Xue Pinghai was extremely anxious.

As for Tang Qiubai's identity, they know that the Tang family in Jiangzhou is very young.

Now it's su Bai's disciple, and his martial arts cultivation has entered the inner strength. According to his age and practice time, he is also a generation of genius.

However, in the face of the two killers outside, his strength is not enough.

If he died here, how could they explain to Su Bai?


When the machete came, Tang Qiubai's skin hurt.

Tang Qiubai has a bitter smile in his heart. This time, he is really impulsive, and he thinks highly of his strength. Although his strength is comparable to that of Neijin in the middle stage, he is still far behind Neijin's super experts.


The moment of life and death.

In the dark night, a blue light was almost indescribable and spread in an instant.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be solidified by an invisible force.

Tang Qiubai felt a familiar breath, his face suddenly showed a touch of surprise, and his heart was finally relieved.

Teacher, finally back!

The pupil of long hair youth boat five constricts, the facial expression is gloomy incomparably, when roaring, the silver awn on the full moon curved knife flickers violently.


When a cold hum rang out, Zhouwu subconsciously looked up and saw two figures in the air, just like a couple of immortals.

"Who are you?"

Zhou Wu's eyes are full of alert, and his silver vigorous Qi bursts to the extreme, which can resist the confinement of the blue light.

Su Bai's face is cold, glanced at him, didn't speak, but looked at Tang Qiubai, frowned and said: "it's ok?"

Tang Qiubai took a deep breath and said, "teacher, I'm ok."

Su Bai nodded, and with a flick of his fingers, a small Peiyuan Dan flew into Tang Qiubai's hand and said, "eat it, heal well, and leave the next thing to me."

"Yes! Thank you, teacher Tang Qiubai's face shows a touch of excitement. Does he know the value of this little Peiyuan pill? For him at this stage, it is a magic pill.

With this little Peiyuan pill, he is sure to break through to the middle of Neijin in three days!

When Tang Qiubai retreated, Su Bai glanced at Zhou Wu and Meng San and said with a frown, "are you with those people who just attacked me?"

Zhouwu's face suddenly changed, and he said, "are you su Bai? Mr. seventeen, what about them? "

Sure enough, they are a group. Do these two guys want to catch Xue Pinghai and threaten him?

Su Bai sneered, and the killing intention in his voice was undisguised: "they have gone first, and then I'll send you two to see them!"

"This - how is this possible?" Zhouwu was shocked and lost his voice.

"Nonsense Meng San, who had been silent all the time, was extremely gloomy. He stared at Su Bai and said, "boy, go to die!"

Before the words fall, the fierce light on his face flashes away, and a dazzling white light suddenly appears in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, it breaks through the green light around him and suddenly turns into a dazzling seal to Su Bai's eyebrows!

"Well?" Su Bai's eyes showed a touch of surprise.

"Mental attack?"

"However, this kind of mental attack is too clumsy!"

Mr. Lu, the middle-aged man who had been controlled by Meng San before, finally came to his senses. Seeing this, his face suddenly changed.

"Be careful, Mr. Su! This man's skill is strange and can frighten people's spirit! "

Su Bai looked at the man, but just nodded and didn't speak.

Needless to think, this person is the hidden power behind the Xue family.

Seeing this, Mr. Lu frowned. This young man is overconfident! The means of mental attack are weird and unpredictable. It's not so easy to resist!

I just suffered a big loss!

As soon as he thought about this, he gritted his teeth, and his momentum broke out. Just as he was about to rescue, he saw that Su Bai was facing the white seal that came from him in a flash. He didn't mean to dodge.

One step will summer shallow language when behind, double eyes suddenly burst shoot thunder Mang, cold drink a.


Thunder and lightning burst in the void, like thunder and rage.

Before Meng San's silver seal was completely formed, it was swallowed by the thunder and lightning. It turned into a light smoke in the void and disappeared.

Leimang's castration did not decrease. In mengsan's eyes, he suddenly fell on his eyes.


The white light in Meng San's eyes disappeared in a flash. At the same time, he held his eyes in his hands. The blood flowed out of his eyes. It looked terrible.


This man is too terrible to be able to fight!

If he had doubts about the words of Su Bai before, but now he completely believed them - Mr. seventeen, they may be really bad.

Just at a glance, he broke his own spiritual secret, which he was proud of. This kind of existence is absolutely the most powerful one among the masters of Huajing!Think of here, he did not hesitate, bite the tip of the tongue, his face turned into a bloody red, his body shot to the rear in a flash!

And in the moment of his action, the long hair youth boat five, dark face to the extreme.

"Damn Meng San, he left himself to run away!"

He snorted angrily, his eyes gushed with ferocity, his body suddenly burst out with a roar, blood overflowed from his pores, his breath burst to the extreme, and his body directly turned into a blood awn and flew out in an instant.

While he flies out, his machete is like a crescent moon, which is thrown out as fast as lightning.

Hiss ---

on the full moon machete, with a strange blood light, tears the air and falls on Meng San in an instant.

"Zhouwu, how dare you plot against me?! blamed! Ah -- "

Meng San, whose spirit had been badly damaged by Su Bai, screamed, and his figure was forced to fall in an instant.

He was staring at the distant boat five, his face pale.


There was a sneer in Zhou Wu's eyes and said with a sneer, "Meng San, you don't have to struggle. I will report to the organization to avenge you!"


With a smile, the figure of Su Bai appeared like a ghost, looking at him with a smile: "are you looking for my revenge?"

Zhouwu's body was stiff, and his face was terrified to the extreme. He looked at Su Bai's figure as if he were looking at the devil.

"You --- you"

Shua -

Su Bai's face was cold, and when he raised his hand, a blue blade fell on the boat five in a flash,

the next moment.

Zhouwu's face solidified instantly, and his body was directly cut into two parts by the Qi blade. His eyes were venomous, extraordinary, and unbelievable.


Until his body fell to the ground, he felt Meng San's face changed violently.

Boat five, dead?

The old enemy who had been fighting with him for so many years died like this?

"Now, it's your turn!" Su Bai's face was cold. When he raised his hand, a huge thunder and lightning sword flew down and flew to Meng San.

Meng San suddenly showed a touch of Madness on his face and said with a big laugh: "boy, this time I've failed! However, don't be too proud. No one can escape from us

Before the words fell, he suddenly clapped his hand on the spirit of heaven.


The sound of broken bones rang out. On his ferocious face, blood flowed, and the breath disappeared in an instant.

So far, all the killers sent by the hidden killing organization, Tuan Mie!

However, Su Bai didn't care about his threat, and his killing intention was extremely cold.

"Hidden killing?"

"Even if you don't come to me, I will come to you!"

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