“Erik. Lanchel, don’t you feel mean?” The roar of thunder and lightning couldn’t hide Zhou Yi’s roar, and he was really angry at this moment.

“Despicable? Youngster, when you experience as much as I do, you will find that the honor you are proud of is actually not worth a penny. As long as you can achieve your own goal, then despicable means are all Acceptable. On the contrary, no matter how much honor is added, it is only a loser.”

In response to Zhou Yi’s anger, Magneto had a contemptuous smile on his face, and he even assumed a preaching posture. It’s like a teacher in a social class that talks about the concept of oneself.

“So you can show your meanness without scruples?”

Magneto suppressed his own smile.

“Sure enough, you can’t understand us. It’s really a mistake to tell you this. Then, the last choice. Surrender, choose your failure. Or, give it a try and block my attack. Don’t If you want to waste your and my time in the same way, I can tell you that my magnetic induction has sensed the electromagnetic fields of all the remaining humans in this city. If you delay, I don’t mind using their lives. I will give you a wake-up call!”

“Stop, Erik! They are just innocent people and have nothing to do with these.” Zhou Yi, who has nothing to do, only hopes to persuade the Mutant leader to move. compassion, but obviously, it makes no sense. Magneto’s hard heart is far more powerful than his ability.

“There are no so-called innocents in this war. There are too many innocents who have sacrificed in my clansman, so it’s time for these humans to taste the pain. Of course, you also have others Choice. In other words, it all depends on you.”

Zhou Yi closed his mouth, his eyes began to look at everything in the city. In the already chaotic city, hundreds of thousands of human beings are fleeing frantically, and the sight of earthquakes and thunderstorms destroying the army has frightened these ordinary persons. On the other side, Rogue was lying in the cage, watching them nervously.

This is the choice he has to make, admit that own has failed, and let Magneto take Rogue away. Or, continue to maintain the stalemate just now, and allow Magneto to vent flame hair to innocent humans. These are not things Zhou Yi wants to see, of course, he also has other choices.

“Come on, Magneto Erik. Lanchel. Just as you said, let me see your methods.”

This is the last thing Zhou Yi made select. He was impossible to let Magneto take Rogue away, so that his promise would be worthless, and all his plans almost fell into the void. The war between humans and Mutant will become an urgent issue.

Of course, he is also impossible to sit by and watch Magneto massacre the civilians in Paris. Maybe people die every moment in the world, but as Superhero, no one should die in front of him because of this. His sense of mission allowed him to protect the lives of these innocents, so he would not allow Magneto to do such a thing anyway.

Then there is only one choice left. Blocked his two attacks under Magneto’s home court. This is a very dangerous thing, but under the current circumstances it is the only way to stop him.

Listening to Zhou Yi’s reply, a triumphant smile appeared on Magneto’s face. For him, this is the answer that satisfies him most. Zhou Yi’s demonstrated abilities made him feel terrified, especially when he was not yet a Mutant. In this situation, Magneto directly divided him into the enemy’s camp. For enemies, especially those powerful and threatening enemies, destroying them is the best way.

He was also worried at first, worried that such a guy would have a trade-off between his own life and someone else’s life, but he finally realized that such worrying was meaningless, he was the kind of person who should die The hero in the epic will actually let oneself risk a mortal danger in order to save others. This is doomed to his fate. The end of the hero is only tragedy.

“You made a great decision, but it was definitely a wrong decision.” Magneto Erik sighed with emotion. He hadn’t seen such a person for a long time.

“Then it’s not your turn to evaluate! Come on, Erik. Let me see what Magneto is capable of. If it’s these little lightnings, don’t be ashamed!” Zhou Yi sneered Stopping in the air, Lightning began to strike his body, but at the moment of contact, he was drawn to the force field and twisted. The dazzling lightning can only surround his body, but it never touches the real body inside.

Such a situation not at all surprised Magneto. In his eyes, this is a Superhero who can challenge him and should have a level.

“Don’t worry, youngster. You deserve a more grand funeral!” He said, pointing to the city under his feet. “This is the goal you want to guard. As a hero, what you have to do is very simple. Just keep it from my destruction. If you fail, I don’t need to do more. It will naturally become your grave. Maybe in many years, someone will offer you flowers here.”

“If it was your funeral, I would look forward to presenting flowers to you. Maybe the apricot blossoms are very good.” (Xingtong Flowers are said to be for male homosexuals. Seeing this flower can get rid of the worldly vision and get together. The actor of Magneto, you know!)

“I hope you can afford to open it later. A joke!” Magneto pulled down his face, he was tired of the taste of being teased. It is better to just build a grave for him to engage in unnecessary disputes over words. So he no longer paid attention to Zhou Yi, but raised his own hands to the sky.

Zhou Yi moved his gaze to the sky above own with his movements, and the ability given him by super vision allowed him to clearly see what was above oneself.

That is a giant man-made machine crossing endless space. A space crystal suspended in low earth orbit. It is also the largest spacecraft that mankind can currently manufacture-the International Space Station. A product of a super program jointly promoted by six major international space agencies, it is also a giant space platform developed by 16 countries.

This spacecraft, which officially started its construction plan after the end of the Cold War, has not been completed until recently, with a total internal space of 1,000 taels and 100 cubic meters, and a total weight of 40 to 19,000 kg. In terms of technical content alone, it has reached the limit of human technology. Many participating countries are proud of this project, but they never imagined that today, a Mutant would turn this huge thing into a lethal weapon.

Yes, a deadly weapon. In the hands of Magneto, the International Space Station has lost all its original functions, but it now has only one function. It just fell into Earth from space like a meteor, strikes the land under his feet.

This reminds Zhou Yi of a space-based kinetic energy weapon system called “God’s Staff” in the US military. This system is mainly composed of two satellite platforms in low orbit, one is responsible for communication and targeting, and the other is equipped with a metal kinetic energy shell called the “stick of God”. The shell is 0.3 meters in diameter, 6.1 meters in length, and weighs 100 kilograms. It is made of metal rods made of tungsten, titanium and uranium. These metal rods are equipped with small booster rockets that can be guided by satellites to any area on Earth within minutes. Target strikes. When the metal rod falls from the space 10001000 meters from the ground, its speed can reach 115871000 meters each hour, which is close to the speed of a meteor, so it gets a lot of kinetic energy, and the destructive power generated when hitting the ground is also beyond the general strategy arms.

Compared with Magneto’s methods, the US military’s weapon system is simply weak. In the hands of Magneto, Zhou Yi can clearly see that the International Space Station, which has been invested with countless funds and manpower, is disassembled into countless original metal particles in space, and then reassembled into a huge alloy warhead. Then, under the control of his magnetron, it shoots into the atmosphere with a very fast initial velocity in the form of electromagnetic pulse acceleration. Soon, the flame of high-speed friction has covered its whole body.

According to the U.S. Army’s estimation of the Rod of God, a kinetic energy warhead weighing 20 tons and not more than five cubic meters can break the ground rock with no difficulty, and cause a certain degree of geological effects such as earthquakes and tsunamis. There is a certain chance of causing small-scale board drift. And Magneto’s kinetic energy warhead will only be more powerful. With its own weight, coupled with the acceleration from the space environment into the atmosphere, it far exceeds the estimated standard of the U.S. Army’s Rod of God. Once it falls into the city, the huge destructive power caused is definitely Disaster level. , It is very likely that this famous romantic capital will be completely erased from the map.

This is not random thinking, but a real possibility. Magneto has such courage, the same weapon in his hand also has such formidable power.

“This is my first test, Dawn Knight. A space-based kinetic energy warhead developed by humans to replace nuclear weapons. Think about the formidable power that can change geology. I believe Even you will be amazed by the wisdom of humans. They always like to use their own talents on these killing tools. But thank them, they gave me the inspiration to create. Go, Dawn Knight, now is your chance to express The life of Paris is in your hands. If you win, they will survive. If you lose, then you will die here with them.”

Magneto has stopped what he has in his hands. Action, this time the alloy kinetic energy warhead no longer needs his control, just wait until it hits the ground, everything will settle. So he just looked at the Superhero in front of him with a little regret, and began to lament the end of his life. In his eyes, Zhou Yi is already a dead person. No one can escape under such an attack.

Zhou Yi didn’t have time to listen to this guy’s nagging, he had to hold on to every second to stop the metal warhead before it hits the ground. Otherwise, everything that happens will become an irreversible disaster.

So he flew directly into the sky, the black silhouette was like a sharp arrow that shattered the sky, pulling out the crimson line of fire and flew straight to the top of the sky.

On the ground, countless remaining citizens are watching him. Magneto’s voice spread through the magnetic field to every corner of the city. These surviving people looked up towards the sky, where you can clearly see two lines of fire extending from the end of Heaven and Earth, gradually narrowing the distance between each other.

Under such circumstances, most of them have begun to lose the confidence to live. A weapon comparable to a nuclear bomb, just one sentence is enough to destroy their psychological defense. The fragile man had knelt on the ground, crying. also some people have begun to pray without purpose.

However, there are always exceptions. These people stare at the dark shadows in the sky, as if they want to infuse the power of the whole body into the silhouette. In their eyes, this is hope, the hope of surviving.

Zhou Yi seemed to feel this kind of power. He press forward, facing the huge metal warhead.

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