Sun God Marvel

Chapter 930

“Of course. I have something to talk to you. If you promise me, I can make a promise to you!”

With such a completely different Zhou Yi, Ganata took a deep breath, calmed down his own mood, and then said to him with a serious face. And listening to her saying this, Zhou Yi was stunned, and then nodded. In a blink of an eye, she took Ganata and completely disappeared in this room.

Their disappearance naturally allowed those who were trapped here to regain their freedom. But this result is not at all satisfactory to those influential figures, because they lose the only possibility to detect the content of their conversation. At this critical time, they are really worried about what unexpected changes will happen if oneself is the only one to rely on.

But for Zhou Yi, this existence far above them, they have absolutely nothing to say. Therefore, they can only wait in silence with an anxious mood, waiting for the moment when there will be any trouble in return.

I have to say that they are lucky. Because soon they passed a omnic monitoring and got a special message, that is, Zhou Yi and the dangerous woman named Ganata seem to have reached an agreement, and then left here together. To be more precise, they should have left Earth. By reacting to space shocks, these scientists were able to reach such a conclusion. For this conclusion, the faces of the people present are not very good-looking.

Where did they go? No one can know this. What agreement did they reach? No one can figure this out. Everyone has own guesses, and these guesses are good or bad, making everyone look like people were alarmed. Even with some special characters, they got this first-hand news because of their actions.

This is the advantage of inserting spies, you can get information immediately at any time. And this information is really a good thing for some people who have been lurking for a long time. So at the moment, these guys who have been lurking in the dark for a long time, immediately took advantage of the absence of the biggest threat in this world, and took action quietly.

And when they started to take action, United Kingdom London and Tokyo, Japan, these two are not in the same time zone at all, nor are they in the same climate. The thousand-year-old big cities suddenly welcome There was a change that had never been seen before, and that was a sudden thick fog that completely filled the entire city in just a few hours and spread across the entire country.

These two countries are both island countries, and the land area is not too large. So naturally, the dense fog diffuses very quickly. It can be said that it has completely enveloped these two countries almost before everyone felt the accident.

As the fog gets heavier and heavier, it has even reached the point where you can’t see your fingers and you can’t see people at your fingertips, seriously interfering with normal people’s lives. Some talents suddenly found something abnormal.

The generation of fog is based on a certain scientific basis. Humidity, temperature and air flow, these all are the basic factors that limit the formation of fog, and these factors are also within the scope of scientific monitoring. A thick fog that can sweep a country, no matter what, there is no reason to avoid monitoring by the national weather department. But when some interested people investigated the latest weather report, they did not find any reason for the formation of fog. And this made them immediately realize that there must be ulterior reasons for the formation of this thick fog.

What the hell happened? The wise man began to panic. However, ignorant people continue their own life as usual. Compared with them, the proportion of smart people is too small, too small, to the point that it is fundamentally impossible to affect them.

It’s just a thick fog, nothing at worst. Maybe after a day, the fog will disappear. Many people have this idea, and among them, the people of London, who are known as the capital of fog, are the most. They are also used to the fog. Although this thick fog is too strange, it is not at all to the point where it makes them feel something is wrong.

Everything is going on quietly, and this also makes these two island countries completely isolated from the world by dense fog in less than a day. When everything was developing as oneself expected, a thin silhouette who had been sitting in a chair finally couldn’t help but stand up, and murmured a little excitedly at what was in front of oneself.

“If you don’t have wings for three years, you will have long wings; if you don’t fly or cry, you will observe the people. Although there is no flying, flying will soar into the sky; if there is no sound, the sound will be amazing. Allusions of King Chuzhuang It’s still right after all. As long as you wait, you can wait for the opportunity after all. Now that the opportunity has come, it’s time to give it a go!”

His words made the face of the woman standing next to him. The upper expression changed a little, but she soon calmed down and asked him in a low voice.

“Do you need me to inform them now? My dear.”

“Of course, you have to inform everyone.” Hearing Alexia’s question, the expression said The agitated Smith Zhou smiled slightly, suppressed the expression on his face, and replied to her seriously. “These people have been depressed for too long. It’s time for them to jump out and move around. If we don’t do this, wouldn’t it be a waste of our painstaking efforts to weave a fishing net?”

Hearing this, Ah Lexia should be nodded. They worked so hard to arrange for so long, in addition to the most important purpose, is not the purpose of these harbor ulterior motives collaborators and those who plot badly to completely catch everything in one net. Now that the opportunity is in front of them, they naturally have no reason to miss it.

So soon, Alexia notified the people who had been blacklisted one after another as Smith Zhou ordered. And watching everything develop in an orderly manner according to oneself’s plan, Smith Zhou’s palm quietly fell onto a plaything next to him.

It is an ancient mirror. The brass dots on the whole body are decorated with gilt gold, and there are round buttons on the back. There is a Four Symbols Array column on the outside of the buttons, surrounded by gossip and branches of heaven and earth. Attached to the ancient text, the Dodge light diffracted in the text, and it radiated quietly along the palm of Smith Zhou. Looking at the magical natural phenomenon displayed by such a treasure, Smith Zhou just smiled silently and turned the ancient mirror over.

The ancient mirror looks like brass, but it is as transparent as colored glaze. As soon as the mirror surface reflected on Smith Zhou’s face, it immediately rippled like a water wave, and as the mirror surface recovered, the thin and elegant face above suddenly changed its appearance.

It was the image of an elegant elder with a crown on his head, a red face and a few long beards on his face. It is eight or nine points different from the current Smith Zhou description, but in terms of the temperament of his eyes, it looks like a mold. In addition, he and Smith Zhou Mirror have always maintained a completely synchronized appearance inside and outside, which makes them look extremely strange and harmonious.

This is an unusual phenomenon, but Smith Zhou seems to be used to it. He just stared at the face of the person in the mirror, and sighed quietly after a long time.

“Chi Songzi, Chi Songzi. After today, I am afraid we will never have a chance to meet again.”

This long sigh is obviously full of bitterness, and it also contains countless incomprehensibles. The special meaning of the complaint. It can be seen that this name has an extraordinary meaning for Smith Zhou. It must also involve many past events that have been submerged in history. But this is not important, or it has been completely put down by him.

Because soon, he overturned the mirror, so that the mirror returned to an old and sad appearance in the hands of the owner. As if nothing happened before. At this time, Alexia had already returned to him and reported to him.

“Wilson took someone to London. Timur took the power of oneself to Japan. Victor sent a message saying that the guy behind him could not sit still and was rushing towards Japan. It’s over. Everything is ready, can I start to act?”

“Wait a second, before everything starts, I want to have a good chat with some people. In addition, before that, also some preparations are to be done.”

Speaking of this, Smith Zhou just moved towards the ground in front of oneself out of thin air. Suddenly, one haunted countless runes and Blink was in the dark radiance. The magic array appeared in front of him. And he glanced at the mirror in his hand one last time, and then threw the entire ancient mirror directly in without hesitation.

As if sinking into the water, the ancient mirror disappeared directly in this magic array. And as it disappeared here, London, far away from ten thousand li, in a gloomy underground space, 108 people dressed in heavy cloaks, covering oneself, immediately raised their heads and looked. towards right above the big circle they surround.

There is an existence exactly like the magic array created by Smith Zhou, and as Blink makes its debut on this magic array, a copper mirror has quietly fallen from it. Then it floated lightly, floating slowly like a feather, and finally stayed in the middle of the 108 people.

Looking at all this, the eighty-eight people who didn’t say a word from the beginning to the end immediately took off their own hats, revealing all the same, once called For Merlin’s face. At this moment, they all stared intently at the mirror in front of oneself, and then made such a sound neatly.

“Tone barely fell!”

tone barely fell, the raging flames suddenly burned from their bodies, and they burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

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