Zhong Li couldn't understand it, but then the power of coercion was close to his whole body.

In the end, he didn't have time to run away, and was affected by the power of coercion.

In a shock, I felt a buzz in my head.

Even the divine consciousness was in a trance, showing signs of collapse, and finally stabilized.

"Who are you?"

Zhong Li faced up to Su Bai for the first time.

The other side not only ignores his spiritual curse attack, but also has mastered such a powerful thunder method. He can use God to melt his mind and control the power of heaven and earth. It's terrible. I'm afraid that such terror can only be dealt with by God?

He boasted that he was invincible under the divine realm, but when he met Su Bai today, he knew what it was to sit in a well and watch the sky.

This young man of China is really evil and frightening!

For Zhong Li's question, Su Bai didn't have the slightest meaning to answer. Her eyes were full of murders. She said faintly, "I'm the one who takes your life."

Before the words came down, he reached out and grasped the floating bead in his hand. Then, the power of divine consciousness surged and wiped away the power of spiritual consciousness in the bead.

Feel mingyuanzhu out of control, Zhong Li's face changed greatly, his face is a pale, in no previous banter and arrogant color.

He is proud of the curse and the power of divine thought, but he has no power to fight back. If he is not careful this time, he is afraid that he will be broken here!

If it's the other side, now he can do his best and cooperate with his uncanny power, he really has no chance of winning.

His heart read hundred turn under, in the heart a ruthless, finally eyes on the white non smoke body.

Then he silently read a pithy formula, his body suddenly turned into a wisp of black smoke, and flew towards Bai Feiyan's eyebrow.

As soon as Su Bai's eyes were fixed, he grasped the wisp of black smoke and the void.

But the wisp of black smoke was not limited at all, and it was generally unable to catch him. Between the lightning and flint, the wisp of black smoke had penetrated into Bai Feiyan's eyebrows.


Bai Feiyan immediately gave out a shrill scream, and then in her pupils, the whiteness of her eyes was gradually replaced by black.

That originally beautiful eyes, now look. It's creepy.

"I'm in her body now, I see how you hurt me!"

Zhong Li's voice spread over Bai Fei's head.

"Go away, leave me alone!" Bai Feiyan felt that his body was gradually out of control, gritting his teeth to Su Bai.

"It's really touching. If you leave, I'll eat her alive, and you'll never find me again."

The clock leaves Yin to ruthlessly smile.

"What do you want?"

Su Bai's face changed slightly, but there was no panic.

"If you commit suicide on the spot, I may consider letting her go." Zhong Li said with a strange smile.

"Let's go, he is deliberately delaying time with you, I can't hold on any longer." at this time, Bai Feiyan's painful voice came from his throat.

"Will you believe me once?"

Su Bai's eyes flashed, took a deep breath, and suddenly looked at Bai Feiyan.

At this time, Bai Feiyan's mind was blurred and he nodded reluctantly.

As soon as Su Bai heard this, his body turned into a flash of lightning. He drew Bai Feiyan closer and looked solemn. He turned his two fingers into a sword and gently put it on Bai Feiyan's eyebrows.


This time, the voice of Su Bai is different from the past.

Compared with the previous majesty, this time it seems very mild.

With the gentle force flowing in, Bai Feiyan's frown gradually spread.

At the same time, the scream of Zhong Li also rings out.

"Ah, ah!"

With the continuous sound of his shrill voice, a wisp of black smoke suddenly flew out from the back of Bai Feiyan's head, and then Bai Feiyan's expression slowly returned to normal.

"I've just swallowed her up. How did you get rid of me?" Clock from the re turned into a life, said the face of fear.

"The world of divine knowledge is beyond your comprehension."

Su Bai snorted coldly, then turned his fingers into a sword, and burst out a sword Qi, and rushed down to the center of his eyebrows.

Zhong Li could have dodged the blow, but he couldn't move under Su Bai's gaze!

In addition, he had been hurt by Su Bai's idea before, and his strength was no longer one in ten. He was pierced by this sword Qi.

But after Zhong Li was pierced in the center of his eyebrows, although his body died, his spirit flew out, and turned into a rainbow in the distance.

"Still want to run?"

Su Bai hummed coldly and grasped the emptiness. Suddenly, the thunder burst out in his palm. When a strong suction burst out, he directly sucked his soul back!When he grasped his soul in his hand, many sub souls appeared from his soul. These were the people who had been devoured by him before.

These illusory souls, at this time, are crying bitterly, as if to vent their resentment for Zhong Li and their reluctance to enter reincarnation.

"How many people does he have to swallow?" White non smoke see this behind the scenes, complexion some pale bite mouth.

"Anyway, there are not a few, and everyone was obviously tortured and died by him."

Su Bai's eyes flashed, and a touch of cold came out of his eyes. This evil cultivation method is really hateful. Although Su Bai is not a righteous and kind person, he will not be forgiven if he meets this evil cultivation!


"Ha ha, they all die!"

The clock leaves the eye to see can't escape, simply also accepted a life, strange smile way.

"Zhong Li, I love you all my life, but you treat me like this."

This scream was made by a dark haired woman who looked like she had no eyes.

"You know a fart, as long as swallowed you, we can be together forever, this is my love for you, you bitch!"

Zhong Li hummed coldly.

"You have to die, you brute!" That woman's voice, very sad, seems to contain endless resentment.

Su Bai sighed and crushed the soul of Zhong Li. At the same time, he communicated with heaven and earth with the powerful power of God, and disappeared these ghosts in heaven and earth. Heaven and earth have rules, and these people's souls are incomplete. Even with the help of Su Bai today, they may not be reincarnated.

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