Sun God Marvel

Chapter 992

The problem of patents is a problem that cannot be circumvented. If Ultron wants to implement the own plan with this technology already in the hands of the Stark government, then he is almost bound to be restricted by patents. In the name of just and honorable, the United States Government can even do anything.

Regardless of whether they understand the relationship between this company and Ultron, they will spare no effort to combat it and destroy it. To protect the interests of the owner. Therefore, it is really very difficult to realize this idea of ​​Ultron.

However, Ultron has already made an own decision about this.

“They can’t do it. I registered the company in the country across the ocean. I am protected by the laws of that country, and the forces on the United States side cannot have any influence on me. The technology in Mr. Stark’s hands needs to be limited by the amount of calculation. Without my help, their technology can’t take shape at all, so all of this is nothing to worry about.”

The power of the country fights against another. Ultron’s progress is truly amazing in this kind of smart plan of taking advantage of the situation and taking advantage of the strength.

Because his response method is equivalent to abolishing any tricks the United States Government can do. Unless the United States Government can reach an agreement with the country on the other side, it has nothing to do with Ultron’s plan. If the United States Government and the other side are to reach an agreement, then it is almost equivalent to the unification of humankind. In that case, I am afraid that human beings are sufficient to solve most of the problems. It doesn’t matter what Ultron is like.

Although Jarvis still has some hesitation in his heart, he has to admit that Ultron’s idea is indeed feasible. Therefore, he is not saying anything against it. And this is exactly what Ultron hopes to see.

As the only two fully self-owned artificial intelligence lifeforms in the world, Ultron does not want to have any unnecessary conflicts with Jarvis due to some problems. Although his plan is not without Jarvis, as an individual with self-awareness, he really does not want to be the so-called lonely person.

Loneliness and loneliness are the enemies of any life. This is something that even Ultron, which has not been born for a long time, understands.

Under the circumstance of one party taking the initiative and one party acquiescing, Ultron and the others quickly started to act according to their own plan. At this time, the Stark government, which was a series of time victims, had just received bad news from the seabed experimental base.

An executive in a hurry of expression ran into the multinational summit that was closely observing the developments in the United Kingdom, and came directly to Tony Stark in the strange eyes of a bunch of people, facing him Whispered. After listening to this subordinate’s report, Stark’s expression immediately changed strangely.

He ignored the strange look of the crowd around him and left the conference room directly. Then I found the Chief-In-Charge of the related affairs, and asked him about it.

“What the hell happened, why did you lose contact with the seabed base? Isn’t there the highest level of confidentiality?”

“Yes, sir. It’s just that something is beyond us Control.” The Chief-In-Charge of related affairs wiped the sweat from his head vigorously, and then said to him trembling with fear. “After we discovered that the seabed base had lost contact, we immediately dispatched the navy to survey it. The result was that the seabed base was horribly attacked by unknown forces, and within half an hour, it was completely captured by the enemy.”

“Wait, you tell me, I built the world’s safest research base with no less than 20 billion investment, but it was breached within half an hour. And this is still here. The base is built in the deep sea. Is it April Fool’s Day today? Or is there something wrong with my ears? Sir!” asked Tony gloomy face, eccentric geology. Obviously his anger has reached a certain level. But even though he was so angry, that Chief-In-Charge felt trembling in fear. But he could only report to him truthfully.

“Yes, sir. I can only say sorry, but the base has really been breached. The bodies of all personnel can be found, and the information in the main database has been stolen. There is nothing there. The rest is completely finished!”

“Damn it.” An expression of anger appeared on his face for an instant, and that expression made the Chief-In-Charge of this matter think that the next moment oneself will be beaten fiercely by him. But he waited a moment, only to find that Tony was taking a deep breath very hard, seeming to calm his own anger.

Tony is indeed doing this, because he knows it’s useless to get angry at this time. In addition to making things worse, tantrums may also attract the attention of others. And once someone knows about the alien science and technology research base, there will inevitably be some differences between the alliances he has finally created.

So even if he has a fire in his heart, he can only forcibly press down the flame. Then I tried every means to see if I could make up for the loss.

“Tell me all the situation. Any situation, any suspicious trace, any suspicious object. Tell me all of these.”

Anger not at all Tony completely lost his mind. He knows exactly what the most important thing is now. It is useless to hold anyone accountable at this time. Finding the truth about the attack base and recovering everything they lost is the most important thing.

And it seemed that Tony didn’t mean to pursue too much, Chief-In-Charge breathed out in his heart immediately. At the same time, in order to be able to alleviate the Penalty that oneself would suffer as much as possible, this person immediately said to Tony endlessly.

“We sent our past commissioners to conduct a detailed investigation of the situation at the base. Just now, they submitted the latest report to me. Judging from the extent of the damage to the base. The entire study The base should have been hit by some kind of huge external force and destroyed by a kind of ultra-high temperature weapon before it was directly broken through the outer fortifications. We checked the ammunition of the sentry gun and thought it should be a speed of two Hundred knots of deep-sea submarine weapons launched an attack on the base. But judging from the current technology, this is basically an impossible thing.”

“In addition, we found from the internal situation that all circuits The facilities have been burned down. This situation should be the result of the destruction of electromagnetic pulse weapons. From the wound detection results of the guards and scientific researchers, the internal attack should be launched by a very elite special force. All the results are combined. It seems that there is only one saying that Hydra has launched an attack on our experimental base. Of course, we cannot rule out other probabilities.”

It can be seen that this Chief-In-Charge is indeed It is a lot of work, and the analysis is clear and logical. And listening to his analysis, Tony frowned immediately.

If things really look like what this guy analyzed, then it proves a very important thing, and that is that there is still Hydra’s spy lurking among them. Only in this way can it be possible to explain why this base was built in such a hidden place and still be discovered by others. Only in this way can it be explained why such a well-defended base can be conquered in such a short period of time. It’s almost like someone made a detailed strategy for all this.

“Are there any survivors who have survived?”

Tony, who knew that everything should not be just one side word, chose the way that was the closest to the truth. And hearing him ask that, Chief-In-Charge’s face immediately became weird.

“Not without, but I don’t think this lady would be a suitable target for consultation.”

Seeing the surprise that appeared on Tony’s face, this Chief-In -Charge quickly continued to explain.

“Laura Court Academecian is one of the three main Chief-In-Charge of this project. According to our previous health monitoring data, Laura Court Academecian has a certain psychological Problems, it is easy to produce various psychological hidden dangers. And as we predicted, in this sudden attack, Laura Court Academecian suffered a serious psychological trauma, so although she survived, but I’m afraid she can’t provide us with any useful information.”

“Find the best psychologist and directly transfer people from the Skyhammer Bureau. I want to know from her mouth in the shortest possible time. What happened, no matter what means you use, must find out the answer for me, understand?”

“Yes, sir!” Chief-In-Charge, with a sweaty face, quickly promised . Seeing Tony’s face eased slightly, he thought for a while before speaking to Tony in a tactful tone. “Your Excellency, also there is a special situation I need to report to you.”

“What’s the situation! No, first you have to tell me whether this news is good news or bad news!”

When Tony heard this, he immediately raised his heart. Based on his past experience, he already had a bad feeling. Because bad things must come one after another, it is impossible to hear good news at this time. And he asked like this, just with a trace of luck.

However, it is a pity that it is such a slight fluke. It was quickly broken and opened. Because maybe it was thinking that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, this Chief-In-Charge simply confided and didn’t make any unnecessary modifications, and directly told Tony the worst news.

“Your Excellency, our Kerry Star battleship under Manhattan Harbor is gone. There is no trace, and it is definitely not the result of destruction. Nothing is left of the entire battleship, everything is gone! “

“Damn it, you tell me again!”

Tony, who had prepared for the worst, finally called out without holding back. To make matters worse, this is his state of mind now.

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