Hard life a few people smell speech, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, but did not say much.

Since they have decided to enter the burial Valley, how can they give up because of Yu Rouzi's words.

"Everyone, there must be a lot of danger in this valley. Be careful!"

Hard life said in a deep voice: "let's go in!"

They all looked solemn and moved together. In an instant, they broke into the valley.

As soon as they entered, they felt that the world was changing, as if they had stepped into another world.

It was dark all around. Even the sky seemed to be bloody. It was gray around. They couldn't see the situation tens of feet away with their eyes. Turn around again, even the door behind the body, also vaguely, as if it would disappear at any time.

"Ten years ago, when I was about 100 meters deep, I found a vermilion fruit, only the size of my thumb, crystal clear, with a flame burning inside. At that time, I ate and swallowed it, and then I became the body of the earth immortal. Later, I closed my door and practiced hard, and finally entered the realm of heaven and man. Unfortunately, in the end, I failed to break through the earth immortal! "

Hard life opened his mouth, as if there was a sigh in the words.

"It should be a phoenix blood fruit! According to the legend, the Phoenix blood fruit is tainted with the essence and blood of the ancient red phoenix, and it's a transmutation drug. One fruit is enough to prolong life for thousands of years. If the low-level friars take it, it's enough to transform it into a phoenix body directly, and it's a rare drug to repair all the way to the realm of Yuanying Tianjun! "

"And the Phoenix blood fruit buried in the immortal Valley can't be the kind of magic medicine in the legend. I'm afraid it's also the variant Phoenix blood fruit transformed from the essence and blood of the spirit beast with Phoenix blood. But even if the variant Phoenix blood fruit has only a trace of the spirit Charm of the spirit beast Phoenix, it's enough to promote the level of treasure medicine."

Said here, Su Bai looked at the shocked hard life, and said with a smile: "if you can refine the Phoenix blood fruit into the best elixir, or even the treasure elixir, by special means, you can enter the land of immortals by it!"

Hard life look slightly changed, then shook his head wry smile.

"Lao Dao, I don't have the foresight and means like Su Daoyou. I don't know how to inherit the immortal method and how to refine the pills? It's a fluke for me to take this opportunity to enter heaven and man! "

Su Bai chuckled and stopped talking.

It seems to be hiding something.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. If this person really had a bad heart, he would be killed!

Today, he is only one step away from building the foundation of the main road. His body and spirit have reached the top of his nature, which means that he can fight against the real earth immortal masters. Even if he works hard with master cangjian, it's not enough to kill him!

When people heard Su Bai's words, their eyes moved.

This Su Bai, as expected, has been passed on by the immortal law!

Wan Songyang, who had not spoken for a long time, looked at Su Bai and asked: "dare to ask Su Daoyou, what is this treasure medicine?"

Su Bai said in a soft voice: "above the elixir, is the treasure medicine."

"The general elixir can be made in a thousand years, and the elixir power contained in it is enough to refine the ordinary elixir."

"but this treasure medicine, which is stained with the essence of heaven and earth, ancient animals, essence and blood, is the real material of heaven and earth, is the essential thing to make Bao Dan Xian Dan, it is also a rare treasure in the real world of fairy dressing."

This is the first time for Su Bai to reveal the information of the world of cultivating immortals in front of others, but now he has no fear with his cultivation. He has a premonition that even if he doesn't enter the immortal gate, he can complete the foundation of the main road in the valley of burying immortals, and step into the foundation completely. At that time, the earth will be as big as he wants!

Many of the immortal masters of Xianmen come out with Zhenzong Lingbao, and Su Bai can kill it with one hand!

Precious medicines are extremely precious. They are very popular among the immortals. With the aura of the earth, there is no way to produce precious medicine. I didn't expect that there was a treasure medicine in the burial valley.

And this Phoenix blood fruit belongs to fire. It's a good match for the mysterious Phoenix Fire Power in Xia Qianyu's body. If she can swallow it, I'm afraid it's hundreds of times better than swallowing the elixir directly, and it's not impossible to be promoted to the earth immortal!

"Since there is one in the burial Valley, there should be another. If we can get it, whether it's self-cultivation or apprenticeship, it's better than all the elixirs for prolonging life. "

Hearing Su Bai's words, the eyes of master cangjian and others brightened.

If they can get the Phoenix blood fruit mentioned by Su Bai, even if they can't be promoted to the earth immortal, I'm afraid that their accomplishments will soar and their life will be extended for decades!

Several people think like this, eyes suddenly become eager.

No su Bai's face is still cool, but Yu Rouzi's eyes change. He stares at Su Bai for a long time, but he doesn't speak any more.

Su Bai's understanding of the world of cultivating immortals seems to be more detailed than she imagined. She has never heard of such strange fruits as Feng XueGuo, but Su Bai knows them. This obviously shows that Su Bai's inheritance of immortals is no weaker than her. In some convenient ways, it is even stronger than Yuqing palace!

This makes Yu Rouzi more curious about Su Bai!

As the people move forward cautiously, the fog around them is billowing. They want to rush in and are directly pushed away by the people's bodyguard Zhenyuan.Suddenly, Su Bai frowned and looked into the fog.

"Be careful!"

The eyes of master cangjian and Lao Lao Ming are the same.

"Roar --"

a startling roar of the beast sounded, and the thick white fog, which had been surging up, rose up like boiling hot water, and a black red shadow, like lightning, came rapidly.

The smell of the fishy wind came from the shop and made everyone frown.

Wan Songyang's eyebrows wrinkled, his fingers flicked, a black pill turned into powder in the air, and the red snake on his wrist raised his head, spitting out the letter, as if he had met heaven and earth.

"Be careful, this thing has poison gas on it, but I've already applied the" poison elixir "

Wan Songyang's voice rang out in everyone's ears.

"Thank you, Wan Daoyou!"

The master of Tibetan sword laughs, and his body is full of momentum. His robes are bulging, and he claps them face to face.

"Evil, death!"

And hard life a few people see this, did not move again, careful guard, in case of other beasts attack.

It should be no problem to deal with a strange beast with the strength of the Tibetan sword master.


With the hand of the master of Tibetan sword, the fog in the air was suddenly pulled by a force. In a moment, a huge white hand of about a Zhang size was formed. It was like a grinding plate, and the empty space was humming. In a moment, it was photographed against the black and red beast's shadow!


The black and red beast shadow is extremely fast and flexible. It can change its direction in mid air. It dodges the hand of the master of hidden sword and turns into a black and red shadow. It swallows it!


The giant palm fell on the ground, but there was only a shallow fingerprint on the ground, which was enough to prove how strong the ground was.

At this time, the man in possession of sword frowned, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the animal could change its shape in the air when it was moving at such a high speed, but he underestimated the animal!


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