Su Bai's expressionless face turned his head and looked at the old man in white. He said faintly: "you are also called my Taoist friend?"

The old man in white was slightly stunned, and his face became gloomy. He could no longer suppress his anger. He sneered and said, "I'm not a talented person, but now I'm also the honorary president of Lingnan geomantic Association. Even in China's legal practice, I can be ranked as a famous man!"

He looked at Su Bai coldly and said sarcastically: "however, Mr. Su is the first master of China, so we can't compare! In my opinion, Mr. Su should not be called the first master of China, but the first master of the world -- "

" noisy! "

Su Bai looked indifferent and gave a low drink.

In a flash, a thunder seemed to explode in his heart, which made Zhong Deshou's body tremble suddenly. When his face was pale, he could not help retreating five or six steps before he could stabilize himself.

"You --"

"another noise, kill you!"

Zhong Deshou was stunned again, and immediately laughed angrily.

Zhong Deshou was the first geomantic warlock in Lingnan. He was a great master in the later period of Yushen. His reputation was only a little lower than Wu Xuean in the original port city. Naturally, he was arrogant.

Although Su Bai's name is big, he has never seen it with his own eyes. Today, he is just an ordinary teenager. He can't help but despise it.

And the most important thing is that Su Tianzhi and the Su family are going to fight against Su Bai. In his opinion, Su Bai is going to die soon. What's the fear?

"You don't know where you were when I was practicing Taoism, but today you dare to --"

"seek death!"

The cold awn in Su Bai's eyes flashed.

And point to become a knife, suddenly cut down.


Su Bai's hand is very fast. When people react, a silver blade of Qi has cut through the void and fell on Zhong Deshou's head.

"No --"

for a moment, Zhong Deshou was scared to death.

How dare he kill himself?

Until this moment, he didn't understand that Su Bai dared to be fierce in front of so many people.

Let him crazy roar, black and white halo suddenly burst out, but in front of this Su Bai Qi blade, fragile as paper paste, instantly broken.

With his body, split in two.

White gas blade, a silver white flame burst out, instantly wrapped his body inside, burned to ashes in the blink of an eye!

One move.

The elder of Diancangshan in Lingnan and the immortal in the later period of Yushen were directly annihilated.

It all happened very quickly.

There's no time for people to react.

It was not until Zhong Deshou's body was burned to ashes that everyone seemed to be awake.

Tang Qiubai, Li Xianyu and others seem to be used to such scenes, with no unexpected expression.

Su Qingyao and Xia Qianyu are also determined, and their faces are calm at this time.

Only Xue Wanyun, Mu Zhenhong and Xue Zhong changed their faces slightly.

It's the first time they've seen Su Bai's hand. It's really terrible!

A big living man, in the blink of an eye, is gone.

Su Tianzhi's face turned red and white. He stared at Su Bai for a long time.

The two middle-aged men in black behind him, as if facing a big enemy, stare at Su Bai and keep Su Tianzhi in the back.

"Second master, our brother, try our best to stop him. We'll find a chance to leave later!"

While they were talking, their eyes were full of determination.

Although they only have the medium-term strength of Huajing, they can play the strength close to the peak of Huajing with their joint attack, but they are not sure in front of Su Bai.

Su Tianzhi took a deep breath, but did not leave.


He still underestimated the result of Su Bai's killing.

Zhong Deshou, who points Cangshan in the south of the five ridges, is not a nobody. He is famous in the whole Lingnan province. However, Su Bai has no nonsense and kills him with one move.

He has no doubt that if he entangles again, Su Bai will kill him!

One side.

Duan Tianlu, who has been silent, looks very gloomy. He stares at Su Bai and says in a deep voice: "Su Bai, this is Duan's territory. You've passed!"


Su Bai looked at him with a smile: "what do you want?"

I don't know why, Duan Tianlu was seen by Su Bai, and his heart suddenly trembled.

In his heart, he was embarrassed. In Duan's territory, how dare he be so arrogant?

"Su Bai, you don't have to act recklessly on the strength of your own martial arts cultivation. You have to know that there is a day outside --"

"one more word, kill you!"

Su Bai didn't care about him at all, and spewed out a word without expression.

In a flash.

Duan Tianlu is like a duck pinched by his neck. His voice suddenly stops. He stares at Su Bai, but he doesn't dare to say more.He had a premonition that if he dared to say more than half a word today, Su Bai would dare to kill him!

Without paying any attention to him, Su Bai walks slowly towards Su Tianzhi, who is pale.

Su Tianzhi suddenly trembled in his heart, and his face was pale. He said, "Su Bai, what do you want to do?"

"I warn you - I'm your second uncle --"

"Hushan, Longxing, stop him!"

Two middle-aged men in black take a deep breath. Their eyes show their will to die. When they are full of momentum, they wake up like two fierce beasts.

"Second master, we can only stop him for a moment. Let's go! Go to find the young master of the broken army

"Stop me for a moment?"

Su Bai shook her head and gave a light smile.

"You think too much of yourself!"

Su Bai carried her hands and walked slowly.

The two middle-aged men in black had fierce light in their eyes. While they were roaring, they were like dragons and tigers rushing at Su Bai.

But the next moment.

The two figures have not yet come into contact with Su Bai.

A dazzling thunder burst out on Su Bai.

Two people's bodies suddenly stiff, and then with a faster speed than before toward the distance throw out.

"Bang Bang --"

their bodies are like sandbags. They instantly draw two parabola lines in the air. They smash how many rare flowers and plants one after another, and then smash two holes in the ground. They don't know whether they are alive or dead.

Su Tianzhi's face was pale and his body could not help shaking.

He now regrets to the extreme, why should he provoke this madman in advance!

"Su --"

"pa --"

a loud slap in the face sounded. The second master of the Su family, a high-ranking figure in the capital, was just like a piece of garbage, and was slapped by Su Bai.

His face swelled into a pig's head.


His body fell to the ground and trembled. An unpleasant smell of urine came from him. Su Tianzhi trembled like chaff. He was scared to death, and his excrement and urine flew together.

Su Bai coldly looks at Su Tianzhi on the ground.

"I won't kill you today. I'll let you see with your own eyes how I killed the Su family!"

Su Qingyao looked at him coldly and said in disgust, "you don't deserve to be a father's brother!"

"Go away!"

Su Tianzhi's face turned red and white, and his face suddenly became extremely venomous.

He, Su Tianzhi, lost all his face today!

One side, a few black bodyguards, you look at me, I look at you, quickly picked up Su Tianzhi.

Duan Tianlu looks at Su Bai with a gloomy face, and sneers in his heart.

Let you be proud first, when the Su family's divine realm master comes, I see how desperate you are!

Heart sneer, but his face did not show the slightest, with Duan Tianlu several people left in a mess.

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