The news of Su Bai's killing Xing Xiushen can be said to set off a huge wave in the martial arts and Taoism circles. The martial arts and Taoism circles of China, which have been quiet for a long time, are surging again. However, these news are not related to the ordinary people. They are still living and running for trifles. Only some top aristocrats, martial arts and law practitioners are worried.

The world of Chinese martial arts is changing!

On the same day.

As far away as the Alps in Europe.

In fact, the Alps do not belong to any country. They are on the border of France, Italy and Switzerland.

In European mythology, the Alps used to be the home of the gods.

The whole Alps are arc-shaped, 1200 km long and 260 km wide, with an average altitude of about 3000 meters and a total area of about 220000 square kilometers, larger than a central province of China. We can imagine how big the mountains are.

In the Alps, there are 82 peaks with an altitude of more than 4000 meters, the most prominent of which is Mont Blanc, with an altitude of 4810 meters. The shady surface of the peak is covered with snow all the year round and is inaccessible.

At this time, a vast expanse of white rock peak, at this time, a black Apache armed helicopter, like a black iron giant general, roaring.

This is a fully armed Apache AH-64D helicopter with an empty weight of 5.3 tons, a normal take-off weight of 8 tons, and a maximum take-off weight of 10.1 tons!

It is the only armed fourth generation helicopter in the United States today. Such a steel monster is the most ferocious killer on the battlefield.

Official data show that the Apache AH-64D has a practical lift limit of 6400 meters, a maximum speed of 365 km / h, a cruise speed of 261 km / h, a maximum climb rate of 942 M / min, a endurance of up to 3 hours, and can carry 16 anti tank missiles or 76 70mm rockets, worth billions of dollars.

It is inconceivable that the armed helicopter, which should not have appeared here, is now whistling on the top of the Alps, not affected by the high altitude and low pressure.

Soon, on the snow covered mountain, a huge dark hole appeared, a line of soldiers in tight black uniforms appeared, and a leading soldier in black made all kinds of gestures to the helicopter in mid air.

Soon, a beautiful girl with red wavy hair appeared at the gate of the helicopter and looked down at a group of black people. In her charming dark blue eyes, she suddenly burst out with a touch of blood red and spewed pure Chinese.

"It looks like we're early!"

Beside her, a handsome man with blonde hair and dressed like an ancient European knight, looked at the woman with love in his eyes, and said in a warm voice, "my dear bloody queen, maybe we have already arrived. Let's go down first. Lord, you are still waiting!"

This is the famous bloody queen in the whole Nordic underground world. She is the awakened person in the legend. It is said that she can control people's blood, just like a beautiful snake, which makes people defenseless! Although she is sexy and attractive, she is only in her thirties. She is actually over fifty years old. In the international underground world, there are many men who died in her bed.

At this time, she stretched lazily, and suddenly the white body under the black tulle became more and more amazing.

But a few men in the helicopter did not dare to take a look.

They knew how terrible the woman was. The blood on her hands might turn the Rhine red.

"Forget it, I'll go down first! Sauron, lead them to wait for me in the base! "

The blonde man responded respectfully and stopped talking.

At this time, the altitude of the Apache helicopter has exceeded 50 meters of the mountain, equivalent to the height of 16 floors.

The redhead ignored the distance and jumped down.

Her body, falling freely in the mid air, didn't burst out an amazing red awn until it was 30 meters away from the mountain slope.


On the slope of the mountain, despite the distance, these black soldiers still felt a tremendous pressure, and even their blood began to boil.

It was like a dazzling flame burning. The bloody queen in the red light was as proud as the queen, and fell on the ground.


The ground made of alloy, at this time, was hit by her an inch of depression, and her thin body, at this time, is still weak and boneless, not hurt at all.

"Is everyone else here?"

The leading soldier in black quickly suppressed his agitation and bowed himself to say, "Duke hale and Lord cyber have arrived! Lord Kong of South Africa and Lord Lei of Mediterranean haven't arrived yet -- "

" eh! "

The bloody queen's face was indifferent and nodded. She was about to walk towards the inside, and her eyebrows suddenly picked.

At the same time, a thunderous laugh exploded in everyone's ears."Ha ha, bish, you are so early! Why, the little white faced prince who is not with you in France? "

This voice is very overbearing, the whole mountain seems to be shaking, and the snow on the top of the mountain shows signs of collapse.

The soldiers in black on the ground looked ugly and fell down one after another to cover their ears, as if they had been greatly hurt.

"Shut up, you idiot, do you want to trigger an avalanche?"

The red momentum of the bloody queen burst out, and her face was cold.

But from a distance, where is anyone?

The next moment.


It seemed that the earth was shaking, and a black spot on the hillside in the distance jumped up.

It tore the air like a cannonball, cut through the sky with a sharp ray, and then fell again.

A few ups and downs, had just been difficult to see the black spot, at this time has been close at hand.


With this low roar, a tall man with long brown hair fell in front of the crowd.

The sound was several times louder than that of the bloody queen Bisi, who had just fallen down. The shock of the crowd retreated.

The visitor is very tall, over two meters tall, with tattoos on his bare upper body, long brown hair, deep eyes and fierce breath. Standing there alone is like a hill.

"Soren, you idiot, do you want to tear down this place?"

The bloody queen gave him a cold look.

This is the most powerful person in the Mediterranean, Soren, the king of thunder, a powerful awakener. It is said that he can control thunder and lightning, and he calls himself the descendant of Zeus. However, he has always been a simple minded man with developed limbs, and he is simply a fighting maniac.

The bloody queen had a fight with him and lost completely, so she didn't like this big man, but she had nothing to do.

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