"Besides, this elder brother Ge, who is called elder brother Ge in the Jianghu, was famous in Lingnan for his" Xuanyin finger "in the early years. His cultivation was probably in the later period of the imperial deity, and his peak was possible. However, this person has a very small mind. He will report his mistakes and is ruthless. It is said that this person is responsible for Li Zhen's injury. "

When Su Bai heard the words, there was a chill between his eyebrows.

"Ge San? Good

I only went to Japan once, and this man dared to kill the local teachers. Do you really think that I can't come back in Japan?

Xia Qianyu, who had never spoken, frowned and asked: "there is a problem that I can't understand all the time."

"If it's because of Su Bai that Tian Jian men oppressed Di Shi men, why does this Xuan assignment want to swallow Di Shi Men at the risk of offending Su Bai? Moreover, on the cruise ship, the father and son of the Qin family have been coveting the dragon plate. Is there any secret hidden in the dragon plate? "

"Or, is there any secret or treasure that Xuan wants to get in this school?"


As soon as she said this, people's eyes gathered on her.

"Tut tut!" Gong Changxue holds her shoulders in both hands, and looks at her carefully as if she knew Xia Qianyu for the first time. "I didn't expect that she and brother Su went to the country the next day, and even her head became bright!"

Summer shallow language ruthlessly white he one eye, lazy to talk with him.

Heifeng and fengyutang are thoughtful.

"It's reasonable to say that Xuan's assignment is too positive to deal with the local school this time. If something goes wrong, there will be demons. I'm afraid only Li Zhen, Qin's father and son, Ge San and others will know the secret!"

Feng Yu Tang frowned.

But there was a strange smile on the corner of her mouth.

"If so, it will be more and more interesting!"

"Let's go. Let's go to the Li family first."

Several people are preparing to start, but see Su Bai eyebrows suddenly pick, eyes show a touch of evil spirit.

"What's the matter?"

Su Bai sneered: "there's a guy who doesn't open his eyes!"

Palace long snow doubts a way: "where, how did I not see?"

"Not here! It's Liya

At the same time.

By the road outside the dock.

Li Ya was surrounded by a group of big black men.

The first one is a thin young man with deep socket and a brown Cobra tattoo in his neck. Behind him stands a middle-aged man with a low head. He is ordinary in appearance, but his eyes occasionally show the essence, which makes it difficult to look directly at him. There is no doubt that he is a big hand.

He was named Ge Tong, the third son of Ge San. He was fierce and vicious. He was respected as "Tong Shao" in the underground world of Haizhou.

His cultivation is not high. He only has the later cultivation of inner strength, but Ge San loves his little son the most and sends a confidant to protect him. Therefore, he almost walks sideways in Haizhou City, doing whatever he wants without any scruples.


Li Ya's face suddenly changed. She took a deep breath and said in a cold voice, "what do you want to do?"

Ge Tong's shadowy eyes scanned Li Ya'ao's protruding body with a cold smile. "I haven't seen you for a long time. Why is Miss Li so far away?"

"Miss Li, please give me a face and come with me!"

The two bodyguards behind Liya, with solemn faces, quietly took Liya behind them: "Miss, go first!"

"Be sure to send things back to the door and wake up the old master!"

Li Ya's face changed, "Zhang Hu, Zhong Tao, what are you doing? Don't be impulsive -- "

before she finished her words, she saw that their faces were suddenly red, their forehead was blue, and they were facing each other like angry beasts.

"Miss, go!"

Their strength is not weak, both of them are full of inner strength, and they are also one of the only top experts in the local school.


The two hands were angry, and their bodies were filled with earthy yellow breath, just like two yellow giants. On the fist seal, they were roaring, like a hill, and smashed at GE Tong's key.

"To die!"

In his later period of inner strength, Ge Tong didn't have the slightest fear, and there was a touch of irony in his eyes.

The next moment.

A ghostly figure suddenly appeared in front of gerton. It was the low middle-aged man who had been there before.

At this time, the middle-aged breath of cuntou is booming, just like a tiger coming out of the cage. The body is full of Qi and blood, and it is difficult for people to breathe.

He moves very fast, two hands clench fist, fast as thunder, suddenly hit two people in the chest.

Zhang Hu and his middle-aged fists, even the roaring train, bombarded them in the chest before their attack.

"Bang Bang --"

two low crashing sounds sounded, and the tan air flow on Zhang Hu's body was directly smashed, and a clear fist seal appeared on their chest, like a kite with broken line, spitting blood and flying backwards.Shua!

The next moment.

Several figures appeared like residual shadows. The two people who had been flying backwards were directly solidified in the air.

Su Bai's face was cold. He felt the two people's condition. Between the waves, a pure real yuan poured into the two people's bodies, and instantly recovered the two people's injuries.

"Well? There are also experts? "

Seeing Su Bai's sudden appearance, Ge Tong's face changed slightly, and then he gave a cold smile. "A group of guys who don't open their eyes don't see where they are. They dare to take care of my affairs. They are really impatient!"

All the people in black around are also looking at Su Bai and others.

"Boy, it depends on the occasion for heroes to save beauty, too?"

"This is Haizhou, even we dare to offend. I don't think you want to leave!"

"Ha ha --"

a group of people laughed and jeered.

Only the middle-aged man with a low cut, looking at Su Bai, his eyes became dignified, and even his forehead began to sweat.

"Tongshao, these people are not weak --"

"eh?" Ge Tong frowned, but he didn't care. He said with a cold smile, "Uncle Jun, don't worry, this is Haizhou. No matter what these people come from, even the Dragon across the river must be set for me!"

Li Ya stared at Su Bai, looking very excited: "Su --"

Su Bai interrupted her words, "I'll talk about something later! I'll take care of the flies first

Gerton was so angry that he said, "are you special --"

"eh?" Su Bai's eyes flashed coldly, "looking for death!"

He's like a fly swatter.


In mid air, the vitality suddenly condensed into a huge cyan handprint, which fell like a millstone.

"Be careful, Tong Shao!"

The man in the middle of the inch is numb. Looking at the dull Ge Tong, he roars. His eyes are suddenly red, and his blue muscles are suddenly rising. His low body suddenly expands, and suddenly turns into a two meter tall muscle giant. His blood and blood soar to the sky, and when he roars, he hits Su Bai's blue hand with a fist!

However, how can he resist the attack of Su Bai?

Click -

let the middle-aged man roar desperately, but in front of this giant palm, it's just like an ant smashed by buzhoushan. It's hard to resist the slightest. His red eyes are frightened and desperate. Looking at the expressionless Su Bai, his heart is desolate.

Often walk by the river, where to have not wet shoe?

This time, finally kicked the iron plate!

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