Lin Ruoxi smiles brightly, but Su Bai looks puzzled.

"Miss Lin, have we met?"

Lin Ruoxi was a little stunned. She did not expect that Su Bai would say this sentence. She said with a smile: "Su inspector has been in Jinling, while I am in the capital. Naturally, we haven't met each other, but --"

when she looked at Su Bai, her eyes had a different meaning.

"Although I haven't met the inspector Su, I've heard his name for a long time, especially my good sister, but I'm very worried about him! When I came to Jinling this time, she quietly asked me to see if you have come back safely -- "

Lin Ruoxi's big eyes blinked, full of smile. Looking at Su Bai, she continued:" now that Su's inspection makes you come back safely, I think that girl can rest assured! "

In Su Bai's silence, a beautiful shadow flashed in her heart.

He chuckled and said, "you're welcome, Miss Lin, just call me Su Bai."

"If you go back to see Miss Xia this time, thank her for my concern, and please tell her that my sister's injury has healed!"

Lin Ruoxi looked at Su Bai for a long time and suddenly snorted.

"It seems that shallow language doesn't care about you in vain. I can guess it's her."

"But when you're Miss Ben, you're talking? Hum! If you have something to say to her face to face, I don't want to be a middleman! "

With a dumb smile, Su Bai said, "well, next time I go to the capital, I will thank Miss Xia face to face."

"Miss Xia?" Lin Ruoxi's pretty eyebrows wrinkled: "Su Bai, what do you mean? In order to save you, Qian Yu took uncle Feng's order and went to Jinling against the orders of his elders. Is your name too sad? "

Su Bai is tiny a Leng, as if some don't understand what's wrong.

Although he has been a man of two generations, and he was still haotianxianzun who oppressed the heaven in his previous life, his emotional experience is almost blank, and he doesn't understand the mind of women at all.

Gently shook his head, Su Bai did not care about Lin Ruoxi's attitude, since it is Xia Qianyu's best friend, it is also his friend.

"Miss Lin's words make su do not know how to explain. How do I address Miss Xia? This is also a matter between me and Miss Xia. It seems that it has nothing to do with Miss Lin?"

"You --"

Lin Ruoxi hummed coldly. She stopped talking about this topic, but she felt that Xia Qianyu was not worth it.

"If Miss Lin has nothing else to do, I'll leave first!"

Su Bai said, straight away to leave, but not action, see Lin Ruoxi stopped in front of the body: "wait!"

"What else can I do for Miss Lin?"

Lin Ruoxi took a deep breath, suppressed her dissatisfaction, and said in a deep voice: "Su Bai, on behalf of my master, I formally invite you to report your work in the Tiangong palace in Beijing!"

"On duty?"

Su Bai frowned, "I still need to report my work?"

"Don't forget, you are the Jiangnan inspector of the heavenly palace of China. As the head of the four great masters of the heavenly palace of China, my master naturally has the right to ask you to go to the heavenly palace to report your work."


Su Bai refused very simply.

"How dare you disobey orders? You are the inspector of the heavenly palace. You should accept the order of the heavenly palace! " Lin Ruoxi looks a little ugly.

In the state of China, no one dares to disobey the orders of the palace venerable when the divine realm does not come out.

Su Bai just looked at Xia Qianyu's face and didn't care about her, but now her face turned cold.

"Miss Lin, please get out of the way! I'm not interested in going to Tiangong now. Maybe I'll visit it in person when I have time, but it's not now. "

"Also, don't oppress me with the identity of Tiangong inspector. From now on, I'm no longer a member of your Tiangong."

What's his status and how can he be ordered by others, even if he is the most powerful one in heaven!

Not far away, Lin Bo Ren eyebrows slightly pick, but did not speak, let Lin Ruoxi touch a wall, this girl these years have the aura of the palace venerable, too smooth some, mentality some drift.

And Tang Qiubai and Shen daoru look at their eyes, nose and heart, and see nothing.

Strong, overbearing, never compromise, this is Su Bai.

When the atmosphere was stiff, suddenly, a smile came.

"Ha ha, Su Xiaoyou is really proud. I admire him for his position as inspector of Tang Tiangong

Dressed in grey robes, Xing Xiushen and Bai zewen walked slowly, looked at Su Bai and said, "but it's good. At our step, everything in the secular world is no longer important. What's not important is to take the last step and step into the divine realm!"

"Well! The old man of that palace is still addicted to secular power. If he goes on like this, he will not be able to break through the divine realm in another ten years! "

Lin Ruoxi stares at Xing Xiushen like a big enemy. This old man is really terrible. She just didn't feel the other side approaching.You know, she is now in a state of transformation, and her perception is extremely keen. The old man can come to her behind quietly. Such strength is absolutely terrible.

"Who are you?"

Xing Xiushen didn't answer, but looked at her and said with a smile: "you are gong Laogui's Apprentice. No wonder you can enter the realm at such an age. It seems that Gong Laogui has made a lot of efforts on you."

With a faint smile, he looked at the shocked Lin Boren and said with a smile, "brother Lin, you are still very old and strong, and your accomplishments are even better in those years

Lin Boren never thought that Xing Xiushen was here, and he still appeared with Bai zewen. When he turned his mind, he also said with a smile: "I've heard that brother Xing has arrived in China for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet him here today."

After a pause, he said to Lin Ruoxi, "this is Xing Xiushen, the famous" Qiangang hand "in the ancient China. Now he is the master of overseas dragon hall! Even I was his loser in those years! Now, I see that brother Xing is not far away from the divine realm. The speed of progress really makes us ashamed! "

Xing Xiushen waved his hand: "it's not worth mentioning! But he has lived in seclusion overseas for many years and has a little insight. Compared with such a young master as Su Bai Xiaoyou, he is extremely dull. "

Looking at Xing Xiushen's expression and words, if you don't know the inside story, how good their relationship seems to be, in fact, they are enemies of life and death.

Su Bai smiles indifferently and doesn't speak.

At this time, Bai zewen, who had never spoken, frowned and asked Su Bai, "Su Xiaoyou, the" black jade branch "you just photographed is still there. I'm willing to pay 10 million yuan to buy it back. I don't know if Su Xiaoyou is willing?"

Su Bai eyebrows slightly pick, like looking at an idiot general looked at him: "are you sure you don't say nonsense?"

A hundred million to buy things, you ten million recycling?

But Bai zewen said with a faint smile: "it's just a dead branch. Although it contains some aura, it's just a treasure medicine at most! It's worth a few million at most. If I can give you 10 million, I'll give you face! "

"Think about it. I'm willing to recycle it now. If I change my mind later, your 100 million" Millennium elixir "will be smashed in my hand!"

Su Bai smelled the speech and looked at him with a smile, "master Bai, do you dare to make a bet with me? "

Bai zewen frowned a little," bet on what? "

"Bet on me, the withered tree branch, and your jiuxushen king, whose actual value is higher!"

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