The whole dusk star is not vast at this moment. It is covered with the breath of immortals. Hundreds of millions of living beings are trembling and looking up at the light mass that has replaced the sun in the sky.

The power of Xianbao is so terrible!

This level of treasure has been engraved with the power of law. Even the weakest immortal treasure can't be matched by the best spirit treasure. It will be crushed in an instant.

A force of law emerges and condenses into a cyan golden light.

That's the golden rule!

Extremely sharp, amazing attack!

The law of gold attacks Su Bai in an instant. A wound appears on Su Bai in an instant, and the blood flows like a flood.

The holy body of Taiyin is in operation, and the power of blood is surging. It is healing the wound, but Su Bai's brow is wrinkled, and he has a premonition that it is not good.

The wound is only half healed, and the law of gold is destroying the power of his blood and slowing down the healing ability.

Law is the most terrible force in the universe, which contains the highest power.

Even the lowest law can not be resisted by flesh and blood.

That's why real immortals and other creatures are two levels of life. It's bigger than the awareness of Yuan Ying Tian Jun and Da Neng friars. As soon as the law breath comes out, hundreds of millions of people will die.

"Give me the exercise!" Su Bai roared.

The law of wind, the law of thunder, the law of death, the law of Taiyin and the law of the sun emerge in an instant, emitting an ancient and unpredictable atmosphere. They are melted together and evolved into a furnace of law, which is in the law of refining gold.

"How can there be so many rules in him?"

For the first time, when I saw the friars who controlled so many rules, they were all shocked, and their eyes were full of jealousy, which made them crazy.

I wish I could replace Su Bai!

The monks of the top ten ancient families deeply understood that once Su Bai broke through the realm of power and mastered so many rules, he would gather the Taoist seeds as soon as possible.

I feel numb at the thought of it.

How terrible it will be for so many laws to unite.

You should know that our true immortal ancestors have only mastered three laws at most.

Yuanying Tianjun of the royal family's face sank and madly urged Xianbao to attack and kill Su Bai.

This time, it's the law of the earth!

Each strand weighs a million jin. It's like a holy mountain. When it's pressed down, Su Bai's body splits in an instant, spilling a lot of blood. His muscles and bones are about to fall apart and collapse completely.

The furnace of the law almost collapsed.

The horror of this law lies in the terrible weight.

The Zhenyu Immortal Emperor in the demon ancient times was a single kind of Immortal Emperor who demonstrated Taoism by the rules of local system, but his fighting power was the best among the immortal emperors.

His immortal body, a drop of blood can collapse a planet, the weight of the whole person, can distort time and space.

Su Bai tenacious resistance, forced to collapse of the law of the furnace stability, refining soil of the law.

The flying night fork clan and Yuanying Tianjun, who is obsessed with the devil sect, have a fierce desire to kill one another. They want to hate the killer when Su Bai has no time for him.

"Don't hurt my mother!" The little demon's voice has turned into a three-year-old girl with a belly pocket and a lock. Her white face is lovely and angry.

Fork waist, small body block a lot of Yuan baby emperor.

"Where's the kid? Get out of here!" Yuanying Tianjun, a member of the flying yakha clan, smiles cruelly and grabs it with one hand

however, the next scene makes them deeply afraid.


The little demon opened his mouth and spewed out a flame of rosefinch, which instantly ignited these people.


"What kind of flame is this? I can't put it out!"

They screamed and became human ashes in their desperate struggle. Everyone looked at the lovely little demon like a ceramic doll, and their eyes flashed with deep fear.

"That's it!"

The candle in the dark is a monster in the eye.

He felt that the power of blood in the little demon was no less than him.

Where did this damned Su paipi abduct such a rebellious blood?

Candlelight monster is distressed, and decides to help the little demon. He recognizes Su's true face and approaches secretly, showing the expression of a brother-in-law and a niece.

"Little guy..."


The trough!

Candlelight demon was beaten to fly in an instant, scolded in the heart, shocked at the power of the small demon. It's just a newly born monster. It's so terrible.

"Hateful boy, I can feel that this is a monster with extremely rebellious blood. In order to abduct this monster cub, he didn't even want to be virtuous. " Hao Weiren thinks of the little demon named mother Su Bai. I'm not as ashamed as him. "Am I old, or am I not free enough?"

"Mom, come on, beat the bad guys away!" The small demon is holding the small fist of flesh, cheering for Su Bai.Boom!

As soon as the furnace of law trembles, the law of earth and the law of gold are actually gradually refined and become a part of Su Bai.

Yuan Yingtian, the emperor of the royal family, was scared to death: "what kind of monster is this boy?"

The third law, the law of fire, broke out and suppressed to Su Bai.

The furnace of law didn't even absorb this development. Su Bai showed a scornful smile. The sun's law worked, and an ancient word appeared, condensing the atmosphere of collapsing the ancient and modern future and burning the gods and demons.

This Law of fire, in front of the law of the sun, which is a higher level than itself, instantly succumbs and is absorbed.

"Here it is Yuanying Tianjun, a member of the royal family, was trembling with fear in his eyes.

The power of the three laws of the royal family could not be directed against Su Bai. The law of gold and the law of earth became part of the furnace of law. After absorbing them thoroughly, Su Bai controlled the two laws.

The wound on the body is healing quickly.

The suppression of blood power disappeared, and a terrible breath burst out. It is a sense of oppression from the level of life. Although Su Bai is not a real immortal, at this moment, many people have a sense of seeing a real immortal standing high and overlooking the world.

"No, no, no!" Hao Wei was jealous.

So many rules of the cohesion of the Tao, will be how adverse.

He murmured: "it's said that even if it is the power to condense the Taoist seeds, it will be crushed instantly in front of the real immortals. But if the Taoist seeds are extremely rebellious, even if they don't become immortals, they can hate the battle of the real immortals!"

The big yellow dog, who did not pull Ji, also showed unprecedented light in his eyes, swept away the decadent color, and saw the terror potential of Su Bai for the first time.

It also has the power of law to emerge, exudes the breath of terror, but converges in an instant.

"Woof, woof!" The rhubarb dog barked a few times.

"I know, I know." Hao Wei Ren had a helpless expression on his face. "You want to cultivate a monster, a monster that makes the fifteen real fairies tremble."

"But it's easy to talk about."

Hao Weiren looked up to the sky and sighed, "those 15 decadent old guys, for their own self-interest, have decided the future of canglan star field, and I don't know how many talents have come to an end. Everyone who survives from the past hates them, but they don't know how many species they have devoured in the past tens of thousands of years. Their life span has already broken the limit of 100000 years, and their own species are constantly improving. "

"Hope, it's too slim."

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