"Hee hee, master, as usual, I want to challenge shichongdao palace." Read language read high spirited looking at the center of the towering pagoda, saqijiao.

Tao Tong's mouth was twitching.

The shichongdao palace of Taicang pavilion has always been its holy land. If you want to challenge it, you must meet two conditions.

One is the existence of the strong in the Dragon list, or the top 15 in the tiger list.

Second, he must have the record of defeating Yuanying Tianjun and be recognized by Taicang Pavilion.

And there are only three challenges in a lifetime.

This Xingnian language admits that it has a record of defeating Yuanying Tianjun, but it's just a Yuanying Tianjun who dares to break through, and it's very reluctantly defeated. The first two challenges have failed. This is the last chance.

Moreover, in the first two times, xingnianyu fell to the third level.

Master once advised her to break through Yuanying Tianjun and challenge again, so that she would have more chances to pass.

"Master, please, this is the only chance. If I fail, I will never disturb you again." The star reads language to pull the way kid's clothes, keep coquetry, almost shake the way kid dizzy.

"Then you'd better take care of yourself." Dao Tong is completely speechless.

Star read language suddenly beautiful eyes shine, as for the three opportunities used up, or fell in the third, so what?

As long as there are three taicangling, you can have a chance to enter.

In her capacity, there are already two taicangling. It's not too difficult to get the third one.

"Boy, what can I do for you?" Tao Tong looks at Su Bai and says with a smile.

Su Bai is just like wandering outside the sky. He just came back and said, "I'm here for the third prize in the tiger list."

"The third prize in the tiger list is great, but it's not too late for you to break through Yuanying Tianjun." The Taoist boy warned.

It's rare for Su Bai to come directly to the top ten of the tiger list to receive rewards.

In the past, most of the top ten tiger lists were for greater rewards. They came to collect them only when they broke through Yuanying Tianjun.

Tao Tong is hard-working. In disguise, he tells Su Bai that when you are on the Dragon list, the reward will be more generous.

"No harm." Su Bai shook his head and said, "if I go to the shichongdao palace again, I don't know if the reward will be more generous?"

Just now, when he seemed to be in a daze, Su Bai avoided some powerful breath and explored the whole Taicang Pavilion. He also knew something about shichongdao palace.


Dao Tong nodded, but his expression was disappointed. "As long as you pass the fourth level, there will be a reward."

"Hum, you want to enter the shichongdao palace?" Star read language don't forget sarcasm, clenched fist way, "this is not just strength, can pass, more is to test other things."

"Don't come out in a mess then."

In her eyes, a twinkle of light flashed, deliberately hiding some things, did not tell Su Bai.

Tao Tong takes Su Bai and Xing Nianyu to shichongdao palace, while Xiao Yusheng and Buddha are waiting outside. Especially the Buddha and the devil, they want to talk and stop. He also wants to enter the top ten, but he can't get into the top ten.

"Go in, it's only ten days. Ten days later, no matter how many times you break through, you will be forced to send it out. " Tao Tong said calmly.

Xingnianyu takes a vicious look at Su Bai and takes the lead in entering the shichongdao palace.

Su Bai didn't pay attention, and then went in.

Shua, vision a dark, after a short weightlessness, Su Bai came to the first heavy road palace, some expectations of looking around.

"I hope you don't let me down." Su Bai whispered.

There is only one iron man in the palace. He is tall and burly, wearing black dragon armor. He is like a ferocious black beast. He will burst out amazing power all the time, giving people a sense of danger. Su Bai just took a look and understood it in an instant.

It's a puppet made of black Xuan iron. It's strong and immortal. It's hard to destroy. As like as two peas, the

can make adjustments according to the strength of the challenger, and is exactly the same as the opponent's strength. After being fined by some secret method, he can fight while he learns his opponent's magic power and moves, so he can fight with another himself.

If Su Bai thinks about it.


The iron man's eyes were bright, full of blood red, put into the fighting state, and came to attack Su Bai with a sense of evil spirit.

Su Bai opened his fist, but also a blow out, condensed no less than three kinds of magic power, the power of the explosion, enough to destroy the existence of a yuan baby emperor in the early days.

In the palace of the first heavy road, the energy ripple diffuses and the fist strength confronts.

As soon as Su Bai's body was shocked, he stepped back and looked slightly surprised.

Although the iron man's chest was depressed by his attack, it was obvious that most of his strength was rebounded back. If it was not dissolved by the Taiyin holy body, his fist would split.

Bang bang!

The iron man is more brave and arrogant, just like a general galloping on the battlefield. The breath of iron blood is amazing.Waving his fist, he blew up a terrible style of boxing and blew Su Bai out.


When the sound of beating iron rings out, Su Bai turns around, sticks to the iron man, or hits him with fists or flesh palms.

Only more than 30 moves, Su Bai's magic power, later learned most by iron man.

The fire of Senluo!

Don't kill the thunder!


congenital Yiqi big handprint!

seems to be as like as two peas of two Suzhou, who are fighting each other and the same magic power, and shaking the space.

Taiyin finger!

Click, click!

is as like as two peas. Even Su Bai is a face of panic.

You know, this move can only be performed with Taiyin blood. Iron man has no Taiyin blood, but it can be imitated, although its power is only 60% of the original.

Under this finger, space freezes rapidly, and then cracks are dense.

Su Bai and iron man's figure, each appears a crack, that is the scene in the space.


The war is getting fiercer.

Su Bai's face was full of excitement. He had a high sense of war and tried every means to fight against the iron man.

With the memory of his last life, the foundation of his life is so adverse that every time he fights with others, he either sweeps the same level or is targeted by people with high level.

It's rare for Su Bai to have a good fight to prove himself.

Now is a good opportunity.

"Study as much as you want, my magic power." Su Bai condenses magic power, a face of confidence and invincibility.

If this word is heard by Dao Tong, he must be shocked and speechless.

You know, the iron man of the first heavy road palace, but did countless talents rush into the road palace? Some people on the tiger list can't even pass the first level, and they are beaten by iron men all over the place looking for teeth.

More people are in awe of the first chongdao palace, which is as exciting as Su Bai.

Actually, think about it.

The iron man of the first important path palace was set up by Taicang pavilion to test himself on the way of practice.

, as like as two peas, the iron man has the same strength as challenger, and is not the other himself to learn his own magic power?

Only by conquering ourselves can we pass the first level.

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