If you can look down from a high altitude at this time, you can find that on the river more than ten meters wide, a tiger made of a huge river is roaring.

Although silent, but the shock of the river turned, the dense mist was transpiration, obscured the public's sight.

In the giant water tiger's body, at this time by the water chain shackles of the sapphire, but not the slightest bit anxious appearance.

At this time, his eyes showed a touch of secluded awn, his hands crossed, like a cross cut, and suddenly fell.

"Su Bai, this is where you die."


His body is like melting in the water, two arms, suddenly turned into silver water blade, instantly fell on Su Bai.

And the water chain bound to the body of Su Bai suddenly shrinks at this time, which makes Su Bai unavoidable.


The next moment.

Mo Si's two hands water blade, cut down on Su Bai's body.

But not even his skin was cut.

"This - how is this possible?" Mo Si's eyes were round and his face was unbelievable.

"I'm an extraordinary water blade. I'm so refined that I can easily cut off steel. How can you not do anything?"

Then, he seems to feel the crisis, pupil suddenly constricted, subconsciously suddenly back.

Su Bai looked at him with a smile, "did you escape?"

He moved slightly.


Light by virtue of physical strength, did not use the slightest true yuan, wrapped in his body as concise as steel water chain, at this time directly stretch broken, into a water mist, falling on the river.



A silver sword ran across the night sky, and the huge water tiger was cut into two directly, and fell into the river.

In terms of strength, there is not much difference between Su Bai and Xing Xiushen.

Xing Xiushen, no matter in martial arts, inner strength or physical body, has reached the climax of the realm, and began to understand the power of heaven and earth in a small area. In fact, his ability is no less than that of an ordinary immortal in the magical period.

He is better than a real immortal, but he lacks the use of magic power and magic tools. If Su Bai doesn't use his magic power, it may take hundreds of moves to kill Xing.

It's a pity that the Su Bai Xing met in his self-cultivation is the Su Bai who has practiced the immortality of thunder. The innate body is too powerful. If you can break the sound barrier and control the power of heaven and earth, you can give full play to the real power of the spirit weapon flying sword.

Although Su Bai could only use that kind of explosion occasionally, and his physical body could not afford to enter the sound speed for a long time, which needed to reach the real congenital state. But it was enough to deal with Xing's self-cultivation. Although he broke at the last moment and rose to the divine state, it could not stop Su Bai's terrible attack of fully opening the sky thunder immortal body to control the spirit weapon flying sword.

Compared with Xing's self-cultivation, the so-called sword toothed tiger is far from perfect.

The other side is good at the assassination, the positive combat power is barely able to enter the peak threshold of the realm, and all his means, in front of Su Bai, have no effect. Su Bai's speed, shennian, and Zhenyuan skills are much more powerful than him.

In the face of Su Bai, he will die.

"No --"

under the great crisis, his face suddenly changed.

Just this blade, he felt a serious crisis!

The strength of this Oriental boy is more terrible than he expected!

Without any hesitation, his hands suddenly gushed out a piece of silver, like mercury, and suddenly lifted up to the huge silver gas blade.

"Get up!"


The blue water on the river, as if by a strong traction, instantly formed a huge water curtain, blocking in front of Moses.

"Chi la!"

The next moment, there was a huge water curtain three inches thick, but he didn't even hold on to a breath, so he was directly torn by the silver air blade.

But with this moment's breathing, the body of mex was instantly integrated into the river.

"Chi la!"

The next moment, the air blade cuts through the river and directly cuts out a deep crack. You can see the silt on the riverbed. The next moment, the crack is filled by the turbulent river.

"Ha ha - it's no use!"

At this time, the whole man seems to have become mercury, with strange silver flowing on his body. It seems that he has integrated into the river.

Su Bai eyebrows pick, raise a hand to wave.


A blue water blade split his body in two.

But strangely, the other side didn't shed any blood, just like mercury, and then twisted into a silver figure. He sneered at Su Bai and said, "Su Bai, I admit you are very powerful! But, in this water, you can't help me! As long as the river is not dry, I will not die

"Is it?"

Su Bai's eyes were cold, his right hand suddenly became a fist, and one fell."Bang!"

The huge fist print, with silver thunder, suddenly exploded on the river, blowing up tens of meters of water waves, startled the people on both sides of the river who had been hiding away, and retreated again.

Zizi ---

the thunder and lightning is extremely powerful, covering half of the river, but the figure of Moses is like a loach, which has already escaped tens of meters.

"I said, it's no use!" Mo Si is obviously afraid of Su Bai's thunder and lightning power. Although he still sneers, he is more afraid of Su Bai in his heart.

This mysterious oriental boy, like the thunder king in the Dragon hall, can control the power of thunder and lightning!

In this case -

when his eyes were dim, he made up his mind for a moment, his eyes were shining with silver, a strong spiritual force filled his whole body, and his hands were suddenly raised.

"Fog storm!"


At this moment, dozens of huge waterspouts suddenly soared into the air, directly covering their figures.

The next moment, the water tornado burst open, turned into water mist, directly covered the two figures of Su Bai and MES.

What's more terrible is that in the water mist, a wisp of black fog comes out from nowhere. In the blink of an eye, the white water mist turns into black fog instantly.

And the trees and plants around the river bank, when they encounter the black water mist, actually wither at the speed visible to the naked eye!

"Toxic, these black fogs are toxic!" Xiang Xuyang, who has been protecting Mu Xiyu, suddenly changes his face and pulls Mu Xiyu back quickly.

"Ah - toxic?"

"Biological and chemical weapons? What's going on? "

There was a lot of noise in the crowd, and they retreated. Even two of them were smart enough to wrap their whole body in wet clothes. They insisted on not retreating. When they were attacked by the black fog, they directly festered and choked to death in less than ten seconds!

Seeing this scene, people screamed and screamed, and most of them broke up in an instant --- it's good to watch the excitement, but they cherish their lives more.

The rest of a small part, are hiding far away, carefully looking at the black fog.

I don't know if the little brother in black can resist the attack of the poisonous fog.

Mu Xiyu several people, looking at the black fog, the face is becoming more nervous.



There was a slight sound of breaking the air. His figure was like a ghost, with huge sharp bone blades on his two arms. His body was strangely elongated to more than two meters, as if his waist had become a spring, and he fell fiercely towards Su Bai.

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