Sun God Marvel

Chapter 984

The huge deep-sea monster Leviathan opened his big mouth.

Compared with those real deep-sea monsters, Leviathan’s big mouth is a completely different organ. This organ is not used for eating or breathing. But simply as a tool for carrying things.

The upper and lower jaws are already wrapped in thin alloys. Because there is no tongue like a crocodile, this space is very spacious. You can even put in things like command operations and rest. And when such a big mouth opened, a hundred Hydra soldiers wearing outer skeleton tactical suits and helmets that could breathe freely in the sea had already swarmed into the base.

They are completely free to move in this research base where the seawater has been completely poured in. Compared with them, the defenders who had been beaten into a completely unprepared base were much miserable.

Although they are in a seabed, this does not mean that they have to be ready to be submerged by sea anytime and anywhere. Human science and technology have given them the ability to open up a living space in the seabed, and they have also reduced their guard against possible dangers to a minimum.

If there is enough time for them, then they may be able to prepare accordingly. But the problem is that Hydra’s action was originally a lightning-like raid, and under this raid, all the people inside the base lost a timely response.

There are dead bodies flooded by seawater everywhere. There are soldiers, workers, and some scientific researchers with bad luck. Under the influx of seawater, they suffered not only the pain of suffocation, but also the direct impact of water pressure. Many people who faced these shocks were immediately killed there, and some lucky guys just struggled for so long in the sea water.

Of course, this kind of luck is only temporary. Because Steve Rogers had already expressed his own attitude very clearly before, that is, beheaded. So naturally, when these Hydra soldiers passed by those who were still struggling to survive, they immediately sent them off without hesitation.

It was not a particularly spacious passage that was stained turbid and transparent by the blood flowing from these people for a while, and as the soldiers of Hydra moved quickly, they soon came to a tight Before the locked alloy gate.

“Sir, the elevator entrance has been closed. It seems that the people inside have reacted. They manually locked all the external passages.”

“Don’t worry, this is just an expected situation.” Raising his hand and looking at the time above, Steve Rogers smiled slightly, and then threw away the Vibranium shield behind him.

Different from the original round shape, the Vibranium shield now has a top and bottom tip. At the same time, the edges of the shield have become thinner and sharper. Because of the robustness of Vibranium, the manufacturer simply does not need to consider any possible damage. Therefore, he directly built this shield into an offensive and defensive weapon. And at this time, it showed an extraordinary effect.

In front of the sharp edge of the Vibranium shield, the alloy gate is nothing more than a paper thing at all. After a few movements, the entire gate is completely removed. And as the sea water poured in, Steve also took the own soldiers and walked along the water to the top of the elevator shaft.

At this time, they and the most important ground-level research center in this base are only separated by a wall. And all of this, the people in this research center have no sense.

“Have you not found out what went wrong? Why did the base suddenly become like this?”

It was a female researcher with a Latin bloodline. , And the only woman here.

Women are born insecure. Being in a seabed is still such a besieged phenomenon. This change in the situation almost immediately made her think about all the terrifying situations in her mind. She started to scare oneself by oneself, and also couldn’t help but yelled at others.

Faced with the shivering voice of this woman, the people in the same room with her inevitably became a little uneasy. They all focused their attention on a guy who had just crawled out of a console, wanting to get some good news from him. But this person could only shake his head helplessly at them.

“All the integrated circuits are burned out. It should be the result of electromagnetic pulses.”

“The reason? How could there be electromagnetic pulses here? I only two days ago After inspection, all the anti-electromagnetic coatings are intact. Even if this base is attacked with electromagnetic pulses, our place is safe.” Someone asked inexplicably, and this immediately got other Some people’s answers.

“The automatic sentry cannon reacted at first. I thought it was some large marine creature that strayed into the defensive circle of the base. But now, it seems that we have suffered from the enemy. Attack.”

“The enemy’s attack?” This statement raised everyone’s mind, and then quietly put their fingers on the gun beside oneself.

As staffmembers of the Stark government’s secret research organization, they know very well what kind of dangerous situation oneself will encounter in their work. Therefore, each of them has received a certain period of safety training before taking up their jobs.

They know very well that the most reliable thing at this time is the weapon in their hands. But to be honest, if things are supposed to require researchers like them to go to battle in person, then they are really not very reliable. At the very least, they do not have the confidence to turn the whole situation around.

So what they can do now is just holding a gun and looking suspiciously at everything around them.

And just as they did this, a slight noise suddenly came from the only passage in this room. peng peng Qiangqiang, as if something was hitting the gate that blocked the passage. But they knew very well that the door and the entire elevator passage of its back door had been blocked.

At this time, there shouldn’t be anything coming in from there. If there is, then you can only think about the worst.

With this thought, everyone began to point their guns in the direction of the sound. And as something suddenly opened the locked door, the muzzle immediately began to eject flames.

Don’t expect a group of guys who rarely touch guns to make any sensible actions in such a tense situation. At this time, besides pulling the trigger, they are basically There is no other action. However, the bullet will be finished. As the empty sound of the trigger shaking came one after another, Steve Rogers, who was holding the shield, had no scruples anymore and walked in directly with the owner and his men.

“Except for the few people I mentioned, all the others are dealt with.”

After a cold command, there were several crisp gunshots. And most of the people who accompanied this experiment center fell in a pool of blood. Steve Rogers smiled and said to the three shivering people left.

“Meeting for the first time, Mr. Court Academecian also Professor. I don’t think I need to introduce myself any more.”

“Captain America, Steve Rogers, right?” The oldest of the three remaining people took a deep breath and then plucked up the courage to look straight at Steve. “I didn’t expect you to appear in this place. It really looks like what those people said, have you betrayed all mankind?”

Just finished saying this, Haven’t waited for Steve to respond. A Hydra soldier had already punched him in the stomach, causing him to curl up in pain. And looking at the professor who looked like this, Steve said to him with regret.

“Professor Stevenson, if you know something, it doesn’t mean you have to say it. That would be a good thing for you. Also, I can’t accept your statement. Betrayal Human beings? No, I have always firmly believed that I am striving for the future of humanity. It’s just that I chose a way that you can’t accept.”

“The way you call it is Stuck with bastards like Hydra, Fuck You shit.” The old professor’s reaction to this incident was unexpectedly tough. Although facing a deadly threat, he still said so fearlessly.

When he heard what he said, Steve smiled slightly, squatted down and grabbed his hair and lifted him up.

“I don’t have time to argue with you about this. One day, you will understand my choice. Now, please tell me, Professor. Where do you put the research materials of the Crees?”

“You want our alien technology, don’t think about it!” Upon hearing Steve’s question, the old professor immediately trembled with anger. He yelled vigorously, like a beast-like mad. “I won’t tell you this secret even if I die, you Bushwackers, you will never get these things.”

“That’s not necessarily!”

Song Opening his hand, Steve smiled and walked to the shivering Laura Court Academecian. Then he provoked the woman’s jaw with the gun in her hand.

“Laura Court Academecian, can you answer this question of mine? You know, if you refuse to say it, the result will be very bad!”

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