Sun God Marvel

Chapter 903

The construction of a two-story bungalow at most does not allow the little spider to roam as freely as before, but he does not need to reach that level now. The newly acquired power has given him a stronger body and a more terrifying explosive power. With the power of oneself’s current body, he can achieve the level of indulgence that he used to use tools to achieve.

So, he shoots this spider’s silk simply not for the long-distance travel as in the past, but for the own attack.

Although the little spider is young, he is born with a keen sense of fighting. This is also related to his ability. His spider ability always allows him to instinctively choose the most efficient battle method in battle. And the ability of Ghost Rider acquired later also allowed him to inherit the experience of Zatanos countless years on the basis of this instinct. Experience combined with instinct allows him to perform magical effects in every step of the battle.

It’s like now, the spider silk he shoots is directly attached to the Hulk’s ass which was thrown out again. And after he took off with the kinetic energy provided by the flying Hulk, he also burst out of oneself’s power, pulling Hulk down again after taking off a certain distance.

Nano-level high-viscosity spider silk can withstand about a thousand tons of pulling force. This is not a cracking a joke thing, in fact it is a miracle of bioengineering.

Spider silk is the best quality material in nature. An ordinary spider silk can bear 90 grams of pressure, and when it is woven into a pencil thickness, it can even act as a landing safety lock for fighter aircraft on an aircraft carrier. And this is just the work of ordinary spiders.

The spider web of the Australian funnel web spider can keep itself intact when things like bricks and stones fall down. The spider web of Darwin’s barking spider can even be woven to an exaggeration of two 15 meters wide, and its endurance can be called the Spider-Man of the real world. With so much evidence to learn from, a little spider who is proficient in biological knowledge can develop works of the same level.

His spider silk is not inferior to these two, even saying that after borrowing from Stark’s nanotechnology, it can reach a better level. This makes his efforts play an unimaginable effect. That is Hulk, who was thrown by Ganata, was forcibly pulled down by him. And he also took advantage of this part of the power, and flew towards Ganata.

Hulk’s magical shorts played an important role at this time because the spider silk is stuck to it. If the quality of this pair of shorts is not good enough, then under the confrontation between the rising and falling forces, there will only be a more embarrassing result, that is, only one pair of shorts is pulled down. Fortunately, its quality is excellent. This kind of thing does not happen at all. And this also caused Hulk to fall back towards Ganata with an acceleration.

This situation was unexpected by Ganata. But she wasn’t worried about it, instead she showed a playful smile as if she had discovered something interesting.

Facing the two sides of the spider and the falling Hulk, Ganata leaped and jumped onto Hulk. Then stepped on his stomach fiercely and burst out his own power. In an instant, the speed of Hulk’s fall increased again, and the direction of his fall also shifted in her movements.

Before the little spider attacked the own target, he discovered that oneself had been shrouded in a dark shadow. Hulk was treated as a toy, and fell quickly towards him. Seeing that oneself was about to be hit by such a mountain of meat, the little spider immediately stretched out his hand and ejected the spider silk, trying to escape from the Hulk bombing range.

But things are not at all as simple as he imagined. He just changed the direction of oneself’s movement by the spider silk, Ganata suddenly appeared on the side of Hulk’s body like a teleport, and then volleyed violently, kicking Hulk at him again. past.

She moved so quickly, as if she had already guessed what the little spider would do. Therefore, in such an attack, the little spider has no dodge probability anymore. He can only rely on his own dexterity to resist the impact of Hulk, and fortunately, this is obviously his specialty.

After disconnecting the spider thread in his hand, the little spider flexibly put his fingers on his arm as soon as Hulk’s fat body was close. His ten fingers are very powerful, and he is a very light-hearted guy, so even in the air, he can change the own position with slight force.

The impact from the Hulk’s flying hasn’t vented to his body, so he took advantage of the trend and put his own weight on Hulk’s body. This also meant that he became part of the flying Hulk, instead of being hit by the flying Hulk. So what kind of substantial harm did he not at all suffer? It even said that after giving Hulk a little new motivation, he immediately broke away from this bad luck situation and landed safely on the ground.

The landing posture is graceful, not below that of some Peak Level gymnasts. However, before he was proud, Ganata’s attack followed up again.

Her hand is still holding the own new weapon, and it falls back to the Red Hulk in her hand.

Red Hulk originally came to support the little spiders. At the moment when he saw the little spider act recklessly in the battle, General Ross was scolding his mother. But after all, he is an Old Guy who has experienced wind and rain, so he understands that complaining cannot solve any problems.

The little spider is still a child in his eyes, and the child is privileged. As he said, before they fell, it was not the time for the little spider to sacrifice. Even if it is dead, it should be them Old Guy who died. Leave the hope of life to the youngster, this is the nature of biological competition. And in line with this simple value, Red Hulk directly used oneself’s strength of one hundred and twenty to save the little spider.

He attacked Ganata faster and more fiercely, in order to prevent Ganata from taking action to deal with the little spider. However, he still overestimated the power of own and underestimated the ability of his opponent.

In just an instant, Ganata used an extremely violent blow to make his body temporarily stagnated. While he was still in this bad state, Ganata had already used him as a mallet, and fiercely smashed it down at the little spider.

The speed is beyond imagination. Although it did not use much power, with the red Hulk’s own weight of tons, it was enough to turn this sudden attack into a Called a fatal blow.

The little spider couldn’t hide, so he stretched out his arm to make a hard-wired posture. Looking at this posture, the rest of the Avengers immediately showed sadness that they couldn’t bear to look straight. In their opinion, this is too cruel.

The thin body of the little spider is not stronger than that of a praying mantis. And Red Hulk, who was used as a club, looked like a terrifying road roller. Mantis trying to stop a chariot has only a dead end, and mantis is in front of the road roller, and there is simply a dead end.

The gnashing teeth that everyone sees, hatred. Even Hong Huoke, who was used as a tool, gritted his teeth desperately, and let out an unwilling growl from his throat. In their vision, the little spider is dead. The best case is to leave a whole body, and the most likely case is to be smashed into a pool of flesh.

However, things not at all developed as they intended. Because the little spider made a surprising situation, that is, he forcibly supported it.

His arms firmly supported Hong Huoke’s huge body, and the ground under his feet sank under the vent of this huge force. But this not at all makes the spider’s spine any bend. He stood straight, like an Iron Pagoda. The muscles all over his body swelled out like steel, and his tight clothes even showed the violent veins on his body. It can be seen that he has worked hard, but he has definitely stabilized, and it seems that he has not been hurt at all.

This situation is a bit magical and incredible, but in terms of the result, it is unexpectedly good, and it is beyond everyone’s expectations. Even the little spider Oneself never thought that oneself could do this step. But he didn’t think about it, it doesn’t mean that others didn’t think about it. Ganata seemed to have a certain foresight of this situation, so she made up another action of own before everyone had a reaction.

She lifted the body of the Red Hulk again, and when the spider’s feet were sinking into the ground, she immediately used the Red Hulk as a swinging bat, and swept fiercely towards the spider. past.

This action evoked the hearts of everyone present. If all that just now was a miracle, it was an accident caused by the explosion of the potential of the little spider. So now, they can’t believe that the same accident will reappears to the same person a second time.

However, this situation has arisen.

Ganata threw away Red Hulk, and the little spider who got into real trouble could only do oneself’s best effort to withstand the assault of this Roshan. His hands made a forward push motion, firmly supporting Hong Huoke’s back. And his body was leaning forward, making a very obvious posture of flat push.

This is the performance of strength. In some lively pubs, you can often see a group of big men drunk holding hands against each other like this. But this action is definitely not suitable for this situation. It is too harsh on the force of the skeleton and muscles. Once it exceeds the upper limit of its bearing strength, starting from the skeleton, even the muscles attached to it will be torn dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

No one is optimistic about little spiders, but on this premise. The little spider is doing miracles. Hong Huoke’s body is flying back, and he is also flying back. But his body posture was as solid as cast iron, unchanged at all.

Large swaths of cement and concrete sprayed out from his heel, like waves splashing from a yacht across the water. The farther back, the larger the waves. And the little spider’s body seemed to be immersed in the water, sinking deeper and deeper. But he was safe and sound, and firmly supported Hong Huoke’s body until both of them were completely still.

It was such a miracle that the rest of the Avengers couldn’t help but wipe their eyes, as if I was not awake. Of course, they will inevitably think so in their hearts. Is this still a little spider? Is this still their Spider-Man, Peter Parker, who is chatty and funny? For a moment, a strange feeling appeared in everyone’s mind.

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