In a flash, the old man's face was terrified, and he almost cursed his mother in his heart.

I'll do it before I finish my words. Why don't you play according to common sense?!

"Stop it --"

he almost yelled.

But Su Bai's hand did not mean to stop.

Damn it, this is a lunatic!

Without any hesitation, the old man's eyes were crazy, burning the spirit and the true yuan in an instant.


In his whole body, a black flame rose up in an instant, wrapped his whole body, and instantly integrated with the black dark sword, facing the huge white palm of his head!

However, when the black Youming sword touched the white jade's fingerprints, it could not hold on to a breath. There was a crushing sound on the dark sword body, and a black crack spread out from the tip of the sword.


At the next moment, a low burst sound was heard, and the black sword body broke into dozens of pieces. A embarrassed figure was thrown out, and blood gushed out of his mouth. The burning black Qi on his body was extinguished in an instant, and his whole breath was withered to the extreme.


His body flew backwards like a shell and fell on the ground, directly throwing out a big pit in human shape.

And the white jade fingerprints, in addition to a little dim a few minutes, the speed did not reduce, the moment roar again.

In the underground pit, on the old man's thin body, there was a faint overflow of blood. His body was shaking, and his face was scared.

He overestimated Su Bai, but did not expect the strength of the other side, even more terrible than he imagined!

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought he was facing an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years!

"Don't kill me!"

"I know the news of Dixian Cave --"

in the distance, Su Bai's eyebrows picked slightly.

The huge white fingerprints that were about to fall suddenly stopped at this moment.

Su Bai took a step, like shrinking into an inch, has appeared in the blink of an eye over the old man.

"Tell me!"

This time, the old man did not dare to talk nonsense.

"The reason why I want to destroy the school is actually for the sake of two treasures, which can open the cave of Huayuan Dixian on the overseas Fairy Island!"

"Go on."

"Looking for the dragon plate is to look for the Dharma array guiding Dharma plate of Huayuan Dixian cave. There is also a treasure in the dishimen, named hualongjian, which is the key to Huayuan Dixian cave. If you don't have these two treasures, you can't find Huayuan Dixian cave even if you have great powers!"

"Huayuanxian mansion?"

Su Bai frowned slightly, but he had never heard of such immortals in China.

Not far away, Gong Changxue and others frown slightly. I don't think they have heard of such people in China.


With a wave of Su Bai's big hand, the white jade fingerprints floated on the old man's head.

The old man was suddenly relieved and took a deep breath. He got up slowly from the pit, bowed to Su Bai and said, "thank you so much for your life, Taoist friend Su!"

Su Bai lightly looked at him, "who is this Huayuan Dixian? How do you know that these two treasures of the local school can open the immortal mansion of Huayuan? "

"I don't dare to hide it from you. In fact, I'm not sure about Huayuan Dixian mansion! However, this matter should not be separated from ten or eight! "

Gong Changxue also came to him and frowned: "are you not sure? Isn't that teasing us? "

The old man shook his head: "no! Gong Daoyou, please listen to me

"You may not know that there used to be four sword holding elders in tianjianmen -"

when he said this, people were still wondering, but Gong Changxue seemed to think of something, and his eyes were staring round: "what the old man said is true - old Youming, are you really the sword holding elders in tianjianmen?"

The old man gave a dispirited smile: "just a traitor! It's not worth mentioning. "

"After I betrayed Tianjian gate, I was chased and killed by my three martial brothers. When I had no way out, I fled to the sea. I didn't know how far I was. I bumped into a mysterious place by mistake and got some luck in it. It took me several years to break through the divine realm. Only then did I have the netherworld gate and the netherworld master."

Gong Changxue's face suddenly said, "no wonder Beihai Youming gate is acting strangely and keeping a low profile, but it has a bad relationship with the Liang family of Tianjian gate. It turns out that there are still these relationships."

As the first official force in China, Tiangong's intelligence system is pervasive. Gong Changxue has heard of all the secrets that other people don't know. However, he doesn't know about the secrets of the powerful Shenjing people decades ago.

Su Bai looked at the man with great interest and asked: "since you have become a God, you can be carefree. Why do you want to break into Huayuan Dixian cave?"

The old man was silent for a moment, and his eyes suddenly showed a touch of deep pain and hatred.

"Because I want revenge!""What's the revenge?"

"Tianjianmen liangtiantu, the enemy of killing his wife!"

Su Bai all surprised to see him one eye, but did not ask more.

It seems that this person is also a person with a story. With his eyes of Su Bai, he can naturally see the hatred in the eyes of the old man. It is absolutely not fraud.

"As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend." Su Bai said with a faint smile: "you Ming Taoist friends should know the enmity between me and tianjianmen. Fortunately, there is no big misunderstanding today. I think if you want to deal with tianjianmen, maybe we can cooperate! "

It's not Chinese cabbage that helps a man with a strong spirit in the medium term. If he is to be in charge of the three provinces of Lingnan in the future, I'm afraid this southeast area will be as solid as gold!

Master Youming's eyes burst out with unprecedented light, and his breath was a little short.

"Is this true of Su Daoyou?"

Su Bai light smile: "you may not know, that day Tu Jianxian, has to me under the war, the two of us, there will be a war."

Master Youming's face changed violently, and he said: "as long as you can kill Tiantu old ghost, I will not give up even if I am broken to pieces!"

Su Bai chuckled: "as long as you don't kill sword immortals on this day, you will die!"

"Next, Youming Daoyou can talk about the affairs of Huayuan Dixian mansion in detail!"

Master Youming took a deep look at Su Bai and said in a deep voice, "I said before that when I was chased, I had strayed into an island secret place. I got a chance to enter the divine realm."

"Could it be that the place you mistakenly entered was huayuanxian mansion?" On one side, Xia Qianyu guessed with great interest.

"Miss Xia is really smart!"

Master Youming paid a compliment and then said in a deep voice: "later, I learned that the secret place of the immortal mansion was the cave of an immortal master! What's more, what I intruded into was just the outer edge of the immortal mansion. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to come out with my accomplishments at that time. "

"After I reached the divine realm, I searched for the secret place according to my memory. I didn't know how many times, but I got nothing. Later, I learned from the ancient books assigned by Xuan that the secret place should be the legendary overseas Fairy Island relic!"

"And the immortal Huayuan, as far as I guess, is not an ordinary person at all, but a immortal who is not born in the legend of overseas Fairy Island!"

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