Sun God Marvel

Chapter 994

Wu Zhiqi has already started the battle with Qiongqi. For it, this is an inevitable battle.

Perhaps for Qiongqi, this battle is not necessary. But for the unsupported Qi with both ambition and fear, this is the key battle for it to master oneself’s destiny and future.

He doesn’t want to entrust his fate to a group of guys who can’t rely on. Compared with these short-sighted and greedy guys, he would rather own the right to take the initiative oneself. Although this will be a difficult process. But for Wu Zhiqi, it is the best choice.

The role of female ghosts in this process is actually very limited. If it weren’t for he himself to have this kind of thought, the female ghost, no matter how much she said, would be of no use.

However, he has already waged a war against Qiongqi anyway. And when this battle was at first, it was as he envisioned that Qiongqi fell into an absolutely disadvantaged situation.

The position of the god of mountains and rivers is put forward, so that those fierce gods who have not yet understood the status quo are refrained from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases because of the ancient rules. They dare not easily get involved in such a clear-cut battle, and this also makes Qiongqi only rely on own power to fight against the unsupported who occupy the right place.

Of course, there are no unruly people. But the evil demon of a trifling Foreign Domain is even more unqualified to get involved in this kind of thing. Even more how, the female ghost who has been fighting for nothing, will not allow him to do so.

Everything went smoothly. On the shore of the sea, with the power of the endless sea, Wu Zhiqi exerted the power of oneself water god to the extreme, whether it was his own strength or that This ability to manipulate water has received an unprecedented enhancement. Maybe at first, Qiongqi could barely support that time, but as the battle progressed, he already felt a sense of powerlessness.

So, while Wuzhiqi was distracted by the humans who strayed into their battlefield, Qiongqi immediately yelled at Wuzhiqi.

“Well, what do you want to do? Why do you start a war against me if you don’t agree, don’t you know that we are cooperating now?”

“Cooperation , I don’t see what you mean to cooperate with me. For me, the progress of all this is too slow, too slow. This is because you guys who are not enterprising are dragging me down The reason. I can’t bear it anymore. Such an alliance must have a stronger voice, and you who prevent me from becoming this voice are a stumbling block that must be removed. So, go die for me, Become my cornerstone!”

Wu Zhi Qi shouted, and rolled up countless dragon-like water dragons from the sea below him. Each of these water dragons has terrifying destructive power, even if it is lightly touched, a huge ship with a 10,000-ton level can be shattered directly. As the subject of the attack, Qiongqi, when faced with such an attack, had to erect all the bristles of oneself’s body as a barrier to resist this attack.

However, this kind of resistance can play a very limited role. Because the attack power of the current is strong, that kind of impact, concussion power and even tearing power cannot be blocked by rigid defense. Although Qiongqi’s bristles can be said to be an indestructible defense, in the face of these properties of water, such defense is basically impossible to be considered as defense. Everything was like paper, but it was torn to pieces in an instant.

The spilt blood mixed with splashes of water almost filled the sky above this Sea Territory. In the roar, Qiongqi also cursed with resentment.

“Damn, don’t think about it, beat me!”

While he growled so low, he released countless entangled wraith spirits from his body. These whistling undead wandered around his body, dancing wildly. Like a circular shield, it wrapped him whole. And under the protection of this extraordinary power, those water dragons’ damage to Qiongqi’s body was finally contained.

But this just solved a superficial problem. Because even if the attacks of these water dragons lose their effect, the Wuzhiqi attacks will never stop. Wuzhiqi’s own attack was the really deadly thing for Qiongqi.

Wuzhiqi is a born god ape, Steel Muscles Iron Bones, strong as an ox, Golden Fire Eyes, and sharp claw fangs are also the best in the world. Such a natural capital, coupled with his identity as a water god, makes any attack by him absolutely dangerous. Therefore, when he stepped on the water cloud and leaped into the air, these wraith spirits simply couldn’t block him effectively.

It’s just the divine force spilled from its body, which is enough to make these grieving spirits directly melt into nothing like snow water shining on the sun. Not to mention Wuzhiqi’s mighty and terrifying power.

Seeing Wuzhiqi’s movements, Qiongqi subconsciously wanted to spread his wings and dodge. But in terms of speed, he with a pair of wings may not be faster than unsupported Qi. In addition, he had consumed a lot of energy before, and he already had some signs of exhaustion. So now, he was immediately pounced on him by Wuzhiqi.

And Wuzhiqi who made such an action simply didn’t mean to be polite with him. With a wave of sharp claw, it directly tore the muscles on its back and cut off the bones on its wings. root. Then with a brute force, he forcibly tore off Qiongqi’s wings.

Qingqi was screaming from the sky and convulsed. Even the body with it began to fall downward. Losing wings is equivalent to losing the ability to fly. For Qiongqi, this is definitely a very huge loss. At the same time, this also made it realize that there is no room for relaxation between oneself and Wuzhiqi, and it has reached the point where it can only tell if you die.

So, he immediately suffocated the pain, twisted his neck, and bit hard on his unsupported thigh.

After all, it is the legendary Four Great Vicious Beasts. The natural capital of Qiongqi can be said to be completely unsupported. Its sharp teeth directly bit open the unbranched Copper Skin & Iron Bones, and fiercely embedded between its bones. And this also made Wu Zhi Qi roar out, and at the same time his hand movements became more violent.

The two monsters are not currently displaying any flying ability, so soon, their silhouettes fell into the sea entangled. This was an accident, but it was also the situation that Qi expected. He set the battlefield in this place for the current effect. There is only one reason for this, and that is that this is his real home court.

In the sea is his world, and in this place, the fate of Qiongqi has been decided.

Just how different the water god’s ability is, it becomes apparent as soon as it enters the sea. Although Qiongqi’s steel teeth are still biting on Wuqi’s thigh. But the unbranched body has directly broken free from this restraint.

No matter how good the mouth is, it can only bite the tangible and qualitative objects. In the face of the intangible and intangible, it has been completely fuse together with the sea. Even the strange fangs cannot play any role. .

As soon as he broke free from Qiongqi’s mouth, Wuzhiqi immediately launched a fierce offensive against Qiongqi. This is in the sea, under the power of his soul, so his silhouette is everywhere, and his power is everywhere. As soon as he launched an offensive, he was immediately hiding the sky and covering the earth, an unstoppable posture.

Qingqi couldn’t distinguish Wuzhiqi’s position at all. He suffered severe trauma one after another on his body. It felt like Wuzhiqi had transformed into thousands of Avatars. , Simply resisting the attacks of thousands of people by the strength of oneself.

Every stroke is so heavy, every stroke is so fatal. Although Qiongqi was always roaring, resisting. But as the offensive intensified and the ebbing of time, all his resistance and voice inevitably weakened. For Wu Zhiqi, this is no different from the signal to finally resolve the battle.

The heavy sea is like a huge shackle at this moment, firmly controlling Qiongqi’s body. Wu Zhiqi slowly revealed his figure in front of him, and squinted a pair of eyes that exuded dazzling light, and said such words to it.

“Damn it’s time to put everything to an end. Qiongqi, you will die for me!”

“Wait, wait! You want to kill me, why I can…”

Qingqi still wanted to say a few words of pleading for mercy, but Wuzhiqi didn’t give it any chance at all. It directly pounced on Qiongqi’s body, with its own sharp fangs wide open, and biting hard on its neck.

Swallow its flesh and blood, eat its soul. This is the method they and all the fierce gods have always used to fight among the same kind. They all know how difficult it is for this kind of existence. Perhaps a carelessness is the resurgence of the ending. No one wants to be secretly thought of by a guy hatred as deep as the sea, so in this kind of struggle, they often want to completely eliminate one of them, from life to soul. Just drop it.

Qingqi now enjoys this kind of treatment, and for him, this kind of treatment has a kind of right and wrong meaning. So that when Wu Zhiqi did this to him, not only did he not struggle, but he showed a kind of pleasure of conspiracy to succeed.

“You are fooled, you are helpless. You simply don’t know what you are facing! All your efforts will be vanished. You who have drunk my vicious blood , After all, it will be a complete failure!”

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