Su Bai chuckled and said nothing.

The man in the waistcoat also gave a light smile, and a strange light flashed through his pupils. Looking at Su Bai, he said, "why is Mr. Su so angry? We are colleagues."

"Besides, although we are hiding in the dark, we are with you. If you really have something wrong just now, we can help you


Su Bai chuckled, shook his head, and said: "please go back and tell the palace master, don't try to find anything from me. In the face of Xia Qianyu and the wind master, I don't care with you. If you want to count me, you should be prepared for my revenge!"

Lin Ruoxi's eyes were slightly sharp. She was about to speak, but she saw a sneer on the man's face and said, "I'm afraid Mr. Su misunderstood me! Our heavenly palace and our master don't want to get anything from you. It's just that your rise is so abrupt that they are very curious! Is that normal? "

"As for you, if you are worried that we will covet the inheritance of cangming immortal and the cangming sword, how much you think about it!"

"I'm afraid you don't know the inside story of China's heavenly palace. It's just the strong one in the divine realm, and it's also in our heavenly palace! What's more, I have only one magic weapon in my hand

Su Bai gave him a light look and shook his head with a smile.

"Just your half spirit weapon xuanchi, well, it's barely a magic weapon."

After hearing Su Bai's words, the vest man, who had been looking indifferent, finally changed his face at this moment.

His pupil is tiny shrink, like hawk Falcon general straight stare at Su Bai, deep voice way: "boy, you probe me?"

Without permission, it is a taboo thing for the martial arts world to explore each other with divine sense. The stronger the top, the more they attach importance to face.

In the martial arts world, it can be regarded as a provocation to the other side to scan the other side with divine thoughts.

Therefore, the vest man's name for Su Bai has changed at this time.

He Gong Changxue has never been so provoked.

Su Bai looks at him lightly, the corner of his mouth raises a smile.

"You want to challenge me?"


Gong Changxue's eyes are like electricity. She looks at Su Bai and says directly.

"But I don't bully you either. You've been through a series of wars, and now you're not at your best. Wait until you get back to your best."

Lin Ruoxi's pretty face was quick and startled. She said in a low voice, "elder martial brother, what are you doing? Don't forget the master's orders

Gong Changxue doesn't care about her. There seems to be a flame burning in her eyes. She bows to Su Bai and says solemnly: "Gong Changxue, please give me advice!"

Gong Changxue?

Su Bai looked at him strangely.

It's a special name.

Seems to be aware of Su Bai's eyes, Gong Changxue's face is a muscle beat: "boy, what do you mean? Isn't Lao Tzu a good name? "

Su Bai said with a smile: "very good!"

"Cut the crap!"

Seeing Su Bai like this, Gong Changxue is more and more embarrassed.

This name, he is also very humiliating!

However, it was given by his parents. He couldn't throw it away if he wanted to!

"Take it!"

"Wait a minute --"

Sue Bai shook her head again.

"You're not my match."


Gong Changxue has been speechless for a while. Are you too arrogant?

This guy would have been killed if he hadn't been such a powerful monster?

He felt that his mood had been extremely stable, but he was still angry with Su Bai in a few words!

"Boy, don't deceive people too much!"

Su Bai looked at him and said with a light smile, "I'm telling you the truth. Although you have almost the same mental strength, true Qi and physical body, you can walk out of the divine realm just by one step, even better than Xing's self-cultivation at the beginning! But you are not my opponent

"It can be said that no one on this planet is my opponent under the divine realm!"

Hearing this crazy words, Gong Changxue couldn't help smoking. He had been a crazy man in the world of martial arts, but compared with Su Bai, he was so modest!

What's more, when he said this sentence, he was very serious and could not be refuted.

When he breathed heavily, the next sentence of Su Bai let him explode completely.

"If you were your master, the first master of China, maybe you could do two tricks with me!"

With these words, Su Bai did not wait for Gong Changxue and Lin Ruoxi to break out. He looked at the two people with a smile: "if I guess correctly, the palace master has already been promoted to the divine realm?"

"Only the divine realm can let me treat it solemnly now!" Su Bai glanced at the shocked Gong Changxue and said, "although you are comparable to the weak divine realm, you are not the real divine realm. If you meet the strong divine realm, even if it is the weak divine realm, you can only escape!"Gong Changxue's heart vibrates and looks at Su Bai for a long time.

Although he wanted to refute, what he said now was the truth, and he didn't know where to refute.

At this time, Lin Ruoxi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly looked up at Su Bai and said in a deep voice, "Su Bai, you are very smart!"

"You guessed well! Master, he has indeed been promoted to the divine realm. Now only a few people know the news. How do you know? "

"Su Bai said with a smile:" guess


Lin Ruoxi choked for a while, no longer entangled with him on this topic, looked straight at Su Bai and said: "now that the words have been said! Then I won't hide and tuck in! "

"Although you are still in the realm of transformation, you can compete with the realm of divinity. Master he will not covet your destiny in cangming immortal cave. Please rest assured! However, at your step, you have already transcended the common customs. Naturally, there is the law of divine realm. This time, the teacher invited you to the capital because of the secret of some divine realm! I'm sure you'll be interested in this! "

"Well, that's all I've said. Now you can answer yes or no!"

She said a lot at one go, and didn't give her any chance to interrupt.

Su Bai nodded, and her eyes flashed a different color.

The secret of the divine realm?

Perhaps, the palace venerable really has good intentions, but the other party should also be interested in his rise and cangming immortal.

After all, cangming immortal is not the general divine realm, it is about to step out of the immortal realm of super strong.

After a brief thought, Su Bai nodded and said, "OK! I promise you

"I'll go to the heaven palace with you after I've dealt with the affairs in Jinling, and meet the palace master!"

Lin Ruoxi was finally relieved, "then we'll wait for the news from Mr. Su!"

Then he looked at Gong Changxue, who looked ugly, and whispered: "elder martial brother Changxue --"

"call me elder martial brother Gong!"

Gong Changxue stares at her. She doesn't want to compete with Su Bai any more. She pulls Lin Ruoxi to leave.

However, two people just walked two steps, Lin Ruoxi suddenly turned his head, "by the way, I forgot to tell you!"

"Just now, elder Chen heard that there is nothing wrong with Qingfeng pharmaceutical and the Xue family. The invaders have been repulsed. Please rest assured!"

"Besides, you have killed so many strong and elite killers in the western world this time, which will inevitably cause earthquakes in the underground world. Please be quiet for a while! In order to help you eliminate the influence of these things, Tiangong has already used too much power. If you make any other noise, I'm afraid Tiangong can't help it! "

Su Bai's face slowly became solemn. Looking at them, he said in a deep voice: "I will naturally remember the feeling of the heavenly palace this time. If I have a chance, I will pay it back double in the future!"

"In addition, you can't go now..."


Lin Ruoxi's face was dull and asked subconsciously.

But Gong Changxue's eyes are slightly cold, and his huge mind sweeps around towards the void. His eyes are fierce, and he sweeps around.

"Who else?"

Although his mind can't find people, the sixth sense tells him that there are still people dormant in the dark!

Moreover, the strength is beyond imagination!


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