At this time, there was a lot of noise in the defense Hall of the Japanese military headquarters.

On the big screen, the picture of encircling and suppressing Su Bai before real-time transmission.

"The target fled to the top of Baishi volcano."

"No.0 and No.19 supersonic fighters have begun to encircle and suppress the attack --"

"the fourth air and land Armed Forces Department is 20 kilometers away from the target, and it is expected to form a tactical encirclement with No.19 supersonic fighters in three minutes --"

under the suppression of the two supersonic fighters, Su Bai fled directly. At this time, everyone in the hall finally showed a smile.

"That Su Bai is not a real God after all. He is still flesh and blood. No matter how powerful he is, he will run away in front of supersonic fighters and supersonic cruise missiles. Ha ha!"

"Well! Today's earth is the supremacy of science and technology and military force. The so-called martial arts are totally vulnerable to the air force and heavy weapons! "

"Ha ha! It has to be said that the Chinese are really terrible. They have the power of ghosts and gods. The Lu family is normal even if they don't talk about their opponents! However, if we meet the supersonic fighter of our air force, he will surely die! "

A group of fat middle-aged people are bragging to each other, and the middle-aged man in the command seat also has a smile on his face.

But right now.

All of a sudden, the big screen suddenly a meal, an intelligence officer's voice came.

"Supersonic missile launched - the target began to counterattack, the Zero fighter was hit by unknown means and crashed!"

"The 19th fighter was also hit. It crashed completely!"

Whoosh ---

a series of news reports showed that the whole hall was still only breathing heavily. The middle-aged man in the command seat was so gloomy that he could drip water. All the generals standing around him bowed their hands and did not dare to give out one.

"Damn it

"The helicopter fleet of the fourth air and land armed forces, attack immediately --"

his voice has not yet fallen.

In the huge screen, a startling purple light once again runs through the sky. At this moment, the seemingly fierce armed helicopter forces suddenly burst out one after another shining Sparks -

just in the blink of an eye, the helicopter group of the fourth air and land armed forces is less than half!

For a moment, the entire command center was silent. Many generals stood there.

The middle-aged man in the command seat was even more red and white, unable to speak for a long time.

"How is that possible? What shot them down? Is there a shoulder mounted air defense missile? But no matter how powerful the missiles are, they won't shoot down two F-15s. We haven't received any news that any weapons entered Japan from underground channels. Besides, where did he get such a big missile? "

An ugly Air Force General murmured subconsciously.

There are only 100 F15 aircraft in Japan. Now there are two, including half of the 14th brigade and the land aviation brigade.

It's a price no one can afford. It seems that the pension problem of thousands of people can make all the generals here have a headache. Not to mention, it is even more difficult to seal so many people's mouths.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

In the silence, the middle-aged man in the command seat was expressionless and finally spoke.

"Don't be impatient, play the video again, and ask the strategic experts to analyze it immediately! I want to know immediately how the Chinese destroyed two supersonic fighters and dozens of armed helicopters! "

His voice was cold and gloomy, and the atmosphere in the hall was frozen to the freezing point.

Soon, several top military strategic advisers and top weapons advisers were invited to see the purple light in the picture, but they were helpless.

When everyone's face was ugly and iron blue reached the extreme, suddenly, a young man with inch hair opened his mouth carefully.

"Report, my Lord, according to the analysis of the battle report on the front line, the purple silk thread is made of sword light. It is a supersonic weapon that can track and chase automatically. Its speed is faster than that of ordinary missiles! This kind of super weapon is similar to the attack method of the Japanese Kendo Master Yu Jianzhan, but it is much stronger than it! This kind of attack may be the flying sword in Chinese mythology

"Flying sword?"

In the hall, once again, everyone was stunned on the spot.

All the people in the hall frowned, obviously not familiar with this word.

Soon some people began to popularize science, and they soon understood that the so-called flying sword of China was a legendary immortal's means, which could fly thousands of miles away to kill the enemy's head.

However, it's just a myth. Not to mention the Japanese, there are few imaginations in China.

It's the masters of martial arts. They are ten feet away from the outside. Xiufa real person can control the fire and thunder, but I'm afraid he's shocked to face the legendary sword fairy method of flying sword!

After all, if you want to use the flying sword, you must have a strong spirit first. At that time, Su Bai forced shennian heaven and earth to expand the coverage of shennian to more than ten kilometers, so that he could control the flying sword and cut down the two supersonic fighters and more than ten helicopters with one sword.If they escape faster and get out of the attack range of Su Bai, then even he can't help it!

In the hall, the atmosphere was a little strange.

Some people who know how to practice martial arts have a slight change of face and don't know what they are thinking.

Others, with a sneer on their face, obviously didn't believe the so-called flying Sword Fairy.

"Baga, the flying swords are out. Do you think we are all fools?"

But at this time, someone suddenly exclaimed:

"my Lord, the video of the war situation is coming from the front line."

"What, open it for me?"

The middle-aged man in the upper command position suddenly changed his face and was short of breath.

Other people, believe it or not, are all looking at the big screen.

The video is very blurred. It was taken by a cobra armed helicopter in the distance when the two supersonic fighters were cut down by Su Bai.

From a distance, only a faint purple lightning flash could be seen, and then the two F15 fighters flew into the air one by one and exploded, turning into fireballs all over the sky.

After that, the dozen armed helicopters didn't run away, but were passed by purple thunder light one by one, like cutting vegetables, with no room to fight back. Finally, they all rowed the fireball.

"This --"

"what kind of weapon is this?"

"Is there really alien technology?"

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Although you can't see what the purple ray is, the power it shows far exceeds the flexibility of any modern weapon. Accelerate, turn, aim and kill freely in the air!

This kind of performance is like a supersonic cruise missile, which can fight wherever it wants and never explode.

The modern science and technology on earth is obviously far from being developed to this level!

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