"Heaven thunder sword meaning!"


With the deep cheers of Su Bai, the sharp and domineering sword and endless thunder force will also fall!


Because the beast looked up to the sky again and gave out a roar, as if it was venting its fear.

At the same time, the power of the four elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth around him, and all kinds of spells transformed into them, also hit the sky suddenly.

"Boom" -- "

the first thing that comes into contact with Jianyi and Leiguang is the ice that twinkles with blue light.

Similarly, the blue sword evaporated into steam and disappeared into the air.

What comes next is the seemingly indestructible golden sword!

However, before the golden sword could touch the thunder sword, it was completely destroyed by the sword Qi.

It's not over yet.

The sandstorm, whistling like a hurricane in the air, was directly divided into two parts by a sword, and the power of sand disappeared directly!

Smoke cloud beast see this behind the scenes, the color of fear in the eyes is more intense.

Without hesitation, the fierce light in his eyes flashed and roared, and he swallowed his left arm directly.


It's bloody awn soared, the body suddenly a meal, immediately with an amazing speed, toward the rear escape.

But how can su Bai give him this chance?

At the moment, Su Bai's eyes turned cold and hummed: "five elements - xuantu, get together!"

With his cold cry, at the foot of the smoke beast, dust quickly appeared all over the sky, directly trapped its limbs!

And with this pause, the sky's overwhelming power of thunder and the sword will have been roaring down.


Smoke cloud beast immediately sends out a painful roar, under the constant bombardment of this thunder force, the eye dew is unwilling to look at Su Bai with ferocity.

For Su Bai's hate, already towering!

However, under the mixed attack of sword intention and thunder, there was no resistance. It was blown into countless pieces and disappeared in the air.

At this point, I don't know how many years of cultivation of Yanyun beast, the guardian beast of the last array here, soul flying smoke out.

Looking at the smoke cloud beast, which could not be defeated, was blasted to pieces by Su Bai's sword, everyone was relieved.

Similarly, the awe of Su Bai was deepened.

"After su Xiaoyou had this magical power, he had a better chance of winning this trip"

Nangong Gen felt his beard, but his face was more complicated. Before he fought with Su Bai, Su Bai was not so powerful, now --

ah! He sighed in his heart, not talking.

"I just don't know what kind of Kungfu the Yanyun beast has cultivated. The power of the five elements is so powerful, especially the speed of its recovery. If someone takes it away, isn't it against heaven?"

Bai Fei's big eyes flashed with inexplicable light. First, he looked at Su Bai with appreciation, and then he sighed at the direction of the smoke beast's disappearance.

From the beginning of knowing Su Bai, she realized that she had really lived in vain for more than ten years. It turned out that there was such a magic technique in the world!

If she had known this, she would have practiced earlier! Now she is a monk on her way home. If it were not for her family's secret treasure, she would not even be able to protect herself.

"Although he is strong in the five elements, he can make up for it by himself, but it is not suitable for normal people to practice."

Su Bai recalled the scenes before, with a faint smile.

"Master, why is that?"

Lian Jinglun asked puzzledly.

Su Bai gently smiles and explains: "because, I see that he didn't improve his cultivation and didn't feel full after swallowing Jindun."

"So it can only be improved by swallowing one's own body, or special life and flesh and blood. If people practice this kind of cultivation method, how terrible it would be. You can imagine it."

Even though Jinglun had gone through the saying of Su Bai, he felt that his hair and bones were creepy, and he didn't dare to cultivate this kind of skill any more.

After all, if you can't fight with others, it's too abnormal to start eating your own hands or feet.

"Well, let's move on."

After sorting out her thoughts, Su Bai put her eyes on the big array floating in the air.

The Yin Yang eight diagrams array is different from the previous big array. It looks like a three-dimensional array and has some similarities with the legendary heaven and earth array.

This must also be a transmission array to another place.

After the last battle, a few people were not too wary. The master of Su Bai's art was brave and took the lead in stepping into the array!

Just, after stepping into with Su Bai's one foot, immediately the facial expression changes, aware that something is wrong, turn to shout: "don't come in, fast retreat."Unfortunately, still slow step, at this time, Bai Feiyan and others, are closely behind him, now also has entered the array.

"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong? "

Bai Feiyan didn't notice anything wrong after he came in. Seeing Su Bai, his face suddenly changed and he quickly asked.

"At the moment when I just came in, the eight trigrams unfolded, but there was no way to live. This shows that this is a death array!"

"It may be the legendary extinction array!"

Su Bai's face is heavy.

"The eight trigrams array without students? How can it be? Isn't there a missing hexagram? "

Nangong Gen has lived for such a long time. He has learned a lot from others and classics, but this is the first time that he has heard of the eight trigrams array.

"Why didn't we notice when we came in? Do you feel wrong? "

White non smoke willow eyebrow slightly a Cu way.

"No way!"

Su Bai cut off the railway.

After the last contest between Su Bai and the ancestors of the heavenly way, the power of divine consciousness is more powerful, even if it is not far from the congenital state, which can be acutely aware of some places that ordinary people can't notice.

Just as they were about to say something, the Yin Yang eight trigrams array suddenly turned around!

With the rotation of this circle, there was a whirl of heaven around, and the originally empty place was occupied by the Yin Yang and eight trigrams array.

At their feet and in the sky, two mutually symmetrical Pisces, yin and Yang, suddenly spin in the air!

Then, in the air first appeared two sword gas swept towards them!

Although these two swords seem to be powerful, they are not fast. They can easily escape.

Then, four more swords came out of thin air and attacked them with a speed twice as fast as before!

This time they were able to dodge.

However, Bai Feiyan and Su Bai immediately noticed the abnormality!

At that moment when the Four Swords disappeared in the air, there were eight swords coming from all directions at the same time!

To attack them at a speed twice faster than just now!

This time, not only they, but Nangong Gen and Lian Jinglun, also noticed something wrong!

"These sword Qi are increasing with multiple speed and quantity. If we do it dozens of times, when it reaches thousands to tens of thousands, we can't dodge at all!"

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