
The void roared, and the horsetail girl only felt that in her mind, a silver God thunder exploded.

Then there was an angry voice.

"Damn it, you did it for a mole ant? Damn it, damn it

Although this voice is also Chinese, it is very stiff and awkward.

The next moment.

On the high-speed motor car, suddenly a shock of awe broke out, and a piercing chill with a bloody atmosphere enveloped the whole car.

Among the passengers in the carriage, their hearts trembled, their eyes darkened, and their blood seemed to be frozen.

In the eyes of all the people, there was a blood red figure. When the blood fog broke out, it was like an ancient fierce beast, swallowing it to two young men and women.

When the crowd trembled, some girls screamed and covered their eyes.


Su Bai eyebrows slightly pick, eyes show a touch of anger.

Before he arrived in the capital, someone rushed to die?

The archangels of the dark temple?

It's just a blood descendant!

"Innate true fire, refining!"


When Su Bai opened his mouth, a blue fire flew out in an instant.

In a flash, Rafael's blood mist was shrouded.


The blood fog on Rafael's body, when he meets this blue real fire, is like ice and snow meeting fire, melting rapidly.

This moment.

Raphael looked frightened at last.

"Damn, what kind of flame are you? Can you burn my soul

Su Bai's eyes are indifferent, "you talk too much nonsense!"

Xia Qianyu also looked at him with disgust: "that's to say, disturb our journey! Go to hell with you

She's very upset now.

It was supposed to be a very pleasant journey, but now this Raphael is involved!

"Damn it

Rafael's figure is illusory to the extreme. Two illusory bat blood shadows appear in his eyes. He doesn't dare to hesitate. He drinks a low voice.


In an instant, his few remaining spirits exploded directly.

An illusory blood bat, in an instant through the roof, in an instant towards the sky away.

"Want to escape?"

With a sneer, a blur of light and shadow in the center of her eyebrows passed through the roof of the car and disappeared.

Between the heaven and the earth covered by the vast snowflakes.

A bloody bat, which is almost invisible to the naked eye, pulls out a bloody light and shadow in the void, and its speed is amazing.


The next moment.

A cold voice came.

Suddenly, the whole world suddenly coagulated.

Even the whole world of snowflakes, this moment are directly static.

The bloody bat had a very anthropomorphic panic in its illusory eyes.

"Spare your life, sir

His spirit is refined from the essence and blood of his soul. It is not an ordinary distraction, and has a very close relationship with the noumenon.

If Su Bai kills his distraction, his own strength will also be affected.


The blue spirit of Su Bai stands up in the void, like an immortal, and falls with one hand.

At that moment, the powerful power of the mind condensed into a transparent sword of the mind, which cut through the 100 meter void and cut the bloody bat in half.

But the weird thing is.

After being cut in half, the bloody bat was illusory. It turned into two smaller bats and fled in the opposite direction.

At the same time, Raphael's cold and murderous voice rang out beside the soul of SuBai.

"Su Bai, you piss me off!"

"The spirit of my blood clan is immortal. You can't kill me!"

"When I come, I will kill you in the most cruel way!"

Su Bai's spirit showed a cold smile.

"Never die, never die?"

"What a boast

"Lieyuan's magic power, the spirit millstone!"


A roar of the spiritual level sounded, the moment will be two cyan grinding disc like out of thin air, the moment will be two blood bats down.

The crushing force of terror broke out, leaving the soul of Raphael's bloody bat to struggle, but it didn't help, and it was wiped out in an instant.


The blue spirit quickly returns to the body of sapphire.

"How's it going?"

Xia Qianyu asked in a low voice.

"It's settled."

At this time, the whole carriage, people's faces shocked dull to the extreme.

What's going on here?

Are they hallucinating?

Especially the horsetail girl and several young people, when they looked at Su Bai, their eyes were shocked and excited to the extreme.They met the legendary immortal!

Su Bai gently shook his head, eyebrow invisible power of mind, instantly shrouded the whole car, erase the memory of everyone.

Then, all of them were in a trance and shook their heads. It seemed that they had forgotten something, but they didn't think much about it.


The radio on the train sounded.

Beijing west station, here we are.

Su Bai pulls Xia Qianyu to get up.

"Let's go."

Summer shallow language some doubts: "don't we get off at the next stop first?"

The corner of Su Bai's mouth stirred up a smile.

"There are old friends waiting for us here."


Xia Qianyu is a little curious. As soon as he comes out of the station, he sees a middle-aged man with blonde hair standing in the crowd.

Blonde middle-aged stood there, but the people around him didn't seem to feel his presence.

He was dressed in what seemed to be the last century's aristocratic tuxedo, with a strange blood red light in his eyes.

Xia Qianyu's face suddenly changed.

It's that Raphael!

"Sir, I said I would come back." The blood in his eyes was surging, and the blood mist all over his body was rising. When a cold sense of killing spread out, the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

There was no change in Su Bai's face.

"I'm curious. Why are you suddenly here? Are you invited by the Su family? "

Raphael didn't rush to do it. He laughed and said in broken Chinese, "please don't touch the archangel of the dark temple, the Su family you are talking about!"


"What are you here for? Is it revenge for the killer I killed before? " Su Bai chuckled: "when did your killer organization attach so much importance to friendship?"

"No, no, no, no --"

Rafael walks here. Every step he takes, the cold on the ground spreads.

"A sub God killer, not worth my hand!"

"To tell you the truth, I'm here just for you!"

He looked at Su Bai's body with burning eyes, just like looking at a peerless treasure, tut tut sighed: "it's really the body of the Holy Spirit!"

"Do you know how tempting it is for us to have the true God and the body of the Holy Spirit in the true God?"

"If you give up resistance, I may make you suffer less!" Rafael's eyes were indifferent, and his face was full of confidence. He said faintly, "otherwise, if I start, I can't guarantee that I won't hurt this beautiful lady!"

Xia Qianyu snorted and glared at him.

"So you want to study my congenital Tao body --" Su Bai sneered, "come all the way to die. Do you really think you can be better than the five divine realms?"

He can sense that this Raphael is really strong.

But the breath is stronger than that of the old dragon master. It's much weaker than that of yingzikang.

I don't know what the other side has. I'm so confident.

"The power of my blood clan is not comparable to that of ordinary real gods!"

The blood rose in his eyes.

One hand on the ground.

"Blood spirit border!"

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