Super Ability Student

Chapter 2451: : Cutting the grass without removing the roots, spring breeze blows and regenerates

"Lin Tian... will he do that too?"

"Yes, no matter how good he is, he is still a man, aren't men all like that? They all look at their faces, right?"

"How could it be! Lin Tian would definitely not be such a superficial person, he is different from those men who are full of things like that, who only follow the trend and bully the weak!"

"What's the difference! Men are all the same, but it's not the time yet, and soon he will think you are disgusting, just like those people!"

"No! Impossible, Lin Tian is special, I believe him, he will definitely not be that kind of person!"


In Shen Yuelan's mind, there seemed to be two villains arguing with each other, insisting on each other's words, constantly pulling, and the noisy Shen Yuelan had a splitting headache.

Lin Tian next to her didn't notice her strangeness. He looked at the scenery outside the window, thinking about his own thoughts.

At this time, the mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated. Lin Tian took out and took a look. It was a message sent to him by Xiahou Qingyi.

It was a document attachment, and Lin Tian did not rush to open it.

He hasn't read the content inside, but he can roughly know what it will contain.

If something inside is leaked out, it will definitely cause an uproar in Longhai City.

Lin Tian typed the word thank you in the dialog box, thinking about something else, Xiahou Qingyi sent another text message:

"I really want to thank me for the words, and occasionally tell the old guys, let me go out to perform some tasks alone, don't always leave me at the base to lead the training, even if you are a subordinate, I will be bored and sick. Up."

"In addition, I did you a favor again this time. You must remember this favor and find a chance to repay me!"

"If you dare not take it seriously, hum! You know!"

Finally, a threatening emoticon was sent.

Looking at the grinning emoticon with a small leather whip in his hand, Lin Tian couldn't help holding his forehead and sighed. In his mind, Xiahou Qingyi's smug expression on the screen was automatically filled.

Lin Tian will never forget that in the girl's hands, he still holds his naked and naked photos.

In fact, Lin Tian wasn't really worried that Xiahou Qingyi would leak out. He stepped back ten thousand steps. Even if it really exploded and let everyone in the world see it, he didn't really care.

After all, it's just a photo of him, not his wife.

As a man, a man with abdominal muscles, how can he be seen, he will not die, maybe he can attract a group of female crush!

But if it is an intimate photo with his wife, it will be different, but any man with normal mentality will definitely not want other men to see his own woman's body.

So what really made Lin Tian feel painful, and made him feel that Xiahou Qingyi couldn’t help but...

This girl can even do things that threaten to take pictures of fruit photos, and there is nothing else she dare not stab. If she provokes such a woman, it is definitely a terrifying thing!

At the same time, Lin Tian was also very curious, this girl has been collecting his fruit photos, will she take it out every now and then...

Cough! Lin Tian quickly dismissed his thoughts, and did not dare to continue to make up for it. The picture was so beautiful!

Lin Tian moved his finger, deleted the word thank you, typed out a paragraph and sent it out.

"The great kindness of the eldest lady is unforgettable for the villain, so I must keep it in my heart and repay it!"

Not long after the news was sent, I received a reply from Xiahou Qingyi, which was a proud emoji.

Lin Tian smiled and put the phone back.

After knowing that Shen Yuelan had to go back and forth many times in that unit in order to do this proof, it was because the real estate boss behind the scenes was secretly seeking personal gain, Lin Tian had his own plan in his heart.

This kind of thing happened to Shen Yuelan. It was definitely not an accident. There must be a corresponding chain of interests and continuous crimes behind it.

Since I ran into it, I was idle anyway, and Lin Tian naturally wanted to take care of it.

So from the beginning, when Shen Yuelan got this proof, it was not his purpose at all. His purpose was to find everyone at the top of the chain of interests.

So after he arrived at the destination with Shen Yuelan, he secretly sent a message to Xiahou Qingyi with his mobile phone and asked her to help.

The reason why he didn't ask the Dragon Emperor directly was because he was afraid of disturbing the other party. If he wanted to find the big boss, the Dragon Emperor, even if the Dragon Emperor didn't say anything, Lin Tian would feel embarrassed himself.

Although Xiahou Qingyi's position in Nilin is not too high, but with Nilin's particularity, it naturally has a great position in China.

Therefore, Xiahou Qingyi intervened in the name of Ni Lin. After the investigation, the people hiding behind the scenes naturally heard the news, and when they were afraid, they took measures and directly pushed out the bald leader as a replacement for the dead.

They obviously had done the training to deal with it a long time ago. As soon as they found that the situation was not right, they immediately tried their best to eliminate the unfavorable evidence, and wanted to retreat.

If people in other departments want to move them, it might really help them escape.

But unfortunately, it was Ni Lin who was investigating them, the most mysterious and powerful department in China, and the one who wanted to attack them was Lin Tian!

The information that Xiahou Qingyi sent over not long ago was about this matter. Those behind the scenes thought that they had eliminated all the crimes and other activities they did. All of them were investigated completely.

Xiahou Qingyi didn’t ask Lin Tian if she wanted to let Ni Lin directly take action. He only needed an order from Ni Lin, a despicable developer. Even if it dominates the entire Longhai City, it’s not a big deal. Naturally, someone will clean them up~ But after all, Xiahou Qingyi is a comrade-in-arms who has experienced many things with Lin Tian, ​​and naturally knows his character. Although Lin Tian wants to deal with such things personally.

The so-called cutting grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. Not to mention that Lin Tian shoveled their roots, even the ground can be dug!

Seeing Shen Yuelan on the side, seeming to be in a daze, Lin Tian took out the phone, clicked on the document, and looked at it carefully.

The more I look at it, the more angry he gets, and the more I look at it, the more Lin Tian feels how despicable and shameless the boss is behind the scenes!

Even people who are already destitute are squeezed crazily to those who don't even have bones left. For their own benefit, there is naturally no lower limit to what they can do.

It is this kind of no lower limit that allowed this middle-aged man named Bu Jingguo, known as Mr. Bu, to start from scratch when he was young, step by step to where he is today.

Looking at the entire Huaxia, the real estate and assets that this Mr. Bu possesses may not count as much, after all, Huaxia is too big.

(End of this chapter)

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