Through the edge of the sword, wave after wave of sword Qi cut through the chain on the bronze coffin.

The unfavourable sword Qi touched the iron chain and made a sound of metal impact without cutting the chain.

After a pause, the power of the law is surging, and the big time Kendo opens.

He felt the power of the law absorbed just now in his body and poured it all on the big time kendo.

Now the power of big time Kendo is much stronger than before.

The mysterious meaning of the sword shrouded all around, and the master of Taiyin was terrified.

He was not sure whether he could stop the ultimate Kendo that touched the law of time.

When the sword was wielded, all kinds of immortal lights appeared on the shining black chain.

That immortal light has touched the origin and is resisting the power of time of big time kendo.

The two change each other, Su Bai suddenly hands paddle, directly control the Tianji plate rolled down.

The tide of xuanhuang mother Qi all sprinkled on the chain, and the chain finally clanged.

With a bang, the chain across the bronze coffin was broken.

In this instant, the whole huge tomb vibrated violently.

Like heaven and earth to be torn half, suspended in the stars in the bronze coffin is also in violent vibration.

Around the galaxy is extremely unstable, one after another of the explosion, as gorgeous fireworks in general.

The bronze coffin, which had lost its chain, seemed to be free, drifting away towards the vast river of stars.

The intertwined law also dissipated, following the bronze coffin farther and farther away.

"Boom!" The whole city of origin vibrated as if the end was coming.

Different colors of light are alternating flash, and then gradually disappear.

The invisible rule suppression is rapidly disintegrating, and the whole forbidden area is lifeless in an instant.

Originally comparable to the fairyland, full of vitality everywhere, growing flowers and trees withered in an instant, turned into powder.

As if all of these, are the body overflow out of the general law of conservation.

Everything returned to peace, and the huge tomb across the world collapsed.

Su Bai and the master of Taiyin are still in fear, as if they both have the feeling of surviving.

The two quickly rushed out of the collapsed tomb, and the seal of the forbidden area had completely disappeared.


When they appeared, the stars were boundless, Hao Weiren, the sisters of Xia family and many friars were sitting on the ground, recovering their strength under the protection of donghuangzhong.

"Second brother, you have finally appeared!" Seeing that Su Bai appeared, Hao Wei said with a big grin.

"We all feel that our strength is recovering, and the mysterious repression that we were previously subjected to seems to have disappeared!" The boundlessness of stars is also reckoned.

Looking at the huge grave which collapsed rapidly, everyone was curious about what happened, but they didn't ask much.

Su Bai simply said something about the body buried in the bronze coffin, which made people even more surprised.

"My Lord, where is the body now?" Asked the shadow curiously.

Su Bai shook his head and said, "I've entered the universe. I don't know where I'm going."

He can cut the iron chain that locks the bronze coffin, just to let the bronze coffin float away, so as to break the rules of the city of origin.

"Maybe the people buried in the bronze coffin have something to do with the secret of the city of origin!" The shadow guessed to himself, turned the strange eye again, wanted to explore the coffin's whereabouts, but got nothing in the end.

"You don't have to waste mana." Su Bai reminded: "the people buried in the coffin must be the existence of gongshenzaohua. Even after death, they will be blinded by nature. Even if the eyes of other people can see through the past and the future, it is impossible to see through the existence of this level."

"The rules of this city have completely dissipated. We can go in and out freely!" Lord Taiyin cried out.

He felt that the power of his whole body was rapidly returning, not only for him, but also for Su Bai and others.

It wasn't long before the eyes of the master of Taiyin radiated an immortal light, and his whole body was full of immortal Qi.

He has completely restored the real immortal strength, and his actions are like stars under his feet.

At this time, Su Bai's realm is rapidly rising, returning to the real immortal's early strength.

The stars are boundless, and Hao Weiren has returned to the peak of the realm of transforming God.

As for the Xia sisters, the same is true. They both touch the edge of real immortality, but they have not yet become immortals.

In addition, the strength of other monks returned to the state before the suppression.

"Yes, although the rules of this city are cruel, they really help to cultivate!" Su Bai perceives the change of her body and not only refines the chaotic divine body that she always wants to melt.

The most important thing is that he not only absorbed a little rule, but also improved a lot.

This seems extremely incredible to the outside world. After all, at the level of Zhenxian, the more you want to improve your strength, the more difficult it is."Yes, since then, my Lord is reluctant to leave here!" The master of Taiyin also found that he had improved a little, even if it was just a little, it was enough to make people surprised.

"All right!" Su Bai calmed down and used his mana to yell at thousands of monks: "now the rules of the city of origin have been broken. This city can go in and out freely. There are no more hunters and prey. You can leave by yourself!"

Many friars are delighted. Some of them have been trapped in this city for hundreds of years.

These hundreds of years of life, dare not easily appear, afraid to become the prey of hunting.

Now that the crisis is over, everyone sincerely thanks for Su Bai, and then leaves one after another.

"Let's go to Zhongtian Xingyu!" Seeing that all the friars left gradually, Su Bai looked up at the vast universe.

"Your two sisters are guardians of the nine leaf holy lotus. Naturally, they also know the exact whereabouts of the nine leaf holy lotus." Su Bai looked at Xia's sisters and asked.

"It's better to tell the truth, and don't play tricks, otherwise the patriarch will destroy his clan!" Taiyinzong's major is that he has completely recovered,

he is full of confidence and threatens.

The vast universe is endless, even if it is a real fairy, it is difficult to cross.

Only at the level of xianzun can we travel among the heaven and the world in a single thought.

The endless universe is divided into countless star domains, and only a few huge star domains can support a real immortal.

There are countless star domains in the whole universe, but there are still countless boundaries outside the universe.

There are special barriers to the world between each big world. Unless the strength is incredible, even if it is really immortal, it will not be able to tear up the barriers of the big world.

Zhongtian Xingyu is an ancient continent which is separated from the edge of the universe. There are various legends here since ancient times.

In the eyes of countless creatures, Zhongtian star field has become the devil star field!

After passing through the city of origin, Su Bai, the master of Taiyin and others, with their powerful strength, tear open the void, and quickly walk all the way to the legendary Zhongtian star field!

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