For elder Ma's words, Su Bai sneers and ignores them.

"But sometimes overconfidence becomes arrogance!" Elder Ma gave a cold smile: "you think everything is under your control, but you are the biggest fool!"

"Do you really think I've been playing with you for so long?"

"Ha ha, ignorance --"

he gave a wild laugh and said in a cold voice to the distance, "four gods, show up

Shua, Shua, Shua!

Four black figures suddenly appeared around the two.

Of the four, three men and one woman.

Looking at the momentum, it's not the divine realm, but it's the peak of the realm. Compared with wuxingyun, it's not much different. The four of them can fight the divine realm together.

You know, these strong people are at the top in China. They are the strongest people.

But now, there are four people in a row.

Plus this elder Ma, one divine realm and four half step divine realm.

This lineup is absolutely big!

Even Tiangong, the largest force in China, is not as powerful as it is in the public.

Moreover, this is not all the forces of the Soviet Union.

It has to be said that Su's army breaking, or should be said to be Su's family in the capital, is formidable!

A light glance at the four people around, Su Bai's eyes slightly narrowed.

There seems to be something strange about these four people?

Among the four, the woman's breath is as fierce as fire, and the one who practices it should be fire attribute.

The thick man with short hair is full of earthy yellow, so he should practice earthy skills.

There are two people left, one is green halo surging on his body, and there seems to be wind blade flowing around his body. Needless to say, it should be practicing wind attribute skills.

The last man with a soft face is covered with a light blue mist, and there seems to be a cold smile at the corner of his mouth. Naturally, water is the essence of his practice.

Earth wind, water and fire!

Su Bai's eyes narrowed slightly, but it had some meaning.

The four properties of the chaotic universe are all gathered together. I'm afraid the so-called four God guards are the confidants of the Soviet Union.

Even these people have brought it. It seems that he is determined to get shenyuanguo!

However, he was doomed to be disappointed when he had himself.

While Su Bai is squinting and sneering, four people are all around the world, and Ma Changlao is in the middle.

"Tianyuan four phase array, up!"


The world is hazy.

Centered on the six people in the Soviet Union, the area of nearly 300 meters is covered with mist.



Endless blue water spread, seems to devour the world, roaring toward the white pressure.

The south.

The thick soil is boundless, rolling down, and seems to collapse the sky.

The West.

Red fire burns the sky, and the burning void is distorted, turning into a sea of fire all over the sky.

The East.

Green wind whistling, seems to be able to tear people's spirits, cover the sky, whistling.

Earth wind, water and fire!

Mutual circulation, mutual derivation, the whole world was instantly blocked, even if it is a time to break free.

In the endless wind, water and fire, Su Bai's body is really like a boat in the sea. Under the storm, it seems to be in danger of capsizing at any time.

But when Su Bai saw this, he didn't have the slightest fear on his face. Instead, he brought a hint of sarcasm.

"Play four phases and five elements in front of me?"

"I'm looking for death!"



Endless yellow fog, instantly condensed into a huge basaltic giant turtle, hard to the south of the thick yellow mountain hit!

"Green dragon!"

Roar ---

a low roar sounded, and the endless green energy suddenly condensed into a lifelike green dragon, whistling away towards the endless wind in the East.

"White tiger!"


In the endless water mist, a huge white tiger slowly walked out, with a strong and fierce color, raised the sky and roared, and roared toward the endless water waves in the north.



A harsh hiss, a whole body bathed in the firelight of the Firebird beast, instantly condensed into shape, singing at the same time, toward the sea of fire in the frightful woman rushed!

"Four beasts!"

"This -- how is this possible?"

"You are a member of the four elephant sect. Otherwise, how could you know the unique knowledge of the four elephant sect?"

High above the sky, Ma Changlao, who had been hiding in the fog, was so shocked that he could not recover.

"Four elephant sect?" Su Bai sneered: "never heard of it!"

Elder Ma's face was gloomy, and he was about to speak, but he saw the four beasts. At this time, they were really like the four beasts coming, roaring and shaking the sky. In the blink of an eye, they suppressed the four gods. Even the four images array formed by the four men was shaking violently.Elder Ma's face changed dramatically, and he made a decision in an instant.

He suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, and instantly melted into the white jade plate in front of him.


The jade plate suddenly trembled, and a great momentum suddenly roared up.

Elder Ma's face was pale. It seemed that it was hard for him to control the jade plate.

"Tianji pan, Zhen!"


In a flash, Tianji disc burst out a sharp white light, which rose in the wind. In a flash, it turned into a huge disc which was nearly ten feet in diameter, and then fell down.


At this moment, it seems that the whole world has been suppressed.

A huge and irresistible force of oppression came in an instant.

In the distance, the four Shenwei, who had been suppressed by the four virtual shadow beasts, suddenly retreated.

Roar -

the four huge virtual images of the divine beasts seemed to feel the crisis at this moment and raised their heads to roar.

However, Tianji plate is as heavy as ten thousand Jun. it collapses all the sky. When it touches the virtual shadow of the four great beasts, it will crush and break up instantly.


When Su Bai saw this scene, his face finally showed a touch of excitement.

"Spirit weapon!"

"Su broke the army. He was really rich. He knew that I was short of spirit weapons and came to deliver them to me! I really want to thank him for giving away money! "

Su Bai laughed.

Elder Ma's face was cold, and he manipulated the Tianji plate to press it down.

How arrogant it is to die!

"Immortal thunder Dharma body, open!" Su Bai suddenly burst out ten thousand lavender rays. In the blink of an eye, his body swelled violently and his muscles swelled. Endless thunder snakes swam on him and instantly turned into a lightning giant more than ten feet high.

The whole body is full of thunder, and the breath is fierce and powerful.

"Get out of here!"

At this moment, like the ancient Thunder God, Su Bai's body was thundering with thunder and lightning, and his fist went to the sky.


The huge roar resounded through the whole island, as if the whole island trembled.

On the purple mountain, the rocks at the foot of Su Bai collapsed.

The violent air waves in the air swept away, like a tsunami, raging everywhere.

And the huge Tianji disk, which looks as heavy as Mount Tai, roared at this moment, and was thrown out by Su Bai!

"Bang --"

on the Tianji disk, the stunned and dull elder Ma is like an ant that has been knocked over. His bones are broken, and his whole body bursts out a mass of blood fog. He flies tens of meters away, and his life and death are unknown.

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