In the luxurious hall, a few scattered waiters are sitting in front of the bar, knocking melon seeds and joking. It's unbelievable.

Such a scene, let alone a five-star hotel, is unlikely to appear even in the Express Hotels in the third tier cities.

"Cough --"

a light cough sounded, and everyone was stunned for a moment. They immediately bowed to the old man in Tang costume.

"How are you, second master!"

"Hello, chairman!"

If Su Bai were here, he would be able to see that the old man is very similar to Li Zhen, but he has more refined temperament than Li Zhen, and he doesn't have energy and skill fluctuation.

The old man took a deep breath, frowned at the candy melon seeds on the table, and said in a cold voice, "I don't want to have next time!"

Several young men and women trembled and bowed their heads one after another

The old man frowned and said nothing more. If it had not been for the crisis of the local school and the Li family, he would never have tolerated the laziness of some of his subordinates.

However, now big brother is seriously injured and unconscious, and the situation is not optimistic.

Now less than 30% of the territory of Di Shi Men has been assigned by Xuan and suppressed by Tian Jian men. Even the Haizhou International Hotel, which he started in this battle, is now assigned by Xuan and suppressed by Tian Jian men. If it goes on like this, within a month, Haizhou international hotel will be closed down!

At that time, I'm afraid the whole school and the Li family's financial affairs will be completely broken, and they will only be destroyed!

Li Hong has trouble breathing. He looks up at the street. In the distance, more than a dozen young people are sitting there smoking and farting. Every time someone goes to Haizhou International Hotel, they are cut off by a few people on the way and directly bombarded away!

He took a deep breath, his face full of resentment and anger.

"Have you heard from Miss?"

A young man in black came forward, shook his head and said, "Miss, since she left five days ago, there has been no news back today."

"Is there any news from those who go to Jinling City for help?"


Li Hong laughs at himself. Elder brother put the whole local school and the Li family on the so-called young master. But now the Li family and the local school are in danger of being destroyed. Where is the young master?

Elder brother, this is pushing the Li family and the local teachers into the abyss of eternal doom!

He sighed.

Li Hong waved his hand to these people. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a noise coming from the distance of the door.

"Go and see what's going on - forget it, I'll go myself!"

Li Hong has some doubts in his heart. Now even the security guards of Haizhou international hotel have been dismissed, and there are Xuan's appointment and Tianjian's people at the door to make trouble. Are there any guests who insist on breaking in?

Several people push the door out, just see two two young people and a tall middle-aged man, and before the flow of a crowd confrontation.

"Damn it

"I don't understand people, do I? Lao Tzu has already said that Haizhou international hotel is closed. If you want to stay in the hotel, go to other places, don't toast, don't eat and drink

Among the three, the leader is a young man in a blue Taoist robe. He holds a handle of dust in his hand, and his face is peaceful. It's Li Xianyu!

He looked at the fierce young man with yellow hair in front of him. His eyes seemed to flash with blue light. He glanced at several people and said with a smile, "you are all in martial arts. Why do you want to do such a funny thing?"

Beside Li Xianyu, Tang Qiubai, dressed in black casual clothes, looks gloomy and says with a sneer, "is that the skill of xuanzhi and tianjianmen? Send some of you minions to disgust people? I'm afraid it's too small for me to wait, isn't it

Zhuo Tianhu sneered and looked at a group of people who were ill dressed.

The highest one of these people's cultivation is the perfection of internal strength, which is not enough for him to hit with one finger, not to mention Li Xianyu.

Hearing Li Xianyu's words, Huang FA's face changed slightly. His pupils shrank slightly. When he looked at them, his eyes had changed.

"Practice family? Or is it a helper from the local school? "

"However, I advise you not to do this muddy water! Be careful to drown yourself

Li Xianyu's face remained unchanged, and he didn't mean to leave.

Huang FA Qingmu, the leader, once again shrank his pupils. He suddenly looked at Li Hong and others at the door of the hotel in the distance. With a sneer, he asked in a loud voice: "Mr. Li, you Haizhou international hotel have been closed recently. You don't want to do it now?"

Li Hong's face turned red and white, but at last he seemed to accept his fate. He sighed dejectedly and bowed to Li Xianyu and others.

"I'm really sorry, thank you for your kindness to the store, but now our store is in the process of consolidation and can't open for the time being. Please don't force any more and leave!"

Behind him, several shop assistants and bodyguards in black, blushed and bowed, but did not dare to speak.

They didn't resist, but they were all sent to the hospital, even the intensive care unit---Today's Di Shimen and Li's family are not rivals of Xuan and Tian Jianmen at all. They are not in the same level in terms of martial arts and capital strength.

"Ha ha ha!"

"Do you hear me?" The young man with yellow hair was very satisfied with Li Hong's answer. With a sneer, he looked at Li Xianyu and Tang Qiubai and said, "people don't want to receive you at all. Why are you so hot and cold? If you're smart, you'd better go back and forth! "

"Haizhou's water is not what you can wade through!"

Li Xianyu is still in the future and talking, but when he sees Tang Qiubai, he sneers and takes a step.

"Is it?"

"What if we have to?"

The Yellow haired youth's eyes are slightly narrowed, and their eyes are emitting cold light. They still talk hard about the future, but they are impatient to see the younger brothers behind them.

"Damn it, brother Huang, what are you talking to them about? I think they just don't cut it! "

"Damn it

A crowd howls, takes out the steel pipe from the waist, the nunchakus and so on, and rushes toward Tang Qiubai.

"To die!"

Tang Qiubai could not resist his anger for a long time, and his figure moved like a blue lightning.

Li Xianyu and Zhuo Tianhu are standing in the same place, with no intention of moving.

"Elder martial brother Tang seems to have made a breakthrough in his body method. He is better than me by more than one point!"

Zhuo Tianhu sighed.

Li Xianyu chuckled: "don't belittle yourself, elder martial brother Zhuo. What you're doing is strength. I'm afraid your boxing strength now has surpassed the peak of the ordinary realm?"

Zhuo Tianhu said with a simple smile, "it's still a little short!"

Li Xianyu didn't say anything more. He didn't look at the Yellow haired youth and others. He went straight to Li Hong and others.

"Bang bang" -- "

Tang Qiubai's figure is like a tiger into a flock of sheep. He doesn't have to do anything when he passes by. The strong wind outside his body touches Huang FA Youth and others, just like a roaring train. With great momentum, he bumps them several feet away, like sandbags, and falls on the ground without a sound.

Even the young man with yellow hair, who had the strongest cultivation ability, was frightened. He didn't dodge at all, so he flew white and fainted magnificently.

In the distance.

When Li Hong and others saw this scene, they were stunned and speechless.

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