Sun God Marvel

Chapter 982

on top of United Kingdom. Just like when Norman landed at the end of World War II, it was almost at no cost.

However, their efforts not at all get the results they want. The country shrouded in mist is like a gluttonous giant beast hidden out of sight. Endless greed swallowed all the army.

Whether it’s an airplane or a warship, a navy or an air force, any army that enters into the fog is like a rock in the quicksand, and it’s gone in the blink of an eye. Any movement.

The connection between mankind and United Kingdom has been completely severed. This weird phenomenon makes any country’s leaders feel a kind of sincere fear. If everything that happened in Japan only hit them completely unprepared, then what is happening in the United Kingdom now is to prove to them in the most thorough way that they are simply unable to prevent the fall of United Kingdom.

But they are impossible to abandon United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is different from Japan. Although this era is no longer the glory of the empire, the Commonwealth is still alive, and there are countries that pledge allegiance to the Queen of England. In this case, abandoning the United Kingdom is equivalent to abandoning the Commonwealth, and the impact this will have on the international scene will definitely be a tsunami-like negative turbulence.

So they can only send their own army to that place one after another, hoping to use human power to open a way of life that can allow United Kingdom to continue.

All the high-levels of mankind have focused their attention on this country. They don’t have the leisure to pay attention to other places. And at this time, a guy who was once a lot of attention for them has already begun to move quietly.

Steve Rogers is now doing the final preparations for the own action. This is something in the Baron plan, and it can be said to be the most important plan besides the plan he is presiding over the United Kingdom.

Because of its importance, he can only entrust this plan to the people he trusts most. And the person he trusted the most, apart from Steve Rogers, there was no second choice.

For Baron just entrusted this important plan to oneself, what Captain America once could do was only making an all-out effort to complete his plan.

As for why he does this, why he maintains such a degree of loyalty to Baron, and even allows a suspicious guy like Baron to trust him so much. Among them, there are many things that are not good for outsiders.

First of all, what many people think of Steve Rogers is that he is a traitor, a lurker of Hydra who has been hiding for decades with the power of an emperor, and even acting from the very beginning. This is undoubtedly wrong.

Hydra hasn’t had that great ability yet. When Steve Rogers was still a weak tuberculosis, he discovered his potential and developed him into an own member. If this were the case, during World War II, history would not be as written in textbooks today. Hydra will not be almost destroyed by the alliance of mankind.

So, the real situation is that Steve Rogers only changed later, after he became Captain America, that change happened. For some people, the reason for this change seems to have a definite answer.

Guys like Mephisto, because it was the reason why Steve Rogers was awakened instead of Baron. So he was very convinced that this should be the effect of some kind of magic with the power to confuse the mind. He firmly believes that it was Baron who did something to Steve and changed his mind, which made him switch to Hydra’s camp. But he didn’t understand a problem, and that was that some powers wouldn’t work for someone like Steve.

Steve Rogers can become the Captain America that symbolizes the spirit of the entire United States, not because of his strength, but because of his will and spirit. In terms of strength, he is not actually a special existence. Many Mutants have abilities far beyond him.

But, in terms of will, Steve is beyond the ordinary. His will is as hard as steel, and as hot as a flame. Any magic that changes the mind can actually have no obvious effect on him. Even with the special existence of Professor Charles, it is difficult to manipulate him without completely destroying his spiritual defense.

The same reason, even Baron, is also impossible to change such a person’s mind out of thin air. He can make Steve change his own camp. The power of magic is only a small reason, and it is another reason that really plays a key role. That is their exchange of ideas.

Baron and Steve did not meet for the first time in this era. In fact, a long time ago, before the curtain of the Second World War had completely fallen, he had met with the then-famous Captain America as Einzbern Baron.

Let go of all positions and all prejudices. No weapons, no fighting of any degree. Some are just language, only complete conceptual communication.

In that interview, what they have to do is very simple. That is to use the concept of own to impress the other person, let the other person give up the own choice and accept another person’s completely different ideas.

This is not compulsive, it depends entirely on their own will. In this particular conflict, Steve Rogers was full of confidence from the very beginning, and finally lost his soul. At that time, he didn’t think that oneself would lose to a war fanatic in concept. He firmly believes that even if oneself can’t change such a guy, it is absolutely impossible to be persuaded by him to accept his completely abnormal thoughts. He thought so, but the result was completely beyond his imagination.

Because he failed. In front of Baron, who has accumulated thousands of years of life wisdom, in front of his grand proposition related to the future of mankind. The principle that he insists on the right to freedom belongs to all beings does not give him enough strength to stick to it. He was persuaded, what Baron told him about the truth about this World, and everything about humans. Under this premise, he made a very special choice, that is, he is willing to be a part of Baron, if Baron needs his help to change the day of this World.

And in that secret, unknown meeting. Steve Rogers opened his heart, allowing Baron to permanently seal this memory and his promise in his heart. And just like what he promised, when such a day comes, he is indeed awakened to become an indispensable force for him to change the future of humanity that they do not agree with.

In essence, what Steve Rogers not at all made the wrong choice. But in fact, he has already done one thing wrong. That is that he trusted Baron’s promise.

Baron’s purpose is the same. He does have the idea of ​​changing mankind and allowing mankind to dominate oneself’s destiny. However, his demand for Rogers’ power is not what Rogers himself thought.

Steve Rogers is a very capable person. His ability as everyone knows can lead a group of almost mortal soldiers to change the situation of the entire European battlefield. His ability in command and tactics is absolutely to let Amazing. However, his principle is also surprising. For the soldiers, he had smashed his boss more than once, and his insistence on the oneself principle even exceeded his adherence to the orders of his superiors.

This point is also clear to Baron as an opponent. And this is exactly what he cannot accept. What he needs is a capable, but absolutely loyal to his men. Rather than a capable, but one who has the idea of ​​oneself. That is completely different. And if he does nothing, then Steve Rogers will definitely be the latter. So when Steve took the initiative to open up, he was already doing something to him.

Some special psychological hints, a kind of mental hypnosis that is almost brainwashed. This small action made in secret has been reproduced countless times in Steve Rogers’ dreams during his 70-year sleep, but he himself has no idea about it.

This kind of long change will only appear after the seal of his memory is opened, and the appearance of this change is that Steve Rogers’s heart begins to twist. He still has the idea of ​​oneself, but a completely different thing has appeared in his subconscious.

It’s like killing. If it were the previous Captain America, he would never hurt any innocent existence for own purposes. However, Steve Rogers will not do this anymore. He has accepted this approach subconsciously, and even said that he can take the initiative to hurt others, only for own purposes.

It’s like the child he killed by accident when he rescued Winter Soldier. This is why his whole heart has changed.

Will such Steve Rogers still be him? Perhaps besides him, anyone who identifies with the original Captain America will no longer think that he is the original him. Even the creator of him would not think so.

His changes were too great for many people to accept. However, for some people, this is the best change.

A Steve Rogers by fair means or foul, a Steve Rogers who is no longer restricted by any restrictions, and fully exerts oneself ability. This is what Baron wants. This is what he wants. It belongs to his own Hydra Captain.

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