Although I don't want to admit it.

But it is true.

Laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway.

Jiangnan's left-right change of direction breakthrough alone is enough to prove that Jiangnan's basketball level is surprisingly high.

As for the one-arm windmill dunk, let alone.

That is a super difficult dunk that they dream of completing, but they can't complete even in their dreams.

But for Jiangnan, it is extremely easy?

There was such a moment just now.

The three of them seemed to see Djokovic standing in front of them, dribbling the basketball, pointing a finger at themselves and saying, "Boy, you can't do it!"

"Jiangnan, when did you learn to play basketball?"

Suddenly, Huang Sihai asked in confusion.

When shooting in the previous game.

He and Hu Dajun were not there.


He didn't see Jiangnan's shooting ability.

In his impression.

Jiangnan should not be able to play basketball.

At least...

They were in the same class for three years in high school.

He had hardly ever seen Jiangnan play basketball.

But now...

Is Jiangnan so good?

Jiangnan walked towards the serving area with the ball, and replied calmly: "I was born with it, do you believe it?"

Huang Sihai shook his head directly: "Impossible, basketball is a technical job, if you want to play well, you must practice frequently, how can someone be born with it?"


"Nothing is impossible."

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it either."

"Come on! The two balls just now were just warm-ups, now the warm-up is over, let's continue..."

Coming to the midline serving area, Jiangnan threw the ball to the referee again, asking him to help serve.

This is the rule of three-on-three basketball in China.

Whoever wins serves.


If Jiangnan keeps winning, Ye Zhiqiu and the other two may not even have the chance to serve.

In this regard.

They naturally couldn't stand it.

"Huang Sihai, Hu Dajun, you must go all out next. Although Jiangnan is very powerful, he is only one person after all, and we have three people, we can definitely beat him."

"The captain is right, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, no matter how strong he is, we can win!"

"Well, the counterattack starts with this ball! As long as we can steal his ball, it will be our turn to perform.


Ye Zhiqiu, Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun all encouraged each other's morale, set tactics, and prepared for a counterattack.


It's the same sentence as before.

Ideals are full.

Reality But it was really skinny.

The next ball was not the beginning of Ye Zhiqiu and his three counterattacks, but the beginning of their nightmare.

Just because...

Jiangnan's warm-up was over.

What was about to happen.

was his fancy dunk show.

Just saw...

After receiving the ball for the third time, Jiangnan quickly came to Ye Zhiqiu and his three friends with the ball.

Facing the airtight blockade of the three people.

Jiangnan just smiled slightly, and then with a set of butterfly steps, he easily made Ye Zhiqiu and his three friends turn around, and then three steps across the basket, and then a tomahawk dunk.


The ball went in again.


This is Jiangnan's third dunk at the beginning of the game.

And each dunk action is completely different.

Of course!

There are also similarities.

That is...

They are all equally perfect.

"Awesome! "

The people outside the court were so shocked that they couldn't speak. They couldn't think of any adjectives to describe Jiangnan.

They could only...

say the word "awesome" silently in their hearts.

And then...

They didn't even bother to say the word "awesome".

Just saw...

The fourth serve started again.

Ye Zhiqiu, Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun still tried their best to stop Jiangnan, and even hoped for a steal.


Jiangnan took a dream step.

He easily passed three people.

Then he dunked with his arms hanging.

The fourth ball...went in again.

Then the fifth serve started, Jiangnan passed the opponent in an illusory way, and then made an aerial relay dunk.

The sixth serve started.

Jiangnan Europe He dribbled past the opponent and then performed a double hip dunk, which was more difficult than a big one-handed windmill dunk.

The seventh serve began.

Jiangnan dribbled past the opponent behind his back and then performed a 720-degree rotation dunk, which was more difficult than a double hip dunk.

The eighth serve began.

Jiangnan...dunked from behind.

The ninth time...

Jiangnan...360 plus double hip dunk.



Wonderful, exciting... Well, these words can't describe even one ten-thousandth of Jiangnan's dunk show.

The people outside the court went from being shocked at the beginning, to being excited, to screaming to the sky, and finally to being numb.

Damn it!

Is this still a human being?

One against three.

For others, it is extremely difficult.Difficult.

But for Jiangnan, it was as simple as it could be.


Every time he served the ball, Jiangnan used different ways to pass and dunk.


There is no hardest, only harder.

It is incredible that one person can use so many super difficult dunks.

When Jiangnan dunked the 14th ball.

Everyone outside the court was numb and sluggish.

Ye Zhiqiu was also sluggish.

Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun were also sluggish.

They all stood there in a daze, not moving.

Damn it!

What about revenge?

What about regaining face?

What about making Jiangnan cry and beat him up?

It was a pity that they had imagined shaving Jiangnan's head before, but in the end they were the ones who got shaved.

Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun hurried over from outside the school to embarrass Jiangnan.

But the result...

They were the ones who made a fool of themselves.


Compared to the last time when the whole class made a fool of themselves in the physical education class, this time it was upgraded to the whole school making a fool of themselves.

Especially Ye Zhiqiu.

In order to defeat Jiangnan, he had thought of many tricks in advance, such as shooting and confrontation.

But the result...

He was clearly giving away heads!

In fact...

He also thought of many dirty tricks.

For example, the referee was his man.

He had informed him in advance, asking him to be as biased towards him as possible and to trip Jiangnan when serving.


Not only did it not work at all.

On the contrary...

The referee has become a little fan of Jiangnan.

Every time Jiangnan dunked a ball, he didn't need Jiangnan to say anything, but directly picked up the ball and served again.

It is also worth mentioning.

He had thought of a dirty trick before, which was also a killer.

That is...

Basketball as a competitive sport.

In a confrontation, mistakes are inevitable, that is, deliberately hitting hard and hurting the opponent.

He originally expected that there was something wrong with Jiangnan's face, not pure natural, but a knife face, so he was prepared to take the opportunity to expose Jiangnan's true face through physical contact during the confrontation.



This killer move ended in vain.

Just because...


Jiangnan has passed 14 times and dunked 14 times.

But he didn't even touch the corner of Jiangnan's clothes, let alone touch people and get his face.

Jiangnan's ball control skills, passing skills, and dunking skills have reached perfection, which made him completely desperate.


He stayed there and didn't move.

Let Jiangnan make the 15th dunk, which was also the last dunk, because whoever scored 30 points first would end.

Just see...

After Jiangnan took the ball, he quickly moved it to Ye Zhiqiu, Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun again.


None of the three made any movement.

In this regard.

Jiangnan didn't care.

He just performed his 15th dunk.

This time.

He didn't use any complicated dunks, but chose the simplest death dunk.

Death dunk.

In terms of difficulty and skills, it is not as good as the 720 rotation dunk and the 350 plus collapse dunk.


It is the most practical.

The key lies in the word "violent".

When you jump high enough, far enough, and have enough strength, and then use the death dunk.

It can shock people and even destroy all the confidence of your opponent on the spot, so that he will never dare to touch the ball again.

For example, now...

Seeing that Ye Zhiqiu and the other two did not move.

Jiangnan did not take the opportunity to dribble past them, but dribbled back a few steps, and then charged...

At that moment...

Jiangnan seemed to fly with the ball.

Flying over Ye Zhiqiu, Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun, he flew over the heads of the three people to the three-meter-high backboard.

The next second.

Jiangnan grabbed the ball with both hands, and dunked the basketball into the basket with all his strength.


A loud noise was heard.

I saw...

The basketball made of ZK microfiber actually exploded directly in the basket?

And it exploded at the same time.

And the basketball board made of tempered glass.

Jiangnan still held the basket.

But the glass shards were already broken all over the ground?

Very similar to...

Big and small pearls falling on a jade plate.


sp: Ten thousand consecutive days, the hand is broken, pitiful!

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