He knew that in any case, Su Bai would not let him go. Now only by fighting to death can he have a chance of life.

So he didn't hesitate to activate the mysterious magic weapon according to the explanation of the ancestor of the God of witchcraft!


The next moment, a huge, dark atmosphere rises abruptly from the mud puppet, directly enveloping Su Bai.

At this moment, the whole world fell into absolute darkness.

It's not the darkness of the night, even people's senses are all closed, it's difficult to feel the outside information.

Xu Ze is behind Su Bai, his face is at a loss for a moment, and he faints directly and magnificently.

Su Bai's eyebrows were slightly coagulated, and a sneer rose from the corner of her mouth.

He has been guarding against Mu Wuya's backhand for a long time. He is also very curious about Mu Wuya's last resort, whether he can surprise him or not. It turns out that his last resort is really powerful!

Blocking a small area of heaven and earth is a realm close to the realm of God.

It seems that this little clay puppet was indeed bestowed on Mu Wuya by the old wizard in Myanmar.

Burmese Shamanism and black Shamanism, originally one, were separated decades ago, but they still respect the ancestors of the gods.

Mu Wuyan and Su Bai have a big hatred. It's normal for the old wizard to send him to China.

"Ha ha --"

"Su Bai, you've been cheated!"

Mu Wuyan looks at Su Bai in the black unreal air wave, his face suddenly becomes ferocious, and his eyes are full of madness.

"I've asked you for mercy, but you still want to kill me! This time, there is the magic weapon of the old wizard. You will die! Ha ha -- "

at this moment, Mu Wuyan's eyebrows are surrounded by a faint Black Mist, which even he didn't realize. Now he has begun to become crazy and delirious.

Su Bai looked at him coldly and sneered: "the magic weapon of the old sorcerer? You are still silly and lovely

"It's just a way to attack by sacrificing your life at one time. You don't even know that you've been sold. It's really stupid!"

In the madness, Mu Wuyan's eyes suddenly burst out with a touch of clarity, and his face became gloomy. It seemed that he finally realized the passing of his life force, and his face suddenly became ferocious and unwilling.

"No - Zu, why are you doing this to me?"


Unfortunately, no one answered him.

The ugly black dog mud puppet, at this time, the raised eyes, seems to suddenly open and close, a deep red light flash away, in the blink of an eye has already poured into Mu boundless eyebrows, disappeared.

The next moment.

Mu Wuyan's body trembles violently, and there is a struggle between the red light and the pure brightness in his eyes. But in the blink of an eye, the remaining pure brightness is completely occupied by the rich red awn, and his whole skin begins to become shriveled.

With his true Qi, Qi and blood, flesh and blood, everything, like evaporated water vapor, rushed to the brown mud puppet.

In this process, the mud puppet, which used to be like a dead object, slowly gained a trace of vitality at this moment. On its body, a blood red tattoo quickly covered its whole body.

A fierce and cold smell came from the mud puppet strange dog. Three feet around it, all the plants withered and died instantly.

It's like the mud puppet represents the death!

Su Bai looked at the mud puppet floating in the air not far from her eyes, with a strange look in her eyes.

He felt a breath of destruction in the mud puppet.

It made him really interested in the old wizard.

You know, even in Xiuzhen world deep in the starry sky, the way of destruction is also one of the absolute top roads in the universe. However, he did not expect that there were people on this earth who could walk on the branch of the road of destruction. Although it was just a breath, it really belonged to the road of destruction. Does that mean that the old ancestor of the God of witchcraft had ever got the road of destruction Breath?

Or is his clay puppet a mysterious artifact from an ancient relic?

In an instant, Su Bai was full of thoughts.

Then, the mud puppet, which only looked like the size of a thumb, had already expanded to a height of nearly ten feet. The black flame was burning all over the body. One of the vertical pupils was scarlet and looked like blood, which made people scared!


The next moment.

Without the slightest omen, the red light burst out of its vertical pupil, and in an instant, it drew a dazzling scarlet light.

When the light comes out, the whole world is still.

The black void is frozen. Everything is quiet.

Wind disappeared, heaven and earth disappeared, it seems that everything has been covered by this scarlet light.

The Su Bai in the illusory black fog finally changed his face.

He found that he was too big!

Today, the void of heaven and earth are all imprisoned, even his powerful divine consciousness is hard to move. This strange scarlet ray is like the light of death. If you touch it, you will die!In the distance, in the shadow of a big tree, a figure moved slightly, representing his inner vibration.

He felt the smell of death in the scarlet light.

This is absolutely the means of divine realm!

Moreover, it's not the ordinary divine realm. It's definitely the old strong man in the divine realm who has such means to temporarily imprison the void.

This time, if there is no other means, I'm afraid it's really dangerous!

He suppressed the agitation in his heart, and his figure disappeared again in an instant.

He would never take a risk until the last moment.

Once he does it, it's a sure shot!

Under the scarlet light line, it's good that Su Bai is dead. If he is lucky, he must seize this opportunity to kill Su Bai completely!

In the words of the East, the mantis catches the cicada, and the Yellow sparrow is behind, and he Lanhe wants to be the last yellow Sparrow!



Scarlet light, just like death light, can't dodge, can't avoid.

It can only be accepted passively.

After a slight sound of friction rings out, the illusory black fog in front of Su Bai's body disappears, and his body slowly becomes clear.

In his chest, a blood hole the size of a thumb suddenly emerged. The blood flowed out slowly and dyed his chest red.

It's just that.

If someone takes a close look, they will find that there is a tiny flash of lightning on the wound on her chest, and her muscles are also moving fast. The wound, which is less than an inch deep, is actually repairing and recovering at the speed visible to the naked eye!

See here, the distant shadow of Langhe eyes dull, heart again surging waves!

How could that be!

That let him all feel the light of thick death breath, unexpectedly connect the body of Su Bai all not penetrate?

It's just appalling!

What is his body made of? Is it diamond? Even diamond is not so hard, is it?

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