Sun God Marvel

Chapter 928

The method of calculating the power of a black hole has never been viewed in the way that one plus one equals two.

It is true that the power of a black hole comes from its own volume, and its immense mass. The larger and heavier the black hole, the more powerful and dangerous it becomes. But this is only a single black hole algorithm. And if two black holes are connected together, then this algorithm is completely unreasonable. The reason for saying this is entirely because of the characteristics of black holes.

Black holes have cores. As a product of the star Oblivion, the birth of black holes has a huge relationship with the endlessly compressed moment of star destruction. When a certain star is on the verge of extinction, the core will rapidly shrink and collapse under the action of its own gravity, resulting in a powerful explosion. Under normal circumstances, when all the matter in the core becomes neutrons, the contraction process will stop immediately, and a celestial body like a neutron star is formed. But in the case of a black hole, because the mass of the constant Star Core is so large that the contraction process continues endlessly, the neutron itself is crushed into powder under the attraction of the squeezing gravity itself, and what is left is a density that is unimaginable. substance. This is the core of the black hole, a singularity. The gravitational force generated by its high quality is enough to cause any objects close to it to be sucked in by it.

Maintaining the existence of such a singularity requires countless energy supplies to be swallowed by it. Once the energy is insufficient, such a special existence will quickly disappear in this universe. In physics, this is the evaporation of energy, but from another perspective, it is not that something too powerful is not tolerant of the performance of the Universe Rule.

The singularity core of a black hole is super-normal. It can be said that the power of a black hole comes from this. Just count all the black holes in the universe, even if they are huge and invincible, they can only have one core remaining in the body. It has never been possible for a black hole to have two core singularities. This is something that has been destined for its birth principle. This is the same even for Zhou Yi, because even he can only create a singularity through those forces when he recreates oneself body in this world. It’s not that I don’t want to create more, but I can’t. Because it is not allowed by the rules. Furthermore, it is entirely possible to think of this as a deliberate bondage of the universe to black holes.

However, when Zhou Yi opened his mouth wide and swallowed the black hole in, everything was different.

This is the power that has been formed, and it is the black hole singularity that has been completely formed under the Universe Rule. There is no problem with its existence, no matter how strict the rules can restrict it. Therefore, after Zhou Yi swallowed it, the black hole immediately merged into Zhou Yi’s body in a special way.

Its own power was absorbed by Zhou Yi’s body. And its core core has become a part of Zhou Yi’s body. This means that Zhou Yi already has two black hole singularities on his body, and this is enough to cause him to change Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Invisibly, the entire universe shook, and this was manifested in Zhou Yi’s body, that is, his black flame formed by the endless gravitation of a black hole suddenly became incandescent. The black flame submerged the entire sun in an instant, and the huge gravitational force attached to the flame made the entire sun seem like a squeezed and deformed toy, being squashed little by little.

It is compressing the energy of the sun, and when the situation changes into such a scene, it is enough to show that Zhou Yi has taken an absolute advantage in the contest with this star. It’s like a giant whale swallowing food into its mouth, and swallowing it into its stomach is just a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed that’s all.

The situation has changed so quickly that Galactus is almost unable to make any countermeasures. He could only watch Zhou Yi stand up his own spine little by little, and then raised the smaller and smaller sun with one hand. This made him very jealous, especially when he saw the changes in Zhou Yi’s body, the jealousy became even deeper.

The changes in Zhou Yi’s body are far more than just a point where the flames rise. More importantly, his body became larger and darker. The hugeness is due to the rise of power and the presence of two black holes singularities, which made him swallow nearly half of the sun’s power in an instant, so naturally, his power will rise.

The dimness is because of a special change in him. This change is mainly reflected in his forehead. Originally, Zhou Yi’s incarnation of the giant god was completely dark, and the power that was completely manifested by the black hole allowed his body to absorb almost all the light. This is also the reason why he himself can show a gloomy figure in the dark deep space.

Now, he looks even more gloomy. Just standing there, there is a feeling of almost swallowing this piece of Star Domain. It was as if everything in this starry sky had changed into flowing water, and he was like a vortex with a bottomless pit in this flowing water, which would eventually swallow everything here completely.

This is not a sensory change, but a real change that is sure. Galactus can feel it very clearly. Time, space, matter, and spirit, almost all the powers, were attracted when they touched him. Crushed, crushed, swallowed, turned into your own. This made him stronger and more terrifying, and it made the existence of Galactus inevitably give rise to a shuddering feeling.

He felt that oneself was playing off, and he felt that oneself might have caused a big trouble. Because he knows very well what Zhou Yi just swallowed that black hole means. Originally, only this kind of ghost trick was able to reluctantly plot against the oneself who lives in him. It is fundamentally impossible to fight against him who has two black hole singularities, and then force a frontal conflict, only he himself will suffer. So he pulled away very wisely, and didn’t care about the so-called face of oneself.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Yi immediately showed anger on his face.

If it was before, then there is nothing at worst for Zhou Yi to let this guy go. After all, this is the foundation of the universe and the maintainer of the order of the universe. If you don’t intend to be an enemy of the entire universe, then there is no need to develop your relationship with him to a mortal enemy.

But now, Zhou Yi doesn’t care about whether he will be an enemy of the universe. Dragon has a reverse scale, and Galactus’s previous words and actions have violated his reverse scale. He not only used oneself’s most cherished person as a threat bargaining chip, but also used the ghost idea of ​​trampling on oneself’s dignity, thinking of turning oneself into an eagle at his feet.

This kind of behavior is enough for Zhou Yi to be called a monstrous hatred, so naturally, he will never talk to this guy about winning or losing with this guy. The problem. At this moment, he and Galactus can only have one result. That is you die, or I die.

Zhou Yi is very clear on this point, and Galactus can also guess almost, otherwise he will not run so cleanly. However, although he was very clever, for Zhou Yi, who had made his determination, he just ran to the ends of the earth and the end of the universe was useless.

Watching Galactus tore the space directly, there was no shadow in a blink of an eye. Zhou Yi’s face suddenly fell cold, and he was immediately ready to chase after him. However, the sun in his hand dragged it back at this time.

Although it is said that due to the reason that the sun is endlessly compressed by the black hole force, it is not even one-tenth of its previous body size. But the more compressed, the heavier its power. In particular, the core part of it has a reaction that is almost equivalent to qualitative change in the case of Infinity collapse and compression.

Although the volume is small, the mass and gravity are great. The endlessly compressed core, even space and time are forced to be affected. So Zhou Yi couldn’t start chasing down immediately. It can be said that if the development continues in this situation, even if the sun does not produce the final qualitative change reaction and transforms into a small black hole, it can also become a neutron star with infinite gravity. No matter which one is, it can be of great benefit to Zhou Yi.

Needless to say the former, if it becomes a black hole, then Zhou Yi can use this power to enable oneself to have the third black hole singularity, and that naturally can make his power again A good thing to double. Even the latter can make his power stronger by three points. After all, it is a black hole, and it would not be a big problem to digest a neutron star to grow oneself.

For Zhou Yi, the best result is of course the former. But that will take a little bit of time. After all, this is a transformation of matter, which is very different from the previous black hole produced by quantum hedge. Now, what Zhou Yi lacks is time.

He doesn’t have the time to search for an enemy who can hide. The most correct decision is to pursue him while he can still keep up. But if you just throw away the decayed star in front of oneself, then it would be a bit too wasteful.

So Zhou Yi thought for a while, and directly compressed this big star again, and then it was like eating a bun, throwing it into his mouth and swallowing it in his belly. . His within the body is also filled with the power of a black hole, and it has two starting cores, which can put a little more pressure on the star than on the outside, thus speeding up its transformation.

Although this will share some of his strength, Zhou Yi, who has already undergone extraordinary changes, does not drag it down and put it in the heart. He just proceeded according to his own idea, and after finishing all this, he immediately tore the space in front of him and chased Galactus, who had already escaped.

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