Jiangnan sneaked away.


The crowd on the basketball court.

They had to disperse reluctantly.

In the end, only Ye Zhiqiu, Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun were left standing there, staring at the broken backboard and the basketball bursting on a pile of glass shards.


couldn't let it go for a long time.

They even began to doubt their lives.

"What are you doing?"

"No reason, it's an illusion!"

"What are you doing? Don't be afraid, it's all an illusion!"

"What do you want to do? Don't be like this, I really want to play basketball! It's all an illusion, it can't scare me!"





How could this happen?

Do they really know how to play basketball?

Do they really dare to play basketball?

Are they still comparable to Jiangnan?

All the above...

are problems.

Clowns, overestimating their own abilities, and looking like three dogs, these words are the most appropriate to describe them.

At the same time.

The basketball game has ended.


But the legend of Jiangnan has just begun.

"Hey, have you heard? In the afternoon, Ye Zhiqiu from Class 305 challenged Jiangnan from Class 304."

"Ye Zhiqiu? Is that the former school hunk? And Jiangnan should be the current school hunk and super academic master!"

"That's right!"

"What are they challenging?"


"What? Basketball, then Ye Zhiqiu will definitely win, after all, he is a member of the school team and has the title of basketball king, and Jiangnan is good at studying, this is too unfair."

"No, you are wrong, Jiangnan won, and it was a one-sided kill, the scene was extremely exciting."


Although there were many people gathered at the basketball court before.

But compared with the thousands of teachers and students in the whole school.

It was only a small part.


A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Almost as fast as thunder.

This small group of people spread the legend of Jiangnan to every corner of the campus.

From the first year of high school to the second year of high school to the third year of high school, from students to teachers, almost everyone knew about it.

At first...

There were still many people who found it hard to believe.

After all, they didn't see it with their own eyes.

But when a curious person posted the video of Jiangnan shooting and dunking on the campus forum, QW group and Douyin.


had to believe it.

And then...

The whole school was boiling.

"What the hell is this?"

"He stood outside the four-point line and shot four points. After each shot, he took two steps back and finally retreated to the baseline. But all the random shots went in?"

"This is so far, so precise, and so accurate. Even Curry, the strongest shooter in ANB, can't do it!"

"This is definitely a record-breaker!"

"I would like to call him the strongest shooter in the universe!"

"The most exciting thing is the fancy dunks. I just counted them. There are fifteen kinds of super difficult dunks. Even the strongest dunk king in ANB, Kat, has to admit defeat."

"Incredible, really incredible."

"This move is so beautiful that it's almost against the sky! Just one look is enough to make people excited..."

"Oh my god, is this still a human being?"

"How can he jump so high, so far, and be so strong? He dunked so hard that he even broke the backboard. He is not a human being!"

"If you guys hadn't been spreading it, I would never believe that these videos are real..."

"The teacher asked me why I was kneeling in class. I clicked on the video and showed it to the teacher. After watching it, the teacher shouted "Fuck!", and then... he took my phone away. Fuck..."

"I would like to call Jiangnan the god of students. He is not only handsome and has good grades, but also so good at basketball..."

"From now on, I have only one idol, Nanshen!"

"From now on, he is my only boyfriend!"


This evening self-study.

All teachers and students were excited.


Instantly became the god of students in the eyes of all students and the star of the third middle school in the eyes of all teachers.


There was only one teacher who was an exception.

That was Wang Daren, the physical education teacher of Class 304.

When he saw the video of Jiangnan shooting and dunking, he was almost shocked and screamed.


Different from others.

After the shock.

Wang Daren was full of regret, bitterness, sadness, and even tears.

It was not until he found the Erguotou he had collected for many years and drank seven or eight bottles in one breath that he calmed down a little.

Don't ask him why he was so crazy.

Blame it on...

Jiangnan is really too good.Excellent is a bit too much.

It would be fine if you said you are only good at basketball.

With this shooting ability and this dunking level.

If he changes to a sports student, he can go to Yanti or Shanghaiti, or directly join the provincial professional team.

He can become a national first-class athlete, sweep ABC, and even go to ABN to win glory for the country.


The problem is.

Jiangnan is not only good at basketball.

His academic performance is better!

He has full marks in Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, and biology. He can also become the top scorer in the college entrance examination, and even be directly recommended to Tsinghua and Peking University. He will definitely be a great man in the scientific community in the future.

Tsk tsk!

Compared with this.

The weight of basketball genius is much lower.

If Jiangnan intends to change to a sports student, it will be fine. Even if he tries his best, he will fight for it.


He has tried before.

Jiangnan does not seem to have any plans to change to a sports student.


It's like a peerless beauty standing in front of you, but you can only look at her and can't think of anything else.

You say...

Isn't this infuriating?

Wang Daren was so sad that he wanted to die.

He had no choice but to get drunk.

Poor thing!


Wang Daren knew the reason, and knew that even if Jiangnan was strong in basketball, it would be difficult for him to go the professional basketball route.


Others outside didn't know.

On this day.

The entire basketball world in Dongfang was shocked.

First, Coach Wang of the Binhai Provincial Basketball Team where Jiangcheng was located, was drinking water. When he saw the video of Jiangnan shooting and dunking on Douyin, he was shocked.

Damn it!

Is this video real or fake?

Is it a picture synthesis, or a special effect?


It doesn't look like it!

Picture synthesis can't be so smooth and real.

As for the special effects...

He stared at the video with his 28k titanium eyes wide open, and watched it over and over again for a long time, but he didn't see any trace of special effects at all.

He didn't believe in it.

He even found a technician to verify it.

The answer he got was...

This video is real, there is no synthesis, no special effects, it was just shot on the spot with a mobile phone.



"Is this true?"

"Is there really someone who can practice shooting, dunking, and dribbling to such an incredible level?"


"This technique, this strength, can completely beat all the athletes in the provincial team, including myself..."


"Compare me with the person in the video."

"You are totally insulting the other party!"



Coach Wang couldn't sit still.

Immediately summoned all the people in the provincial team, and used all his connections to investigate Jiangnan's identity, background, and the location where the video took place.

He swore that he must first find the person in the video, and then sign him to the provincial team at a high price...

The provincial teams and professional clubs in all the surrounding provinces had the same reaction as Coach Wang.


Even the national team was alarmed.

A little giant who retired from ABN for many years and is now the head of the Basketball Association, watched the video of Jiangnan shooting and dunking, and danced with excitement and couldn't speak.

It took a long time.

He slowly spoke to the people around him.


"This is simply incredible!"

"This person's basketball skills are the best in the world. Even in my peak period, I am not one-tenth of him."


"He is the future of our country's basketball world."

"No matter how much it costs, we must find him. Only he can lead us to the world..."


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