As the sound of Su Bai's words falls, Yu Guangsheng, who looks shocked and dull to the extreme, walks away with Mu Xiyu in his arms. The hotel manager and a group of security guards at the door, looking at Su Bai's back, are extremely respectful and dare not even breathe aloud.

Yu Juncai watched Su Bai disappear. At this time, he finally recovered. His face was ferocious: "father, what's the matter

"Why let them go!"

"Shut up

Yu Guangsheng slapped him on the head and scolded him angrily: "son of a bitch, do you know that you almost killed me! Not only Laozi, but also Yujia and Dadi group are almost finished with you

The more he said, the more angry he became. He even ignored Yu Juncai's broken leg.

I just broke my leg, at least I didn't lose my life!

Liu Sanzhi's baby son, but he lost his life!

"Father, you won't be afraid of that Su Bai, will you?" Yu Juncai complained: "he broke my leg! I can't swallow it


Yu Guangsheng palmed the fan on Juncai's face and said in a cold voice: "I think I really spoil you! I can't see the reality at this time! "

Yu Juncai's face is full of disbelief. Did his father beat him?

"From tomorrow on, I will send someone to take you abroad to recuperate. You can't go back to China without my permission!"

"Why?" Yu Juncai is going crazy.

"Because I'm saving your life!" Yu Guangsheng's face was gloomy. "Do you know what kind of enemies you have provoked for Yu's family?"

"That's the first evil star of Jinling City!" Yu Guangsheng's eyes flashed a trace of fear: "even the Zheng family was destroyed in his hands, the Duan family and the Shen family were subdued by him alone, and even the Jiangnan heavenly palace respected him as the guest of honor. You can offend him. It's really a shame for me!"

Yu Juncai's face suddenly changed. He seemed to think of something. He couldn't believe it and said, "do you mean that Su Bai is the legendary Mr. Su? This - how can this be

In his imagination, the famous master of Jinling City should be high and mysterious. How could he be as young as an ordinary student?

Looking at Yu Juncai's dejected appearance, Yu Guangsheng didn't speak any more. Instead, he sighed and went to sun Shan, who was in a depressed breath. He bowed himself and said, "I'm really sorry for the injury! You can rest assured that Yu will compensate you! "

Sun Shan waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "it's nothing! But I sit in the sky and underestimate the heroes in the world. Today I bend down here. It's a lesson for me! "

"I just pity my disciple - ah!"

At this time, although Tong Chuan was still sober, his legs and arms were all broken. The road of martial arts was abandoned!

"Master, don't worry, I will stand up again! I will defeat that Su Bai personally, let him taste the taste of broken limbs! I swear

At the moment, Tongchuan's eyes are red and his face is ferocious, like a madman.

To this, sun Shan just a wry smile, did not answer.

In his feelings, Su Bai's strength may have reached the peak of the world, such a peerless monster, I'm afraid his apprentice wants to revenge, I'm afraid there's no hope in his life!

When the hotel staff dealt with the scene, Liu Cong's father, Liu Sanzhi, finally arrived. However, after hearing Su Bai's name, he was silent and left quietly.

Seeing this scene, Tan Yuhan sets off waves in her heart. What happened today has completely overturned her understanding of Su Bai and the world.


The hotel is downstairs.

As soon as Su Bai went out with muxiyu in his arms, he saw Shen daoru, a handsome middle-aged man with meticulous hair care, coming in a hurry.

"Mr. Su, are you and miss Mu OK? The Liu family and the Yu family are so brave that they dare to offend you and miss mu. Don't worry. I'll deal with it right away! "

The middle-aged man behind Shen daoru was also full of apology. He came over and bowed to him and said, "I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that such a bad thing happened in my Duan family's hotel. Please forgive me. My Duan family will also give you a satisfactory treatment."

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man respectfully said, "my dear Duan Yonghe, my father is Duan Yuren, now the head of Duan's group."

"It's Mr. Duan!" Su Bai nodded and looked at Shen daoru: "thank you Duan and Shen for your kindness. I've already dealt with this matter, so I don't have to trouble you any more."

"By the way, I didn't drive when I came, and Lao Shen always gave us a ride."

"Well, Mr. Su is very polite."

Half an hour later, at the door of Xue's villa.

Su Bai gets off with Mu Xiyu in his arms, and Shen daoru leaves with the driver and bodyguard.

Although muxiyu is still in a coma, the remaining poison in his body has been completely removed by the Su Bai in the car, and it is no big problem at this time.As soon as he entered the front yard, Xue Wanyun and others met him. When he saw Mu Xiyu in a coma, his face changed one after another.

For what happened in the evening, Su Bai did not say too much, but casually made up a reason, saying that muxiyu had drunk too much, saying too much could only make Xue Wanyun worried, there was no need.

It was that night.

Yu's shares of Dadi group fell sharply, and many cooperative companies terminated their contracts one after another. For example, Dao group and Duan's suppressed Dadi group one after another. The market value of Dadi group evaporated billions overnight!

As an old brand enterprise in Jinling, Dadi group has great strength, but I don't know who I offended. It was so unstable overnight.

Rumor has it that Yu Guangsheng, the leader of Dadi group, went to the door of the Xue family in person to plead guilty.

It is also said that the Yu family has offended the Duan family childe, which has caused the joint Revenge of the Duan family and the Shen family. It is also said that the Yu family has offended the martial arts master and can only survive by cutting the flesh.

Presumably at home, Liu Sanzhi's Dongsheng Real estate is not so lucky.

First, they were found to have tax problems, then they were found to have real estate violations, and more people reported that the Liu family was suspected of murder. In short, overnight, the Liu family and Liu Sanye disappeared completely in Jinling City.

And all this is just because the Liu family and the Yu family have offended a person they shouldn't have offended.

Su Bai!

Su Bai doesn't pay much attention to Shen daoru and Duan Yonghe's methods. They are just a group of mole ants. Even if Shen daoru and Duan's family don't move them, Su Bai doesn't dare to provoke him.

The next day, muxiyu wakes up and quietly goes back to school. I don't know if she has no face to see SuBai again.

For these, Su Bai did not pay much attention.

If there is Xue Wanyun, he will not have any contact with each other.

After Xue Wanyun left, Su Bai began to close the door and adjust his state.

He is still looking forward to the battle with Xing Xiushen.

After all, the strength of the other side has reached the peak of the realm, and it is possible to enter the divine realm at any time!

Such a master is not easy to meet.

At the same time.

In Duan Jiazhuang garden, Duan Yuren's hillside courtyard.

At this time, Duan Yuren was wearing a long linen shirt, just like an old farmer sitting on the vegetable bed of the courtyard, watering with a wooden ladle.


The courtyard was pushed away, and a gray haired old man in plain clothes stepped in.

"It's brother Xing! Brother Xing, there will be a big war tomorrow. Now you should be energetic. How can you come to me all of a sudden? "

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