In Su Bai's opinion, there are not many techniques that he can call magical powers.

The nine forms of fighting created by him, and the technique of lie Yuan Shu, his major in divinity, can be called the real supernatural power!

The old ancestor of the sorcerer religion has a strong power of divine thought!

It can be said that it is one of the strongest people that Su Bai has met since she awakened her memory, and the other is the ancestor of tianshidao.

Judging from the power of their distraction, it can also be seen from the side that the godly monks on earth are really strong!

However, this is only for the earth!

Compared with the boundless universe, I'm afraid that the monks in Shenjing haven't even stepped into the threshold of cultivating immortals!

Therefore, the old ancestor of the sorcerer dares to attack and invade the sea of Su Bai's knowledge with divine thoughts. He is just looking for his own death!

Who is Su Bai?

Push all the heavens and suppress the haotianxianzun of the universe!

Even though his cultivation is still shallow now, the sea of spiritual consciousness is also vast, which is not what a mere monk of divine realm can spy on.

The endless sword light, like the tide, suddenly forms a ring sword array, which is so powerful that the whole sea space vibrates and roars.

At this moment, in the bloodstain, the illusory face of the ancestor of the God of witchcraft suddenly solidified, and he was shocked: "you --- who are you then?"

He was really scared!

His secret skill of blood imprint is extremely strange and terrible. Even if people in the same divine realm are careless, they will hurt their spirits and even fall into the sky. But when he invades the space of Su Bai's divine thoughts, he is completely afraid.

The boundless space of mind is unheard of!

Moreover, he also felt a vast breath of eternal seclusion. It seemed that he was facing the whole universe. His blood imprinted spirit was as small as a grain of dust in each other's mind space.

On the bloodstain, the illusory face of the ancestor of the sorcerer struggles wildly, but it is difficult to break away from the invisible bondage.

The next moment.

Countless blue and unreal swords of divine knowledge suddenly fell on the scared old ancestor of the God of witchcraft!

"No --"

in the bloodstain, the old wizard's face was startled, but he just let out an unwilling roar. In a moment, he was torn by countless sword lights, and then all of them disappeared!

In reality.

In fact, all this is just a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the cold smile of the old ancestor's mouth did not fall completely, but there was an unprecedented fear in his eyes, and he did not move in the future. Then, the cracks on his body suddenly spread, and when a powerful destructive force broke out in his body, his body was quickly ground to ashes.

So far, the God of witchcraft is distracted!

Wow -

the sea of blood, which had lost its mana support, disappeared out of thin air, leaving only three small blood flags floating in the air.


After the long outlet gas, Su Bai's face turned pale slightly, waved the flag away, and then came to Bai Feiyan.

At this time, Bai Feiyan didn't seem to have recovered from the battle. Looking at the ancestor of the God of witchcraft, he subconsciously said, "the ancestor of the God of witchcraft, is dead?"

Su Bai slowly shook his head, "no matter how to say, he is also a strong God, how can he die so easily? What I killed this time was just a distraction from him! "

"However, his power of distraction is not weak. I'm afraid that if I cut him down this time, his power will be greatly damaged. After this time, he will never die!"


Bai Feiyan took a deep breath and said with some worry, "if he would have killed his relatives, can you deal with it?"

Su Bai smiles: "don't worry, he won't come!"

"Maybe it's not his time yet."

Bai Feiyan nodded his head.

She knew something about it before. She didn't know whether it was the end of the law or something else. It seemed that it was a conventional rule.

However, now it seems that this rule is about to be broken!

"Come on, we should go back, too!"

Bai Feiyan didn't speak any more and left with Su Bai.

This time, she also got Lin Shui's "nine changes of Tianshui", which is worthy of her visit!

Far away in the mountains and forests of Myanmar.

The place is shrouded in fog all the year round. It seems that snakes, insects and ants are afraid of the fog and dare not get close to it.

At this time, suddenly, the fog suddenly rolled up, and a powerful roar came out. At the same time, an old voice of killing intention resounded through the whole world.

"Damn it, son. I dare to destroy my soul. I will kill you when I leave the pass, even if I go all over the world!"

The sound is like thunder. When it blows, all the wild animals in the forest are scared to crawl on the ground and dare not move for a long time.

At the same time.

Su Bai, Bai Feiyan and others did not stop in Myanmar any more, but returned to Jinling City by plane.

Jinling City, Xuejia villa.At this time, the atmosphere in the villa hall was a little depressed.

Xue Pinghai sits on the throne, Xue Zhongli stands behind him, and Tang Qiubai and Zhuo Tianhu are on the left and right.

In front of several people, there was a middle-aged man. He looked very handsome. Even though he was middle-aged, he was still handsome.

Perhaps it was because he had been in a high position for a long time. Even if he sat there, he also exuded a touch of power. Even compared with Xue Pinghai, he was no less impressive.

Behind the middle-aged man stood an old man in plain clothes. At this time, the old man's eyes were slightly closed, as if he were in a sleep. There was no breath fluctuation in his whole body, just like an ordinary old man.

However, can the old man who can closely follow and protect Bai zewen, the owner of the Bai family, be an ordinary person?

The answer is definitely No.

Zhuo Tianhu took a deep look at the old man, and his heart sank.

If the old man thinks that he has no chance of winning even 30%, even with the Lei ape who protects Su Qingyao upstairs, maybe it's only five or five!

"Nephew Bai Xian, you're not just here to see me, are you?"

After a moment of silence, Xue Pinghai broke the peace with a smile.

Bai zewen said with a smile, "Mr. Xue, in front of you, I will not sell anything! I came here just for the sake of the little brother


Xue Pinghai said with a faint smile: "you must know that Su Bai is not in Jinling now. You are afraid that you will run away this time!"

Bai zewen said with a smile, "old Xue doesn't have to tell me anything about the dike. I already know about the little girl and Su Bai's going to Burma - and since I'm here today, it proves that I won't go to Burma in vain."

"Do you mean --" Xue Pinghai's eyes moved and said in a deep voice: "are they back

Bai zewen nodded, but when he was still talking, he saw the old man behind him suddenly open his eyes and look somewhere.

"Born different?"

"Creak --"

a short cry came, and suddenly, a white shadow fell in the hall, anxiously gesticulating to Zhuo Tianhu and others.

Zhuo Tianhu's face changed greatly, and his figure directly turned into a shadow and ran to the second floor.

"Miss Su is in danger!"

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