Sun God Marvel

Chapter 898

According to the previous statement, I mean that when I first met with Natasha, Ganata still had some good feelings about Earth and life on Earth. She seems to have reached an agreement with Earth itself to include Earth in the scope of own protection. Because of this, she communicated with Natasha, showing that oneself wanted to persuade the own father and dispel his thoughts of devouring Earth.

But now, judging from her performance, she seems to have lost the previous thoughts.

This is a very dangerous signal. This is true for Natasha, and it is true for the entire human race. However, with a chance of luck, Natasha ignored what she had done before and asked her this question with a strong smile. “You go to persuade your father about this matter, how is the result now.”

When Natasha asked this, Ganata was just laughed, not at all, and gave her an immediate answer. She might also be thinking about how to reply to Natasha, but soon she had a preliminary idea.

“Do you know why I want to protect this planet?”

Natasha shook the head, he has heard Ganata say that he had an agreement with Earth, but She didn’t believe in how binding such words would be. The agreement originally existed to be torn apart, so people who believe this are basically fools. And what at first really made Natasha willing to believe in her was because of Ganata’s attitude at the time.

But now her attitude has obviously changed, or a slight deviation, which can be felt from her words.

“I left my father when I was very young, because I was the second life born in our race besides father. My father had no experience of raising children at all. He didn’t know how to raise me. In addition, he was not such a gentle person, so I left him when I was very young.”

“I look for in the endless universe I have lived in many places to inhabit. But in the end, I chose this planet and regarded her as my home. This is a gentle planet, she selflessly accepted me, and once provided me with key energy. At that time I am still a child, and my belly is not as big as it is now, so this planet can still help me. With the ebbing of time, I slowly grow up. I don’t dare to ask her for anything.”

Speaking of this, Ganata smiled and pointed to the distant sky.

“Now I am looking for planets as my food thousands of light years away. But I will never forget the care of this planet. For me, this is me My friend, my foster mother, is an existence worthy of my protection. But for her children, such as you humans, I actually don’t at all have any great senses.”

“I I have observed humans for almost ten thousand years. Since you started slashing and burning till now, you have been hurting my friend, parasitizing her greedily, destroying everything about her. Father said that you are a threat to the universe. , In my opinion, it’s not a nonsense, unfounded statement. What he said has his truth, because you did a lot of things without a bottom line.”

“I have seen it with my own eyes The experiments you did during the US-Soviet hegemony, whether it was the detonation of the Big Ivan or the Meteorfish experiment (the largest man-made nuclear test detonated in outer space during the Cold War of the United States, the nuclear bomb was detonated 400 kilometers above the Pacific Ocean The equivalent is one hundred and 400,000 tons. The effect of the explosion is far beyond expectations, so some scientists worry that the big bang may permanently change the Earth’s magnetic field, which may catastrophically weaken Earth’s self-protection against cosmic rays and expose Earth to dangerous radiation. It will gradually destroy the ecology of animals and plants, and will also increase the risk of human cancer. Later, the Soviet Union was worried about similar results and proposed to ban related experiments, and finally formed the “Outer Space Treaty” in 1967 to prevent nuclear explosions in space by either party Experiment). It is harmful to the Earth planet. Not to mention you also the large quantum collider, and the Kola ultra-deep drill, the terrifying idea that you want to penetrate the center of the earth. You don’t even know. Thank you Earth mother for nurturing and nurturing your Earth mother. You are just doing your best to destroy her and hurt her.”

“If it weren’t for the father who wanted to swallow this planet together, I would never Prevent him from doing anything to you humans. In other words, my main purpose is to prevent him from hurting Earth. As for you, it is just a byproduct of this condition.”

Heard here, Natasha already understood what she meant. And she couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed at this moment, and said.

“Ganata, do you want to break your promise?”


Hearing this, Ganata immediately revealed So Natasha felt a little chilly smile.

“Not at all what promise, Natasha. My idea at first is just that I don’t want my father to fight with your God. I know their power. If they fight, it’s likely to be It directly affects this World. It doesn’t matter if you humans are destroyed. I don’t want my friends to follow you and get hurt. This is also my original intention to find you.”

“But now, I have New idea. Father is right. Human beings are a malignant tumor, which is dangerous and affects the life of the universe. It is wrong for me to ignore your harm because I want to protect my friends. Because even if I stop it now My father, you humans are likely to destroy your home planet in the future. Then everything I do has no meaning. So, I made a more wise decision.”

When she said that father was right, Natasha knew what her decision meant. But this caused her to immediately sink her face and shouted in a low voice when she faced Ganata.

“Your idea is impossible. Don’t forget, this World also the God you are afraid of exists.”

“I know.” With his arms around his arms, Ganata shifted his sight to a more distant place. “Your God is a completely different existence from us. What I want to protect is this planet itself, and what he wants to protect is probably your entire human being. On the surface, we should be on the same front, but in fact, we Are completely different camps. This means that we finally fight. However, it is my father’s business.”

“I have told my father everything, and he also proposed a A solution that satisfies me. Since you have such a strong confidence in own God, you may as well tell him that my father is waiting for him in the depths of the stars. Use a battle to determine the destiny of your humanity. If you win Now, I will stay away from Earth forever with my father. And if we win, then mankind must be completely destroyed. All mankind, including your civilization and everything you have created, will all be erased . This is our battle book, and I need you to help me pass it to that person so that he can give me an answer as soon as possible.”

Ganata finally expressed her intention to come back, and that is to come. The war book. And this meaning is really unacceptable to Natasha, who is an Earth human.

Imagine that even the own life cannot be controlled, and it is pinned on a ridiculous duel as a bargaining chip. This is absolutely unacceptable for anyone with self-thinking. However, Natasha did not have any confidence to resist. Because don’t look at the six billion or so human beings, but in this matter, they really don’t have the ability to resist.

It’s like a wayward child can carry a pot of hot water and drown a colony of ants. Faced with the child’s atrocities, the ant, let alone protesting, has no right to resist. In this matter, the status of humans is actually no different from that of ants. In front of two Divine Grade characters who can shock the universe, they also have no right to speak up.

This is a very frustrating thing, but it is also very incapable. The arm can’t twist the thigh, even more how, this is still the arm of an ant and the thigh of an elephant.

However, it is impossible to say that humans are willing to hold back in this way. No one would be willing to fight like this, it is better to see others’ fate. So even a clever woman like Natasha is thinking of ways to break the game in her heart at this time.

This is not easy! Yes, but it does not mean that it cannot be done. Natasha thought so because she knew that oneself had a different trump card in her hand. And this trump card is likely to become their best hope for a comeback. But how should I use this trump card? She has no idea yet.

Ganata not at all gave her too much time to think. Her purpose here is simply to declare war on King Ming. This is the only role she and the father behind her are afraid of on this planet. As for the other roles, they are completely out of her scope. Now that the purpose has been achieved, then she has no reason to stay here.

And just when she was about to leave here, a burst of gunfire resounded like a storm. In an instant, Ganata’s figure was enveloped by the blast of gunpowder and dust. This is the sound of the Vulcan machine gun, and hearing this sound almost means the arrival of the Avengers.

Natasha’s judgment is almost 100% correct. Because of the next moment, a gray black silhouette suddenly fell from in the sky and made such a sound at Ganata, which was still shrouded in smoke.

“Alien, you have been arrested. Raise your hand, otherwise we can do a good job of calculating the previous account!”

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