Sun God Marvel

Chapter 918

There are violent fluctuations in the deep space of the universe, and for these fluctuations, human beings are no longer confused and ignorant as before.

They have tasted enough of the pain of having eyes, but they can’t see the movement of oneself enemy at all. The invasion of the Crees, the threat of Galactus, these terrifying powers from the depths of the universe made them clearly realize that this World is far less simple and easy than they thought.

Humanity is not the only life form that exists in this vast universe, countless extraterrestrial civilizations may become a threat to mankind. In the face of those extraterrestrial civilizations that have entered the Interstellar era, the current technology of mankind is really unable to play any defense.

The appearance of Galactus is just an introduction, and this introduction induces the potential of human beings, allowing them to once again develop oneself aerospace technology that has been stagnant for many years. Among the technologies that have begun to flourish, there is one technology that is the most critical, and that is space exploration technology.

If we can learn the movements of the enemy in space earlier, then humans can turn passive into active. If we can have more understanding of the vast expanse of space, then human science and technology will also have new development momentum. Under such prerequisites, the space detection technology that mankind already has is obviously unqualified.

However, as a basis, these existing technologies do have great development potential. With the help of a group of once glorious space civilization Sandals, mankind is already enough to use this technology Develop to the point where they need it. And this made the moment when violent fluctuations just occurred in the depths of space, they were already paying attention to this small fluctuation when their heartstrings were tightened.

“Have the coordinates and location been determined?”

Reed Court Academecian, who is in charge of the entire space project, asked the own assistant nervously. He already has a detailed investigation report in his hand. The reason to ask again is that he needs to make sure that the owner judges that’s all.

When he heard what he said, the professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology replied to him without looking up.

“The coordinates have been determined. The distance is four hundred and 67 light years, α34, β172. Super strong magnitude response, Reed Court Academecian, this should be the strongest response we have received. It should not be Wrong!”

His tone was a little nervous and a little excited. Because he knows very well what oneself can do this step for the entire sky exploration system. If he publishes these results in front of oneself, then maybe there will be a strong and colorful one in the history of human science.

Reed Court Academecian can of course understand why he seems so excited. For this kind of person who is immersed in scientific research, a little bit of technological progress, coupled with the temptation to become famous, is indeed possible Something that makes their minds rippling. But he also knows very well that now is not the time to be happy for these things.

What they have to face is the greatest threat, and this threat is enough to make the entire human race fall into a desperate situation and perish. You know, the so-called success depends on the timing. If human beings don’t exist, no matter how successful it is, it will be meaningless. Therefore, this kind of thing must be released first, and saving mankind from danger is the most important thing.

Reed Court Academecian, who understood this, didn’t mean to be happy with the professor. He immediately called and reported the results of oneself’s detection. And less than five minutes after he did this, a group of leaders representing the world’s highest level had appeared in front of him in the form of projection.

“Reid Court Academecian, are you sure what you found yourself?”

Tony knows very well what Reid Court Academecian’s warning means. He knows better, that they are the biggest Dependence has not yet started and rushed to the battlefield. If at this time, the dangerous guy had already aggressively attacked oneself, then it would be terrifying for humans.

They are ready to fight against this kind of enemy, and all the preparations oneself can do. But they really don’t want all these opportunities to be used. That is the choice of advance and retreat on the edge of the cliff, and the difference between Death and survival under one step. But sometimes, the right to choose is not in them.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure. President, we have made a comparison and the probability of error will not exceed 20%. Of course, in order to make you more convinced of what I found Something, I think you can send a request to the Shandar people and ask them about the situation in that area.”

Reid replied seriously with the most rigorous attitude of science. And hearing him say that, a leader immediately shook his head and said.

“The Sandal people will not provide us with any help. They are not fools. They have said before that they will not offend the existence of Galactus because of us. They are impossible to accompany us. Death. It’s a bunch of guys who to forget favors and violate justice.”

“On the surface is like this, sir. But he won’t explicitly offend us, because we also have them and cannot afford to offend Existence. So as long as you send help information to them in another way, such as requiring a certain Star Domain information, then there should be no problem.”

Tony gave a possible solution The solution of the problem, and this solution immediately aroused some people’s discussion. At this time, these politicians demonstrated unimaginable efficiency. Because soon, they got the answer that oneself wanted from the hands of the Shandals, and this answer once again proved what they detected.

The enemy is here! This is unquestionable, but what should they do in the face of the traces of the enemy that they have caught in advance? This has become the biggest decision they have to make right now. And this decision, in all fairness, is not easy to make.

“Reid Court Academecian, please explain. If we act rashly now, how high will the success rate be and what will be the impact at the same time?”

One of the leaders with more status asked Reed Court Academecian. And listening to him asking like that, Tony couldn’t help being coldly snorted.

In his opinion, now that the location of the target has been determined. Then you should attack directly with the momentum of thunderbolt, and completely destroy the enemy in one breath. Only in this way can all risks be reduced to a minimum. However, if he thinks this way, it doesn’t mean that others also think so. Not everyone is as radical as him, and this is not a place where he alone can give orders.

On this issue, their opinions are divided. What they have to do now is to unify all differences. So as it should be by rights, they must understand everything.

Reed Court Academecian also supports this. He knows very well how big the choices they are facing at this moment. If they make a mistake, then human beings will completely lose the right to speak in this matter, and they can only trust the life and death of own to others.

This is obviously something that no smart person wants to see, and he certainly doesn’t want this to happen. However, letting he himself make this decision, he must have no such confidence. It’s about the survival of mankind, and people like him definitely don’t have the courage to bear it all. Therefore, he certainly hopes that these human representatives in front of him will make the most correct decision. So he was quite cooperative.

“According to our current level, it is theoretically possible to maintain the existence of a super Space-Time Tunnel, and the space quantum collision weapon has entered the actual combat stage and can be activated at any time. But now we have to consider two This is a question.”

“One is whether the quantum collision weapon will affect the stability of the Space-Time Tunnel. If so, then our ultra-long-range strike is basically impossible to achieve. It is even said that this is very It may cause an unknown impact.”

“Second, the energy problem of the quantum collision launcher. Although there is a large Arc Reactor attack, because the energy supply demand is too large, we only have one time The opportunity for full power transmission. This is the only way to cause maximum lethality, but once this method is used, the parts of the entire space defense system will be paralyzed. We need at least one month to repair, and Obviously time is not enough.”

“So according to comprehensive statistics, the success rate is only about 10%. And a large part of this depends on the feasibility of the ultra-Space-Time Tunnel technology. However, the number of times we have tried and the data is not sound enough. This is our greatest assurance.”

This plan was conceived by Reed Court Academecian and a group of outstanding scientists who are mainly engaged in various technical problems. The best plan. But although this plan is most likely to play a role in theory. However, there is only 10% hope, which is obviously not enough for most leaders. So when Reed Court Academecian finished saying that, except for Tony, who was the main offensive, almost all the leaders frowned and discussed with each other in a low voice.

But just like before, they quickly stopped this meaningless controversy, but another person popped up again and continued to ask Reed Court Academecian.

“Reed Court Academecian, what if we abandon this plan and adopt plan B?”

Hearing this, Reed Court Academecian’s face was taken aback and then revealed A little anger came. Plan B was not provided by him, but provided by a group of old scholars who did not at all play a role in the space defense program. The reason why they offered this plan was that Reed Court Academecian’s plan at first was too radical and too risky.

On the surface, they set up Plan B based on the principles of this plan, but in the eyes of most of the hard-working scientists including Reed Court Academecian. This is just a plan they deliberately set up to maintain the authority of oneself and suppress them.

An extremely stupid solution!

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