Sun God Marvel

Chapter 972

There is a misunderstanding in the mind of Little Spider. Nor can it be said to be a misunderstanding. If he is strictly speaking, his thinking should be said to have committed a very simple mistake.

That is that he thinks that oneself only needs to do good enough to get the trust or gratitude of others. As long as oneself is able to help others, then no matter what, others should respond to oneself in a friendly manner.

This idea cannot be said to be wrong, but it cannot be said to be right. And the reason for saying this is entirely because of the little spider’s own changes.

When he was at first, his idea was indeed not a big problem. Because at first, he was just an ordinary little spider. Has super ability, but it is not outrageous to the point of daunting. What he could do at that time was very simple, it could be summed up in eight words, it was nothing more than punishing evil and promoting good, shoveling the strong and supporting the weak!

What he did is very simple, and he will not even hurt lives. So naturally, most people can accept him. And will give him the response he wants as he envisioned.

However, it is different now. The little spider now has power, a power that makes people fearful. Although he was still essentially doing what oneself had done before, he even said that his own state of mind has not changed. But for those saved by him, the nature of the matter has changed.

Because the little spiders at this time are already a threat to them.

The ability to judge the sins on the souls of others has crossed the bottom line acceptable to many people. Because, no one dared to say aloud that there was no sin in the owner. Moreover, no one can accept the fact that, as shown by the little spider, just because he glanced at each other in the line of sight, he would be judged by the soul.

So, the little spider as it should be by rights will be regarded as a threat. And in the face of such a threat that may take your life and burn your soul at any time, even if you know what kind of existence this person is, you will not be willing to take your own life as a bet, just go casually. Approach him.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. At this point, humans will not change. Although this can cause some harm to the little spiders, who cares about this compared to the own benefits?

Little Spider is not a fool. In fact, he is still a very smart character. So he soon wanted to understand why these people have changed like this. But what he didn’t understand was that even the ordinary person would be forgotten. Why would teammates who used to fight with oneself be like this? At this time he really wanted to ask questions. But after another thought, he dismissed the idea again.

He understands why these teammates will behave like this. If the guilt of the ordinary person is only a small flaw, then his teammates can be described as guilty. Don’t look at those glamorous appearances and those splendorous and majestic slogans.

What is for the country and for humanity. What Superhero saves the world or something. This is just a fig leaf on the surface. If you really want to say it seriously, whether it is Superhero or the agents, their bodies are covered with blood.

They all killed people, and more than one or two. Even if it is a pure and good line like Little Spider, it is inevitable that there will be some accidental mistakes. Under such a premise, it is understandable that they will avoid the little spider’s sight and even distance him.

I want to understand this, little spider can’t help but smile. He originally thought that this would be the treatment that an existence like Zhou Yi could enjoy, because of the overpowering power, it caused a guarded alienation. I just didn’t expect that such a thing would happen to oneself one day. This really made him wonder how to face it. Is it fortunate, or should be lost. But if you think about it seriously, it should be the latter.

His thoughts have changed a lot, but at this time, Wade’s voice suddenly came to him.

“Hey, Buddy. You don’t need to be sad. You know, not everyone can accept being like us. Most people in this world are just idiots, and for idiots, You only need to give him a middle finger. By the way, I am definitely the best support by your side. Although you have no meat on your body, it feels hard to the touch. But this will definitely not affect our relationship. Believe me, Buddy, a good friend for a lifetime!”

Wade’s words moved the little spider deeply, but when he turned around, it was difficult to say anything touching. Come, and even said that at this time, he can only respond to Wade but tsukkomi.

“Can you tell me where you can find such big sunglasses? Also, didn’t you say you want me to believe you? Why don’t you look at me, you are going to turn your head back Do you?”

“Don’t pay attention to these details, my dear friend. You must know that I am the only one who dares to look at you attentively. Also, I have cataracts and can’t see clearly. So this That’s enough, isn’t it? As for sunglasses or something, you can put them aside without mentioning them. If you don’t believe me, look at my sincere eyes.”

Wade said, just put the sunglasses Throw it aside. And he really moved his head, and looked at the little spider. However, looking at the cataract on Wade’s headgear that represents the eye. Why didn’t he believe that this guy was looking at oneself.

Sure enough, you lose if you are serious with this guy! Realizing this, the little spider immediately moved away from the owner’s line of sight, and at the same time converged the image of oneself, the Ghost Rider, and became his original appearance again.

“I brought hundreds of survivors here. Can you arrange to receive them on the boat?”

He said to Natasha like this. Originally, this should be said to General Ross, after all, he is the principal here. But now, this guy doesn’t seem to be here. So little spider can only tell Natasha this. Because whether it is from the identity or the distance of the relationship, Natasha is the only guy he can recognize at this time.

Natasha’s eyebrows were slightly frowned upon hearing the little spider’s question. She first looked at the environment around oneself.

Any place on the deck is almost full of people. Even the dangerous situation just now can’t make any difference to this situation. And it’s not just here, even in the cabin, it looks exactly similar. It can be said that the manning capacity of this ship is almost at its limit, and if it wants to receive more people, then it is obviously necessary to take some risks. And with so many children here, is it really worth the risk?

Natasha, who has always thought a lot, couldn’t help but think about it. But she quickly stopped the needless worry and nodded to the little spider.

“Be fast and find some adults to help you. We must get out of here as soon as possible. Otherwise, no one can say whether we can survive the next round of these monsters.”


This little spider also agrees. The reason why he was able to solve the threats so smoothly just now is because the undead themselves are restrained by him, and the monsters acting with these undead cannot be considered powerful. Coupled with his surprise, this effect can be achieved.

If you do it again, or change something stronger, like the monster that put him and Hulk into a hard fight before, he might not be able to have the current prestige. So, Natasha asked him to be very supportive, and he quickly started to act.

The little spiders who work seriously seem to be not at all threatening. However, this does not dispel some people’s guard against him. Just like now, Hawkeye walked quietly to Natasha’s side and whispered to her.

“Will it be too dangerous to do so. Ross is not here, we don’t have the ability to help you take this responsibility. If Peter loses control, then…”

“Don’t think too much! We are already taking risks now.”

When Hawkeye interrupted, Natasha focused her attention on the children. In her view, the safety of these children is the most important. To protect these children, the strength of people like them is obviously not enough. They need the power of the little spider, and because of this, she must agree to the little spider’s request.

Faced with Natasha’s insistence, Hawkeye didn’t say anything more. His identity is actually quite special, because he has skipped anti-reverse, he really has no way to speak with others confidently.

So, everything is determined under this default situation led by Natasha. And just as they did this, far from the other side of the country, Mephisto suddenly had a feeling in his heart.

As a collaborator of a group of evil gods, Mephisto naturally also has to contribute to the destruction of this country.

Although he is fully capable of that, he can kill all the humans in this country by oneself alone. But he would not do this. Because this is a very risky behavior.

If he put the own hell projection to this country, then who can guarantee that the fierce gods who cooperated with him will not suddenly turn their faces and suddenly occupy his foundation? Just like those fierce gods would not completely believe him, he would not believe these evildoers.

So, using undead to clean up the humans in this world is the biggest action he has made. And now, a large group of undead suddenly disappeared, completely. This made him suddenly feel curiosity, and when he carefully experienced the power that the undead finally fed back, he suddenly couldn’t sit still.

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