Sun God Marvel

Chapter 961

Qingqi is an arrogant guy, so although it understands the meaning of Torch Dragon, it is to be careful of the guy who Murphy entrusted to him. But it does not think that the heavenly demon of the Foreign Domain has this ability to do something to oneself. And at this time, he didn’t care more about this problem.

Seeing Torch Dragon take off, it means flying back into the clouds again. Qiongqi immediately pulled his throat and stopped him.

“Wait, Torch Dragon God. Since you were also victimized by the old man Chi Songzi, why not go find that guy with us and take revenge on this arrow?”

“Revenge, the old man does not have this leisure.” After relaxing his own body, Torch Dragon squinted his eyes again. “The old man is not as competitive as you. For the old man, this is just a dream. There is nothing to hate. On the contrary, you Little Brat, be careful to be deceived by this hatred and become consigned. to eternal damnation.”

“Okay, I just found a delicious Little Brat for a tooth sacrifice. Just so, the old man smelled a guy with the same smell. Not much, So do it for yourself, old man!”

As soon as I took a turn, the huge body of Torch Dragon gradually disappeared into the clouds. Looking at the direction in which he disappeared, he endured and endured, after all, he sipped hard without holding back.

“The old undying guy will dress up as God, playing the devil. If you don’t take seriously, I’m afraid it’s simply terrified, and I don’t even have the courage to meet Chi Songzi!”

He scolded fiercely, and then turned his head and saw Mephisto walking up with a smirk. After his anger was still unreliable, he immediately choked at Mephisto stand up.

“Heavenly demon, where have you been just now. Why not stand up with me?”

“Qingqishen is a little joke!” Mephisto’s face was a bit bright Canran, apparently there are some lingering fears in the heart of Torch Dragon who just appeared. As a result, after he finished saying this perfunctorily, he immediately raised his head and looked towards the direction in the sky Torch Dragon just said. Some cautiously said to Qiongqi. “I don’t know what the identity of that person just now? Why does it seem a bit unusual.”

The fierce gods present have an unusual status in Ancient Era, so for the existence of Torch Dragon, They all know a little bit. But Mephisto can’t do it, he is just an Outsider, if it is those ordinary characters, he can still get to know the previous one or two by virtue of his friendship with Dijiang. But with a special existence like Torch Dragon, he has no way to know anything from it.

“You don’t need to know that many. Existence like Torch Dragon True God will not put you in your eyes. Hey, Torch Dragon True God swallows up the fire, don’t know Which bad luck guy was he was thinking about?”

I impatiently dismissed Mephisto in a few words, and Qiongqi immediately yelled at Wuzhiqi who ran back.

“No support, I don’t bother to chat with you. Just now, you should understand what the god Torch Dragon said. Let’s talk about it! What do you think in your heart. Since you have taken the lead , I think you should have some plans.”

Wuqi’s huge body fell in front of Qiongqi in a vertical stroke, and suddenly there was a lot of smoke and dust. However, Qiongqi only slightly flared his own wings, which caused the smoke to be blown away. What embarrassment did Qiongqi see when he acted not at all. Wuzhiqi grinned and revealed his sharp fangs. He didn’t mean to care more, but reached out his hand and pointed at the female ghost, and then said to Qiongqi.

“I can’t come up with so many ideas. But the emperor Yan is here. It is her idea to let me contact you and wait. If you want to come to your question, she should already have a draft, you can Just ask her!”

When Wu Zhiqi said this, Qiongqi immediately turned his attention to the female Yan who had been standing by the side. It first walked Own’s line of sight on the woman’s body a few times, and then condensed slightly on the head of Jimeng at her feet. Finally, he calmly said to her.

“Emperor Yan, you said you have a way to deal with Chi Songzi’s old miscellaneous hair?”

“Yes!” Closed oneself’s wide sleeves, female Yun Staring coldly at the fierce god in front of him, replied at a moderate pace. “Look at the clouds and mists around here, I can feel the aura of Chi Songzi’s spells from inside. I think all of this should have a lot to do with him. And from the things we were released. What happened to him? An accident, so that even his housekeeping magic weapon was broken, allowing us to escape. This is an opportunity, he should be on this land. Although I don’t know where this guy is hiding, he changed What’s it like? But there are so many people in this country. Kill him clean, can it still make him run away!”

“That’s all?” Wuzhiqi immediately started to speak secretly. He knows how many people there are in this country. A full 60 Million people, just a lot more! And such a quantity in their era is something that I can’t even think of. Now the female ghost is going to destroy all these 60 Million people with a flat sentence. With such courage and determination, Wu Zhiqi, the famous Great Demon King, couldn’t help but mumble in his heart, which of them is the real Demon.

However, Wu Zhiqi’s abdomen has nothing to do with Qiongqi, and it is not so simple for him to let Nv Yan bluff like this. Even if the female Yun burst out such a big number, he was just a little surprised, and then continued to stare at her, and said to her seriously.

“Let’s tell you the truth. The emperor Yan, I don’t believe you very much. Your identity lies there. You are the emperor’s daughter, and Chi Songzi is the emperor’s emperor. In any case, he is your Ancestor Master. Such an identity inherently makes you more inclined to Chi Songzi’s side. Therefore, it is hard not to make me doubt what you are saying. It’s not a trap. After all, what Chi Songzi is best at is this thing.”

“What the hell do you mean?”

Looking at Qiongqi’s eyes expressionlessly, female The icy words in Yan’s words are like a polar cold wind. The first reaction to this expression is that she seems to be angry because of those words before, as if she had been wronged. But Qiongqi obviously does not at all believe in the obvious things in front of oneself.

As a fierce god who symbolizes evil, he can feel any Evil Thought in the temperament. Like just now, when the female ghost spoke out the words that killed everyone, he did not feel any Evil Thought in her heart. This in itself is a very extraordinary thing.

Unless it is said that the temperament of female ghosts has reached the point where killing is not regarded as evil. Otherwise, there is only one statement that can explain it, and that is that she lied about this matter.

Compared with the former, Qiongqi obviously believes in the latter. In any case, the female 魃 is also the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, and is an existence revered as the emperor 魃. Half of human blood is flowing in her body. Such a characteristic makes her stand on a human position almost naturally. In such a position, she obviously has no reason to betray human beings and regard the lives and deaths of countless human beings as nothing.

However, this is his guess after all. For the sake of a guess, I offend such powerful existence as the female ghost. Even with the identity of Qiongqi, it is not easy to do it. So he can only pick and understand everything.

“It’s very simple. We need a reason! You need a reason for you to ignore your compatriots and let them be killed by us. The emperor, let alone my suspicious spirit. I feel from you. There is not any Evil Thought. You are not a soldier who symbolizes killing and warfare. It is impossible to think of killing as a cloud. So, those words of you make me very strange! If you don’t explain it clearly. Then…”

Don’t need him to speak too clearly, the fierce gods around, including Wuzhiqi, surrounded them. Qongqi’s meaning is already very obvious, he has already given the right of defense to the female owner. If she can defend herself clearly, then naturally everything is easy to say. And if she can’t tell why, then everyone present will ask her to give an explanation.

The fierce gods are not the guys who are played as fools and can laugh by Hehe. Such a result must be ended in the most terrifying way.

Nv Yan understands what Qiongqi means. At this moment, Feiguang’s heart was also turning in her heart. Seeing that those fierce gods were already pressing harder, she immediately made up her mind.

“Since you want a reason, then I will give you a reason.”

Even though there is some anxiety in my heart, on the surface, whether it is the look or the face, The female ghost still looks like that cold stranger does not enter. This made people unable to see her mood at all, and it also made her speak a little bit more meaningless.

“The life and death of these people has nothing to do with me. When my Royal Father listened to the slander and exiled me, I severed all contact with Human Race. Not even Human Race at that time How I care, how could I care about the life and death of the barbarians in these alienated lands. Moreover, if you can use their death to give the bastard Chi Songzi a break, then to me, this is really something. What you can’t ask for.”

Speaking of this, the female Yan’s face finally became somewhat unnatural. This is not because she is not confident about what oneself said, but because she really hates Chi Songzi. Although she didn’t at all tell anyone about those things back then, it didn’t mean she had forgotten them. And it is precisely because of the nostalgia for these that, to this day, she will still boil with hatred when she talks about that person.

And this, of course, is within the strange feeling. He could feel the ill will and hatred of Chi Songzi. And this feeling immediately made him relax his guard against the female ghost.

“Okay, the emperor Yan. Just do as you say. If you can really catch the old stray hair of Chi Songzi and share it with you. I’ll be the master and share your share!”

“Okay! it’s a deal!”

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