Su Qingyao and others were shocked by the breath of the nether world, but Xia Qianyu and Li Xianyu were not surprised.

As soon as master Youming appeared, he took a deep breath, looked solemn, knelt down on one knee and bowed to Su Bai.


He said before that as long as he could kill Liang Tiantu, his life would be su Bai's.

Now, Su Bai has done it. Naturally, he will not break his promise.

With Liang Tiantu's fighting power, even if he broke into the legendary Dixian cave and practiced for another hundred years, he might not be his opponent!

It can be said that Su Bai avenged the impossible revenge for him, which alone was enough to make him sincerely surrender.

Looking at Xue Pinghai and Su Qingyao's suspicious eyes, Su Bai first let master Youming get up and said with a smile: "grandfather, elder sister, from today on, when I'm not here, you Lao is the safety of Xue's manor, so I'll give it to him! Old Xue's cultivation should be in the middle of the divine realm. After mastering the array left by me, he should be able to resist the attack of the top experts in the divine realm - "

the divine realm?

Su Qingyao looked at each other, shocked each other.

Next, Li Xianyu and Xia Qianyu were also promoted to the divine realm, which shocked everyone for a long time.

Li Xianyu is OK. After all, he is the chief disciple of the heavenly way. After so many years of practice, he was only one step away from the divine realm. Now it's normal to be promoted to the divine realm.

However, it's incredible that Xia Qianyu is promoted to the divine realm.

If they remember correctly, before Xia Qianyu and Su Bai went to Japan, they were just cultivating in the middle of Huajing. In less than a month, they were promoted to Shenjing?

It's not so fast even by rocket, is it?

At this moment, even Su Qingyao and Tang Qiubai were in a trance.

Xia Qianyu is embarrassed to be seen.

"Sister Qingyao, don't look at me like this! This is also because I had some fortune with Su Bai in Japan, so I was lucky to be promoted to the divine realm -- "

Su Qingyao turned her lips and joked:" if so, I should have gone to Japan at the beginning! Tut Tut, I want such a good fortune, too! "

Xia Qianyu's big eyes blinked and looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai had no choice but to smile: "next time I go to Japan, I'll take you with me!"

"I dare not! You've stirred up Japan this time. If you go again, I'm afraid you'll be surrounded by the army, won't you

All of a sudden, there was a lot of laughter in the hall.

Feeling the laughter of relatives and friends, Su Bai's heart is calm and warm, which is what he tries to protect.

But, now he, want to protect all this, or too weak.

No matter the ancient earth immortals in the eastern fairy sect or the legendary saints in the west, they can threaten him.

Now, his main goal is to complete the foundation construction of the main road as soon as possible, so that he can walk freely even if he enters Xianmen and overseas Fairy Island.

Hua Guo calendar, 2019, January 30th, six days from the Spring Festival.

On this day, however, something happened that shocked China and even the world.

One hundred years ago, Tiantu Jianxian, the ancestor of tianjianmen, was beheaded by Su Bai under Mingshan mountain in Jinling City.

As soon as the news came out, it was like a hurricane sweeping the whole martial arts world.

The martial and Taoist families of China, as well as the clans of the great hermits, kept silent.

In particular, the families and forces that were about to move when they heard that the Soviet Union was in the Japanese crisis were stunned.

The news of Xuan's death didn't cause much trouble. Compared with the news of Liang Tiantu's death, Xuan's death is not worth mentioning.

The first thing for Liang Anbo and others to return to Shanmen is to announce the closure of the mountain for a period of 100 years!

As for the choice of tianjianmen, the major forces also understand that all the powerful people in tianjianmen's divine realm have fallen. Their secret enemies will not let go of the chance of falling down the well. This time, they will take the initiative to close the mountain, which may reduce some losses.

On this day, the dragon and Tiger Mountain tolled nine bells, and the old Heavenly Master, who had been closed for decades, went out in person.

Deep in the mountains of Southern Miao, it seems that dragons and snakes are singing together. Some people see an old man in white walking on a dragon --

in the land of Mobei, an unknown ancient temple, full of Buddha light, and a thin monk walking on the moon, accompanied by Golden Lotus everywhere!

In the hinterland of Zhongzhou, on Wudang Mountain, an old man with Yin Yang Daopao treads on a crane and appears in the sight of tourists from Qianshan Mountain.

On the shore of the East China Sea, some people say that they see Jiaolong.

In the Far West, some people call it Kunlun fairy mountain. A fairy man rides an ox and walks among the clouds, just like a nine day immortal.

Tiangong in the capital.

"It's a mess, it's a mess!""Kunlun Mountain, guwudao, guqingcheng, even the old polar antiques are out of the mountain! These old guys are not dead yet. The martial arts world of China is going to change completely! "

In the courtyard, Gong Wuyu, who had been showing off as a calm and expert, looked at a stack of secret newspapers on the table and said, "Damn it! Since the birth of Su Bai, the martial arts circle of China, which has been stable for so many years, has been in waves. Fortunately, it is still under control. This time, it's good! Old Liang is dead. The two of them have called out all those old people who have been hiding for many years! "

Gong Changxue was lying on the cane chair with a playful face, looking at the walnut in her mouth, and said with a smile, "teacher, it's no use worrying! We are no match for these old monsters

"But don't we still have ancestors?"

He said with a mysterious smile: "to deal with the old monster, we need the old monster to come out --"

Gong Wuyu was blowing his beard and staring at him. When he was about to teach him how to respect his teacher, he suddenly felt a huge power of mind coming. He immediately put on a smile and looked at Gong Changxue with sympathy.

The palace long snow doesn't know how of, suddenly feel sweat hair upside down erect, in the heart surging up a touch of crisis.

"Lao Zu --"

he was still in the future and begged for mercy. With a bang, a big white handprint in mid air suddenly photographed him.

The smoke and dust dispersed.

The cane chair was broken, and a clear fingerprint appeared on the ground. In the middle of the fingerprint, there was a big human shaped pit -

Gong Wuyu ignored Gong Changxue, but worshipped the high altitude: "welcome master to pass!"

The master waved his hand, frowned and asked, "Liang Tiantu, dead?"

Gong Wuyu nodded: "the spirit is broken, the body is dead and the way is gone."

There was a wave in the old eyes of the Tibetan sword master. Then he disappeared and looked at the sky.

"Get ready and invite that Taoist friend Su to come. I want to see him in person!"

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