Looking at the boundless sea, Li Zhen put away his compass and his eyes became shocked.

"This - where is this?"

"The five elements magnetic poles are all chaotic. My Tianyan disk is useless!"

Xie Anqi and other people's faces are changing. In the fog, it seems to hide this giant beast, which always makes people feel a trace of palpitation.

Tang Qiubai, in particular, looked at the fog in front of him and seemed to be familiar with it. He frowned at Su Bai and said, "teacher, this is similar to Misty valley

Su Bai looked at the misty sea with deep eyes and said with a smile: "yes! Maybe, this time we will have some unexpected harvest, not necessarily! "

With that, Su Bai patted some uneasy giant killer whales: "let's go!"

The killer whale hesitated for a moment, and then swam towards the fog with a light sound.

Soon, the fog obscured their bodies.

"Su Daoyou, now my YanPan has no effect. According to the previous calculation, the fog covers nearly 100 nautical miles. I'm afraid we can't find a way to go on like this!"

Li Zhen's face was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that this place was so strange. Even his magic tools didn't work. Maybe only the Zhenzong magic tools of the local school were not affected?

With a faint smile, Su Bai said, "no harm. It's enough for Mr. Li to lead us here! "

He waved and a crystal jade box appeared.

Inside the jade box, a bee like insect is lying in it.

With a flick of his fingers, a blue glow flowed into the body of bee insects. Suddenly, like hibernating bee insects, he flew up, and then flew to the distance through the fog!

It's the treasure hunter.

If he didn't use this bug today, he would have forgotten that he had such a treasure.

Su Bai took a picture of the killer whale, "follow it!"

Killer whale seems to understand the words of Su Bai, clever incomparable, a swing of the big tail, fast to the direction of the treasure hunter.

"This - this!"

Li Zhen's face was shocked and stared at the treasure hunter in the distance. He was very excited and said, "Su Daoyou, is this the treasure hunter recorded in ancient books that can find the world's spiritual things?"

Lingbao insect?

Su Bai said with a dumb smile: "this insect is called Treasure Hunter. It really has a keen perception of the genius treasure and the vitality of heaven and earth! But it also has a range of perception. Now within a hundred Li radius, it should still be able to find the so-called Weixian island! "

Xie Anqi and his crew, when they looked at Su Bai, felt that he was mysterious.

Even Tang Qiubai and Zhuo Tianhu saw the treasure hunter for the first time, and they were curious.

But seeing that Su Bai didn't mean to speak, he didn't ask any more.

At the same time.

On a small island less than 10 kilometers around, a man in black with short hair was looking at the special instrument screen in front of him. A red light spot approached quickly and his face changed greatly.

"Head, someone's breaking in!"

"And they didn't seem to be affected by the chaotic magnetic poles, they came straight at us!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man with short hair suddenly turned cold. Then he stood up and said to the elite warriors: "I know! On Wednesday, report to the young master immediately

"The rest of you, one or two teams, go into combat readiness and change into water! Team three, stay with me


After the middle-aged with short hair issued the order, in just ten seconds, more than 20 soldiers dressed in dark blue diving suits and fully armed were all ready.

The middle-aged man with short hair looked at the crowd with solemn eyes: "according to the intelligence, the strength of the offender may surpass the martial arts master!"

There was silence.

"But! In the face of modern science and technology, what is the master of martial arts? Today, the task entrusted to us by the young master is to intercept the enemy as much as possible and give them time to break the island of fog. "

"You're all carrying millions of dollars worth of special equipment, completely immune to pole chaos."

"The guns you use are all rifles specially designed by the extraordinary Department of the United States to deal with the extraordinary. They are powerful enough to shoot the great master!"

"What's more, I'm equipped with special torpedoes! Even if it's a steel warship, we can tear him open, not to mention the flesh and blood of human beings? "

"So, even if God comes today, we will account them in the sea! Do you understand? "

"I understand!"

They all had strong arms and thunderous voices.

"Let's go!"

Bang Bang -

twenty four armed Blue Diving Suit soldiers jumped into the sea and disappeared.

The middle-aged man looked at the misty sea and turned to the stone mountain in the center of the island surrounded by thicker clouds, with a sad face.Although he didn't know who he was dealing with, he could guess a rough picture.

There are few people in China who dare to fight against the Su family.

They are absolutely the top strong men who stand on top of ten thousand people. To deal with these strong men, they are special soldiers who are barely able to cultivate their inner strength. Even with the help of modern weapons, they are just cannon fodder.

When the warrior's strength reaches the level of transcendence, both the physical strength and the nerve reaction speed surpass the human too much.

Even if I give you a gun, you can't hit the master.

Perhaps, before you shoot, he has already killed you with incredible speed!

The former 20 or so people were special soldiers secretly trained by the Su family in order to deal with martial arts and extraordinary people.

They may have some advantages in the face of ordinary masters, but if they are faced with such top masters as Gong Changxue and Xing Xiushen, they are basically one-sided.

But they don't know that the one they have to face today is Su Bai, who is dozens of times more terrifying than Xing Xiushen and Gong Changxue!


Hiss ---

the fast-moving killer whale suddenly stops, seems to be very anxious, and makes a series of low hissing sound.

"Well? What's going on? "

Tang Qiubai and other people's faces were startled, and they looked around attentively.

However, under the fog, visibility is very low, only barely 10 meters away.

Even if master Mo and Li Zhen were the two real gods, the power of divine thought did not reach the external level, and it was impossible for others to find anything.

And although Su Bai's idea can detect, it is hundreds of times greater than the outside resistance, barely able to detect things within a hundred meters.

However, in this foggy sea area, it is barely enough.

In Su Bai's mind, about 50 meters in front of them, more than 20 blue figures were coming.

The men were well-trained to disperse within 30 meters of the killer whale.

And then it forms a huge encirclement, and quickly tightens towards the killer whale.

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