The middle-aged man quickly took back his eyes and pretended that he had never seen Xia Qianyu before. With a faint smile, he said, "two of you have been with Ma for so long. If Ma has not noticed anything, how can you still walk in the river and lake?"

"Ha ha."

Su Bai did not reply with a smile and said nothing more.

The middle-aged man sees Su Bai so, in the heart displeased, the brow immediately wrinkles, "two follow me so long, what matter in the end?"

If it was not for Xia Qianyu's identity, he would be too lazy to talk so much nonsense with Su Bai.

In his exploration, Su Bai is an ordinary person. As for the breath of Xia Qian's language, he only has the breath of transformation, which is not enough to be afraid.

"We're after you, just want to know where you're going, can we have a party?" Su Bai light way.

"Because of this?" The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed, as if he didn't believe it. However, he took another look at Xia Qianyu and quickly said, "I think they are also from martial arts. I'll tell you the truth. Tonight, there will be a martial arts exchange meeting in Juxian villa. At that time, there will be practitioners from all over the south of the five ridges to participate. There will be exchange of all kinds of magic weapons, lingyao and Dan Yao!"

"However, the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting is quite secret. Only acquaintances can introduce them. If you really want to go, Ma can introduce them. I don't know if you can afford to make Ma satisfied?"

"Wu Dao exchange meeting?"

Su Bai picked eyebrows, not too much interest.

But Xia Qianyu's eyes were bright, and he seemed very interested. He said: "Su Bai, you're idle anyway. Go and have a look!"

Su Bai didn't have much interest in it, but he remembered that he got a piece of lightning wood at the fairyland exchange meeting in Jiangzhou before, and this time he might have other harvest, so he laughed: "OK, let's go and have a look."

As he spoke, he gave a flick of his finger.


A red pill flew into the middle-aged man's hands.

The middle-aged people on the Elizabethan had seen Jingyuan pill before, so this time they only gave each other the tonic pill of huosui Qi condensation in the magma space of Baqi mountain. After all, they didn't go to the valley, so they still had to rely on pills to replenish their physical strength.

Although it is not as effective as julingdan and jingyuandan, it is also effective for martial arts. It can replenish genuine Qi and Jingyuan, strengthen physique, and has the effect of Pigu pill.

The middle-aged man took the elixir, and there was a little doubt in his eyes, but he still got close to his nose and smelled it, and his face changed suddenly:

"what elixir is this?"

He looked at Su Bai and Xia Qianyu deeply. Then he suppressed his agitation and said in a deep voice, "do you still have this pill? I'll take them all. I can pay for them. "

Before Su Bai came to speak, Xia Qianyu said with a faint smile, "if you do a good job for us, we can give you a few more."

"Good!" The middle-aged man agreed and looked at Xia Qianyu once again, suppressing the greed in his heart.

Now his injury has not been completely recovered, for a few pills and Xia family, this is not in his interest.

On the way, they found out that the middle-aged man, Ma Daoyuan, was a member of the Ma family in Beihai.

According to Xia Qianyu, the Ma family in Beihai is also a martial arts family, but it has declined in recent years and has not been a martial arts master for many years.

And Ma Daoyuan is a master of Huajing. I'm afraid his identity is fake.

This point, the two did not investigate.

"Is this pill rare?" Xia shallow language doubts a way.

Juling pill and Jingyuan pill need genius and special refining techniques to refine. However, this Qi tonifying pill is similar to the ordinary Decoction for replenishing essence and Qi, but the effect of SuBai Qi tonifying pill is stronger and easier to be absorbed by martial artists. But even so, with the ability of martial arts masters, as long as there are enough herbs, it should be easy to refine such pills.

"You don't know. In the martial arts circle, pills are the most rare! Only a few great elixir families, as well as the hermit clan, can understand the method of refining. We ordinary martial arts people really don't know how to refine elixir! What's more, what you gave me already belongs to the top grade pills. " Ma Daoyuan looked at Su Bai with twinkling eyes and said with a smile.

Most of the Dan prescriptions of the major families are handed down from ancient times. Many medicinal materials have disappeared. Even if they are available, they require a very high age. Even many Dan prescriptions are incomplete. Even if you have a prescription and a medicine, you have to be able to refine it. There are fewer alchemy masters than Huajing masters. This leads to modern society, Dan medicine is more and more rare.

"So." Su Bai and Xia Qianyu nodded.

When Ma Daoyuan saw this, his eyes moved slightly.

Xia Qianyu and the boy are really young people from the big family in Beijing. They don't even know the common sense of martial arts and Taoism.

If not for fear of Xia Qianyu and Xia family's influence, he would like to rob these two fat sheep now.

I just don't know where the mysterious master with Xia Qianyu is?He took a deep breath, looked at Xia Qian and said, "you two, it's said that the Zhou family in Beihai, the Fengmen in Dongshan and the Qin family appointed by Xuan will participate in this exchange meeting. There must be a lot of good things."

"The Zhou family in Beihai is a world-famous family of traditional Chinese medicine. This family is famous for its medical skills. More than half of the high-end traditional Chinese medicine market in Lingnan province is basically controlled by the Zhou family. Even compared with the Chen family, the strength of the Zhou family is weaker."

"If there is anything you need to exchange at that time, Ma can introduce you." Ma Daoyuan is extremely attentive.

Su Bai and Xia Qianyu smile and don't say much. This guy doesn't have any good intentions, but he is still very restrained now. If the other party is too much, then Su Bai and Xia Qianyu don't mind teaching him how to be a man!

The so-called martial arts gathering was held in a quiet manor near the seaside in the suburb of Haizhou.

Along the seaside trail, we soon arrived. At the gate of the manor stood two men in Tang costume. Their eyes are shining, and their muscles are like dragons. They are two experts with great inner strength.

"The strength of the force holding the martial arts party is good." Su Bai light a smile way.

Ma Daoyuan took a look at him with a sneer in his heart. These childe brothers of Beijing's rich families like to put on airs and put on airs.

"It's natural," he said with a smile! If you can find two masters with great inner strength to guard the gate, I'm afraid the Qin family will be able to do it in Haizhou! "

"Xuan assigned the Qin family?"

Su Bai and Xia Qianyu look at each other, slightly surprised.

Ma Daoyuan obviously didn't know that xuanzhi had been destroyed. He glanced at Su Bai and said, "don't you know that xuanzhi, the largest faction in Haizhou? Now the Qin family is becoming more and more powerful. It has already surpassed the Li family and become the second largest family in Haizhou, second only to the Ge family! "

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