn’t matter. I mean I don’t care what Tony does. I did what I should do. If he doesn’t trust me, then I will retire at the worst. Anyway. I’m almost reaching the age when I should retire. By the way, I think about family issues.”

She said that, but her body slowly leaned forward. Feeling the fragrance of a woman who breathed closer and closer to oneself, Zhou Yi’s originally lonely heart suddenly became a little restless. He wanted to do something, but he hadn’t waited for him to do it. The light flashed, and the whole house regained its light. And then, the sound of knocking on the door rang.

“It looks like they are here, I suggest you better avoid it.”

Hearing this voice, Natasha suddenly tilted her head back and avoided Zhou Yi Actions. At the same time, he squirmed his own lips, and said silent words to him.

And this is really untimely news for Zhou Yi. But he can’t be exposed at this time, so he can only twitch his own cheeks, open his own lips, and reply silently.

“You are making trouble for oneself again, Natasha. It won’t be solved so easily.”

“I’m waiting!” Pushing Zhou Yi’s chest Natasha came to the door of the house like a light butterfly with a charming smile. She opened the door, and of course, when she opened the door, her face had returned to normal. This allowed the two strained agents outside the door to see only her iceberg-like faces without any expression.

But what do they think about this not at all, because they are here to work and not to pick up girls.

“Romanoff Young Lady, I am from the Internal Inspection Division of the Skyhammer Bureau. You seem to have been invaded by some special intrusion just now. Did you find any special circumstances?”

As the current person said this, he took out a passport embossed with a hammer from his jacket pocket. Seeing this certificate, Natasha glanced at them coldly, and then said with a disappointed expression.

“Twelve minutes, you guys are seven minutes late than I expected. Are you all left in the game now? It’s disappointing.”

“Madam, we rushed over as quickly as possible after we discovered the problem!”

Another agent said dissatisfiedly. For his dissatisfaction, Natasha is completely snort disdainfully.

“Your so-called fastest speed is after I killed the invader and even his blood began to freeze. If this speed is changed to a target with no combat effectiveness, you can now All you do is collect his body. Don’t make excuses with oneself, newcomer. No way, no way. Sometimes it’s completely useless to be a hero to a woman. We only care about more practical things!”

Natasha’s topic was thorny, and the agent who had just spoken blushed and his neck was thick. But before he could say anything, his partner stopped him and said flatly to Natasha.

“Sir, we are just following orders, please don’t make us feel embarrassed? And really, if it is not a routine inspection that we find a power supply problem here, we’re also impossible to think that you’re out here Matter. I swear, we really did our best to get here as quickly as possible.”

Compared with the other guy, this agent is obviously more capable. Not only did he not react excessively to Natasha’s words. On the contrary, it shows weakness and sells continuously, and oneself is just a nobody’s grievance. This caused Natasha to lose interest in them in an instant. Instead, she turned her body sideways and gave them a way.

“Forget it. There is a corpse in the living room, which is the infiltrator this time. There was also one, but it seemed to have heard some movement and ran away in advance. You clean up the corpse and tell them by the way. Search this area. I believe that if you move fast enough, you should still be able to catch him.”

This is exactly what Natasha wants to add to both of them. Seeing these two people, you know that oneself must be the object of priority care from above, so it is reasonable to toss them up and let them work for the invaders all night.

As for Steve, he should have run a long way. If not, then ask him to ask for more blessings. However, given his ability, even these ordinary agents would not be bothered by him. In addition to adding a bit of blockage to him, making him have to experience the feeling of a fox chased by a hunting dog, this is actually not at all very useful. But for Natasha, this is a very interesting thing.

If someone dares to plot against her, she naturally wants to plot against her. A woman is born with a mind’s eye, and she is no exception. The revenge that can be avenged tonight is naturally to be avenged tonight.

No matter how she tossed these two bad luck agents also the internal inspection department behind them, the result is impossible to change too much. Hydra’s plan will not be affected by her, and her plan is the same. Therefore, after she reported her own experience to the superiors of the Skyhammer Bureau with abridgement, she quickly regained her apparent freedom. She didn’t know if it was because oneself also saved a bit of face, or because the seeds that had been planted by Hydra began to exert their strength.

Neither is important to Natasha. Because she quickly found a time and secretly told him everything oneself knew. And hearing what she said, Stark’s reply immediately became a little more angry.

“Are you sure about everything you said? Natasha?”

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