After releasing the Spiritual Sense, he felt the situation inside the mist, Su Bai frowned, within the mist, he could actually restrict the Spiritual Sense's detection!

Passing through the Grand Moon. With the nourishment of the stone, Su Bai's current Spiritual Sense could already reach out to a distance of close to thirty meters. One must not underestimate this thirty meters, as a normal Innate Immortal Cultivator's Spiritual Sense could only cover an area of around fifty meters. Currently, his cultivation was only at the late stage of Qi Condensation, and his Power of Spiritual Sense was already close to half a step into the Innate Realm.

Without thinking too much, Su Bai called out to Tang Qiubai and walked into the mist.

The magnetic field inside the fog was in chaos. His Power of Spiritual Sense that could cover nearly thirty meters was now only able to cover a distance of ten meters. Since he did not know the exact location of the Misty Valley, he could only follow Ji Hao and the others.

After walking for half an hour, the fog in the forest had grown denser, and the visibility had turned to a pitiful few meters. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he could not even see his own fingers in front of him.

The atmosphere inside the fog was extremely weird, other than the footsteps of the people, even the sounds of birds chirping and insects had disappeared. Ji Hao and the rest were fine, their bodies were enveloped in a layer of faint light aura, they were on guard, but Xie Angqi, Zheng Ronghe and the rest of the mortals had suffered!

The few of them were in a trance, their faces pale. It was as if their minds were being devoured by an invisible force, and their foreheads were covered in sweat.

Those few bodyguard in black's expression were in a trance, their eyes were straight, as if they had been summoned. Like zombies, they walked away from the group and headed outside.

"Crack ~ ~"

As soon as the three of them took a few steps forward, a huge blood-red flower bud suddenly appeared from within the fog. As soon as the three of them took a few steps forward, a huge blood-red flower bud suddenly appeared from within the fog.

"Ah, what is this!"

Mr. Yin, save me! "Ah!

With two miserable cries, everyone turned their heads and their expressions turned extremely ugly. The flower bud had already taken off two of the three bodyguards. Fresh blood dripped from the ground, making the scene extremely glaring.

The remaining bodyguard was scared silly. He stood on the spot and watched as the giant flower bud started to engulf him.

The expressions of Yin Wuji, Ji Hao and the others changed. They turned around, wanting to attack, but they were too late.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai frowned slightly, but he did not choose to do nothing. After all, this was a human's life.

His eyes suddenly focused as he pointed at the flower bud from a distance away and shouted, "Stop!"

In that instant, an invisible force descended, and the scarlet flower bud that it swallowed suddenly stopped moving.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Bai's fingers slashed across the air like blades.


"Puff puff puff …"

A cyan colored wind blade appeared out of nowhere. The huge flower bud that was full of barbs was as fragile as a piece of paper as it was torn into two. The viscous liquid flower dropped onto the ground, emitting a sour smell.

Ji Hao and the rest finally regained their senses and nodded at Su Bai, then took action and cut off the remaining two man-eating flowers. Unfortunately, most of the two bodyguards had been devoured, and most of their limbs and bones were scattered on the ground, looking extremely horrifying.

The bodyguard who escaped death saluted Su Bai gratefully and quickly hid in the team.

Although he was a member of the special forces and had seen blood before, he had seen this kind of strange scene before. At this moment, he could only rely on his willpower to suppress the fear in his heart.

"Ugh …"

As for Xie Angqi, Hee Mingxu and the others, they were even more helpless.

On the other hand, although Xia Qianyu and Tang Qiubai's faces were also ugly, they were not so terrible.

Recovering from her shock, Xie Angqi rinsed her mouth, still having some lingering fear in her eyes.

"Is this a man-eating flower? Wasn't it said that such terrifying plants only existed in the depths of the tropical forest? How could there be one here? "

Ji Hao's face became gloomy, and said: To be exact, this is only a mutated plant, it is not the man-eating flower that Miss Xie mentioned, but the attack power of this strange flower is even more terrifying than that man-eating flower!

Everyone subconsciously nodded their heads. They had just seen the attack power of this strange flower, and in the blink of an eye, the two alive people had disappeared. If not for Su Bai, it would be hard for the last person to survive.

Thinking about Su Bai, Ji Hao frowned and said: "Mr. Su, you seem to have sensed the strange flower's attack at the first possible moment?"

One had to know that inside the fog, not only was there a chaotic magnetic field that disturbed the mind, it was also dense fog that covered one's line of sight, causing one's senses to be completely blocked. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for them to detect the danger ahead of time, but Su Bai did not seem to be affected at all, which shocked and puzzled them.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Su Bai smiled and said: "I was born with six senses, I don't know how to mention it."

Hearing his answer, everyone frowned, but did not ask too many questions. However, when he looked at Su Baishi, the expression in his eyes changed yet again.

"Since the Mr. Su's consciousness is not affected, then if there is any more danger, I hope the Mr. Su can warn me in advance!" Xie Angqi's face turned ugly, out of his six elite bodyguards, she had lost five of them before entering the dense fog, it could be said that they were all dead. When she spoke, he was slightly cold, probably because she was dissatisfied that Su Bai did not save the other two.

Su Bai looked at her indifferently, and said: "We'll see!"

Xie Angqi's face congealed. She still wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yin Wuji's gaze. She could only snort coldly, and the look in her eyes towards Su Bai became even more unsatisfied.


The rest of the journey was even more oppressive, and the entire world seemed to be shrouded in mist. The surroundings were frighteningly quiet, and from time to time, a black shadow would flash within the mist, as though a group of people was about to face a great enemy.

Xia Qianyu pulled the middle aged man surnamed Li and followed behind Su Bai. With such an early warning aircraft, how could they keep it to sell?

In regards to this, Su Bai only chuckled, but did not say much.

Zheng Ronghe who was being protected by the Great Master Qiu behind him saw this, his face turned gloomy.

Finally, after walking for nearly four hours, a valley appeared before everyone's eyes.

The valley was not big, and at the entrance of the valley grew green bamboo that looked like droplets. The fog in the valley had also thinned out.

Phew —

Ji Hao let out a long sigh, and his face surged with wild joy, he did not expect that this time it would actually be so smooth reaching the Misty Valley!

It had to be known that last time, even though he and his junior sister had been guided by the map, they had only managed to charge into the outer valleys with a slim chance of survival.

Suppressing the wild joy in his heart, Ji Hao nodded at the crowd and said, "Everyone, Misty Valley is right in front of us, but remember this well, everyone can only search for treasures left outside of the cave, and must not go any further, or else they will all die without a doubt!"

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