Sun God Marvel

Chapter 967

A thin silhouette suddenly appeared behind the flying monster, and then the silver blade light flashed, immediately it was a huge head like a water tank, directly He separated from the shadow who wanted to attack the ship.

There is no doubt that this is a reinforcement that Little Spider had expected at all. But his appearance undoubtedly solved the urgent need of Little Spider. And it seemed that he was also anxious by the two monsters, and he immediately shouted to the reinforcements who helped oneself to fix the sneak attacker.

“Hey, Buddy, I need help, can you give me a hand?”

“Help you, this sounds like there is nothing wrong with it “A somewhat frivolous voice appeared in the fog, and then next moment, the source of the sound suddenly appeared on the back of the fire-breathing unipod, and continued to talk with the little spider. “But Buddy, how much do you plan to pay? I have to declare in advance that, in view of the recent international financial situation, I do not accept USD, nor do I intend to accept British pounds. Of course, the yen is even hell. The best is Renminbi, and the more the better!”

“You want money? Are you crazy? In this situation, you and I want money?”

A nine-headed leech A head that had been bitten was kicked away, and the little spider directly attached to its back and struck the monster with a fist burning with blue flames. His fists are very heavy, obviously not too hard. But this force does not prevent him from expressing his own opinions. And his opinion is directly full of indignation and dissatisfaction.

Hearing the reply from Little Spider, the sudden reinforcement was stunned, and then said to himself.

“No money? No money. You have no money. But there is no money. But there is no money. How about your bank credit, how much money can you borrow? Let me think about it, maybe we can sign An agreement on installment payments may also be possible. Of course, I need to declare in advance that the interest is certain and will never be low. What do you think of 20%?”

“Damn it , How can you be a guy who wants money!”

The little spider increased the power under his hand, and directly hammered one of the heads of the leech. Then he looked towards the monster who was violently violent and looked towards the guy who was still waiting for oneself to reply. But at this look, he immediately felt a little pain.

In terms of appearance, this guy is actually a guy similar to oneself. The same is red tight clothes, and the same is a hood with two holes. Although there are many differences in details, and this guy’s body is also full of weapons, at first glance, they really look like two gays in a combination.

This situation is really unacceptable for Little Spider, so he immediately asked this guy.

“Hey, you want money, who is you?”

“You asked me who I am? Wait!” Hearing this, the voice in the fog suddenly changed It became weird. “Let me think about what you mean by asking this. Are you asking what my career is? Or what is my name? I always feel that you who look like an alcohol lamp have harboring malicious intentions. Why? , Do you want to get fucked with me?”

“Damn it, I’m not interested in doing such disgusting things with you, you fucking guy!”

Being blocked by this gibberish guy, the little spider immediately felt a feeling of chest tightness and shortness of breath. This made him immediately increase the strength in his hand, and the monster under his feet screamed. And after distinguishing the little spider from the wailing screams of this monster. The talking guy immediately became puzzled.

“What? You didn’t plan to do this. Shit, what are you thinking? My ass is so up, you are not interested. Do you have that ability?”

Peng sound, this guy appeared directly behind the little spider. And when he saw the current situation of the little spider at such a close distance, he immediately touched his chin and said to the little spider sympathetically.

“Oh, Buddy. We’re sorry, I didn’t expect you to be like this. Uh, although I’m very curious about how you support this tight clothes, but with my years of experience Look, you, especially the position between your legs, shouldn’t have that piece of meat. Hey! You should know what I’m talking about, the sponge, the thing that can harden and soften, big Banana, you always understand what I mean.”

The little spider was stunned by his words. Although it appeared to be a skull that couldn’t even close his mouth, the guy with the cheap mouth was still Feeling that oneself understood his thoughts, and then patted his shoulder sympathetically.

“Sorry, Buddy, it seems that I mentioned your sadness. I thought you had this kind of experience when you were alive, but now it seems that I think too much. There is nothing at worst. You know, there is not much difference between one more part and one less part. This is actually good for you. At least you won’t feel that one day when you see it won’t harden Sad. Because you simply don’t need this stuff. Oh, can I ask one more question? What style did you buy when you bought the inflatable doll. Skull type A or skull type B?”

” Damn it, can I sew your mouth together?”

The little spider turned his head, and even the heads of the monster he was holding on his hands were forcibly pulled over. . This made the eighteen eyes fixed on the coquettish guy behind him, and he had to stop the oneself action, and seriously responded to the little spider.

“Trust me, you are not the first guy who wants to do this. However, the great Lord Wade never speaks by his mouth. We are connected with each other, you and me, yes, we are hearts Same. Can you hear me? Hey!”

He has a serious look that makes Little Spider want to beat him now, but he resists this impulse because his mind is always very quick But the little spider suddenly found another thing that needed his attention from his words.

“Wait, you said your name is Wade? Wade Wilson?”

“Look, I mean we can communicate with each other. I haven’t told you yet, you just I know my name. Oh, little Wade is really happy and very touched. I decided, let’s burn yellow paper and worship the handle as a brother. Then I can give you a 5% off and so on!”

“You can only get 5% off by burning yellow paper to worship the handle. How cheap is your brother?”

At this time, the little spider couldn’t help tsukkomi. Of course, his subordinates brutally attacked the other heads of Leech without mercy. In fact, with his efforts, this nine-headed and nine-tailed monster has less air in and out more.

“Why don’t you get a 930% discount? Buddy, you have to know that this is a big amount. It’s a great deal to give you such a discount. Look at my knife. The sheath will cost a handicraft fee. Hey, you, you, the congenital malformed bird, where are you going to run?”

Seeing that the life of the leech is hard to save, the other The big bird assisting by the side immediately prepared to run away with its wings. But although Wade has no beginnings and ends, he is not at all sloppy when it comes to making money.

Peng sound, his figure immediately disappeared behind the little spider. At the next moment, he was already reappears behind the big bird, and at the same time two steel knives were directly pierced into its neck.

Adamantium’s steel knife was flushed red by the flames in the big bird’s throat, and even the palm of Wade’s hand was burnt. But this is nothing to this mercenary, he has long been accustomed to this level of pain. And looking at this big bird having rolled his eyes, his heart almost stopped beating. Wade drew back the steel knife and flashed back to the little spider again.

“After finishing work. Dear, the total is 500,000 Renminbi. Are you going to pay in cash or bank transfer? Of course, just like we said before, installment payments are also acceptable. There is no problem with the interest rate of 930% off.”

“Have I said that I have to pay?” Seeing the crisis was resolved, Little Spider’s mentality relaxed. And as soon as he relaxed, he immediately took out oneself’s previous spirit of mouth-cannoning, and banged against Wade.

“Not paying? Are you planning to pay for luxury goods? No problem, Little Wade accepts all luxury goods transactions. Are you paying for famous brand watches, or are you dealing with diamonds and gold? Little Wade is professional The evaluation level of luxury goods. As long as you take out things, Little Wade has enough channels to digest it!”

Wade slapped his chest with a big deal. In this regard, the little spider just buckled oneself’s nose which is impossible to have a booger, and then said with disdain.

“Cut? Didn’t you understand me? I said, I didn’t plan to pay, and I didn’t have any money. Have we signed the contract? Have we concluded any verbal transactions? No, right? ! I have no nodded, you have solved the two guys on your own. Just like that, you still ask me for money, it would be nice if I didn’t ask for money from you! Do you know how much that thing is worth? Find a cage and lock it up. I can make money from selling tickets for the rest of my life. You guy, I’m still going to ask you for mental damage!”

“What? You are not mistaken.” One Hearing that he was about to be asked for money, Wade was a little blown up immediately. “You’re cracking a joke with me, you’re still serious. Damn, I’m going to sue you, where’s the lawyer? Where’s my lawyer’s phone number?”

I don’t know where to find a cellphone Wade Said in a panic, and looking at his appearance, the little spider immediately laughed sly.

“Lawyer? Wade Wilson. I want to remind you that you are now an internationally wanted criminal, a guy on the wanted list of the Skyhammer Bureau. If you want to be a lawyer, you have to see if there is any law firm. Dare to take your order!”

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