Su Bai did not glance at him lightly.

"Today is your day of death!"

"Ha ha - you are still arrogant!"

Xing Xiushen laughed, his face cold: "if you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this ability!"


With a move, he saw a silver in the air, cutting through the sky like a long knife, chopping toward Su Bai.

The power is so great that even Xue Pinghai and others behind Su Bai have retreated a few meters away, they still feel a sharp and sharp, as if they can pierce people's skin.


In the face of this terrible blow, Su Bai's face was indifferent and hummed coldly. He didn't mean to defend himself. When the thunder flashed on his body, he flew away and hit the silver sword in the air.

"Protect them, grandfather!"

This is the only sentence left for Lian Jinglun. Su Bai's figure turns into a silver rainbow in a flash, and a terrible white trace is pulled out in the air, causing bursts of roaring sound. The shocked people frown one after another, and the weak ones cover their ears in a hurry.


With a loud noise, the sharp silver gas blade had been smashed by Su Bai.

Just by virtue of the body, it has such power!

Seeing this, people in the square were shocked and dignified.

The invincible young master really deserves his reputation!

This alone with the terror of the physical strength, has been completely comparable to the Henglian master, not to mention the fact that Su Bai is a real God?

Especially muxiyu.

At this time, she was as if she had been punctured. Looking at the figure of Su Bai in the air, she was so lost that she couldn't believe everything in front of her.

She never thought that the opponent of the immortal old man would be su Bai!

In her cognition, Su Bai's Kung Fu is very powerful, but it's hard to compare with this kind of legendary master!

But now, in front of everything, let her shock to the extreme, it is difficult to believe their own eyes.

"This - how is this possible?"

Her brain is like a broken computer. At this time, she finally recovers a little and mumbles to herself.

All of this, really let her world view some subversion!

Compared with the dull muxiyu, Zhang Ruan and other people beside her are different, and their eyes are full of shock and awe.

In this world, there really exist immortal characters!

Especially Zhang Ruan, when he looks at Su Bai at this moment, his eyes are shining with this little star, which is the worship of the strong!

"Su Bai, you didn't let me down."

Seeing this, Xing Xiushen's eyes flashed a strange color. He laughed and spread out his arms like bird wings in the air. Two cloud wings stretched out behind him. In an instant, they flew back nearly ten feet away, and instantly separated from Su Bai.

"There are too many idle people here. I can't do it. Follow me!"


His body was full of energy, and a terrible wave of energy was formed in the air. It looked like the air was twisted from a distance.

The next moment, the strong momentum burst open, forming a long ripple in the mid air, and then Xing's self-cultivation body, like a roc, quickly broke through the void and disappeared.

Su Bai hummed coldly, his figure flashed, a ray of thunder flickered in the air, and disappeared in a flash.

On the court, everyone looked at each other.

What do these two people mean, a good public duel?

However, soon they were relieved, because although they left, they did not disappear in the sight of the public.

At this time, Su Bai and Xing self-cultivation stand on the edge of the cliff before Xing self-cultivation and empty fishing.

However, at this time, both of them were standing on the top of the pine forest.

Just like the previous night at the top of the forest of Xue's villa.

However, this time, the two are in a real battle of life and death, and the previous one is just Xing Xiushen's final trial of Su Bai.


As the two of them left, the crowd immediately followed the nuota square.

As for the fence that blocked tourists before, it was hard to stop people at all, because this group of people were basically more powerful than others except Mu Xiyu.


Looking at the cliff nearby and the huge stone flat head protruding from the cliff, everyone took a breath.

It's crazy that Xing Xiushen has brought the battle site here!

You know, even the master of Huajing, if he falls to this cliff, he will definitely fall to pieces. There is no possibility of survival!

It can be seen from this that Xing is determined to cultivate himself.

Either you die or I die!

Under everyone's gaze, Xing Xiushen opens his arms, looks cold with a trace of madness.

"Su Bai, today, this is your burial ground!"

"I will use your blood to prove the peak of my martial arts road!""What a lot of nonsense!" Su Bai sneered, "if you want to use me as a grindstone, you are not qualified!"

"Is it?"

Xing self-cultivation sneer, this moment momentum finally burst out without reservation.

In an instant, it seems that an ancient fierce animal wakes up completely in his body. Within a few feet, all the trees are directly broken by an invisible pressure!

"Su Bai, I have to admit that you are really a peerless evil, worthy of the talent that cangming Sword Fairy all likes. Today I'll show you my real strength!"

At this moment, Xing Xiushen's long hair was floating, and his eyes exuded a terrible momentum. With a low drink, the terrible energy on his body soared to the sky, forming a terrible vortex in the mid air.

His figure also rises, when a terrible breath of destruction spreads, his whole person is like a roc bird, swooping down at Su Bai.


At this moment, the terrible wind was raging in the sky, and two huge transparent whirlpools of vigorous Qi were formed on Xing Xiushen's hands. In an instant, with a tearing breath, they fell on Su Bai.


Under the control of Xing's self-cultivation, the terrifying vigorous force whirlpool comes to the left and right sides in a flash, encircling Su Bai.

The terrible tearing force can tear up a heavy armored vehicle. Even if Su Bai's body is as strong as a master, it is absolutely difficult to resist the terrible force of these two vortices.

What's more, Xing's vigorous Qi is no less concise than that of Zhen Yuan.

This kind of power is enough to make the great master of Huajing despair in the later period, and make the strong man of Huajing fear!

However, what he faced was su Bai.

Even in the divine realm, he was successful. What's more, Xing's self-cultivation was not in the divine realm?

In the face of this terrible blow, Su Bai's face didn't change much. He just took a deep breath and suddenly made a force on his waist. A surprising force of thunder and lightning flashed on his right arm, and then he punched out.

It was like a cannon roaring.

But when it was blasted out, there was no sound coming out.

It took quite a while for the sound of tearing to come out.

Because the speed of Su Bai's fist has surpassed the speed of sound transmission.

His fist can be called "breaking the sound barrier fist"!

From Su Bai's fist to the collision between his fist and Xing Xiushen's two vigorous whirlpools, it's just a blink of an eye.

It's so fast that everyone hasn't reacted yet that the shocking collision has already happened.

The next moment.

A startling roar exploded in mid air.


The force of terror is like a tsunami. In an instant, it sweeps away from the place where the two people fight. Where they pass, the void roars and destroys the pine forest. The hard pine forest is like being crushed and falling down!

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