Even Qin Feng was like this.

The other contestants from No. 3 Middle School were even worse off.

Luo Min, Ye Han, Shen Lang and others wanted to cry when they looked at the test papers. They could hardly even solve the first question.

They couldn't compare!

They really couldn't compare.

Mathematical Olympiads were not something that ordinary people could do.

Even if they were ranked in the top ten in math in No. 3 Middle School, it was really not good enough here.


They were mentally prepared before they came.

But now...

The blow they suffered was not small.

The monitor of Class 304, Qin Yumo, was also like this.

This little girl rarely talked nonsense on weekdays, and almost all her thoughts were spent on studying.

In addition to studying, she was still studying. Bai Yingying often jokingly called her a person who studied for a living.


It was absolutely true.

After all...

On the bus coming here, she was still doing questions.

Her purpose was similar to Qin Feng's.

Although she is not as extreme as Qin Feng, she thinks she is the best in the world and no one can surpass her. Once there is such a person, she immediately becomes gloomy, crazy and hostile.


She also wants to get good grades.

She also wants to prove herself.


Facts have proved that a person's talent is very important.

No matter how hard she tries, she can't compare to Jiangnan.

There is a little despair in her heart.


On the other side.

In an office of Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

All the teachers who led the Mathematical Olympiad from the ten high schools in Jiangcheng and the high schools in the county below gathered here, waiting for the end of the exam.

Of course!

The waiting process is boring.

They will definitely not be idle.

Chatting, talking and bragging, everyone can do it.

Even if the people present are all teachers, they are no exception.

"Speaking of the monthly exam paper issued by the city last week, the highest total score of our No. 1 Middle School was only 678, only 17 or 18 students scored over 600, and the highest score in mathematics was only 142. There was not even one full mark, which was really embarrassing!"

"Our No. 2 Middle School is similar, the highest score is only 672, only 15 or 16 students scored over 600, and the highest score in mathematics is only 141. It's really getting worse with each class."

"Who said it's not? We Chuying can't compare with your No. 1 and No. 2 Middle Schools. Our highest score is 668, and the highest score in mathematics is only 140. No one can get full marks either, ah!"

"Old Zhang, don't sigh. Our highest score in Lanpu is only 666, and the highest score in mathematics is only 140. The highest learning is only 139. The last month of the exam is the worst of our school test. "" ... "" In this way, this year everyone's school strength is average, and I do n’t know how many people can pass the north ... " "We have a great hope for Mengchuan in Lanpu." "I heard that there is also a Su Yun in the Fourth Middle School?" "What about the three middle schools?" Power. Damn!

What is this?

Is this self-deprecation and sighing?

This is clearly the scene of the strongest Versailles competition!

It is clearly a deliberate attack on people.

Let’s talk about the teachers of Jiangcheng No. 5678 Middle School first. They were trembling with fear and dared not speak at all.

There is no way!

The strength gap is there.

The same paper.

The highest total score of others is 6670 points, and there are more than a dozen people with more than 600 points.

In their school, no one can reach 600 points, and the highest score is only 567 at most.

The same is true for mathematics alone.

Although others did not get full marks, they also got more than 140 points, while they did not even get 100 points.

This gap...

is not small.

They are not at the same level at all.


They did not have the opportunity to speak.

Even if they had the opportunity, they did not have the confidence to speak.

And they were all like this.

The dozen teachers from the county below didn't dare to interrupt, and could only drink boiled water.

The slightly better ones were the teachers of No. 4 Middle School.

After all...

The strength of No. 4 Middle School is second only to the previous four schools, and it can compete with No. 3 Middle School for the fifth place.


This year, No. 4 Middle School has a super academic master.

His name is Su Yun.

Although he is not as good as Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School, Du Jiang from No. 2 Middle School, Xia Ji from Chuying, and LanMeng Chuan from Pu.

But he also scored 638 in the last monthly exam, and 120 in math, which was enough to beat Qin Feng from No. 3 Middle School.


Although he couldn't get a word in.

But it was still natural.

Especially when his eyes were cast at Cao Tianyuan from No. 3 Middle School from time to time, there was a hint of pride on his face.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

In recent years.

No. 4 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School have been competing for the fifth place in Jiangcheng.

But No. 3 Middle School is a very old high school after all. Even though it has been getting worse and worse in the past ten years and has been far behind No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, it has always been slightly ahead of No. 4 Middle School and ranked fifth.

But this year...

Su Yun appeared in No. 4 Middle School.


The fifth place in Jiangcheng will change hands.


The teacher of No. 4 Middle School is proud.


No matter how much he stared at Cao Tianyuan, the latter sat there leisurely and calmly.


Will he be nervous?

Would he be afraid of losing face?

If it was before, maybe.

After all...

Qin Feng, the top student in his own school, is really not as good as Su Yun from No. 4 Middle School, let alone Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School.


Now, in addition to Qin Feng, No. 3 Middle School also has Jiangnan as its trump card.

In the last monthly exam, Jiangnan only scored 600 points in total, which might not even be in the eyes of the teachers from No. 1 and No. 2 Middle Schools.

Don't forget.

Jiangnan scored 600 points even though he deliberately scored zero in foreign language.

If his foreign language score was not zero.

He could easily get a passing score of 90.

Then his total score would be close to 700.

Not to mention...

Jiangnan also has the ability to get full marks in foreign language.


How can Su Yun from No. 4 Middle School compare?

How can Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School, Du Jiang from No. 2 Middle School, Chu Yingxia Ji, and Lanpu Mengchuan compare?

"Just brag!"

"What's the point of bragging?"

"Your highest score in math is only 142, and you dare to show off in front of me?"

"Although the test paper of this Mathematical Olympiad is difficult, as long as Jiangnan doesn't deliberately control the score and do poorly, it will be easy to get a full score, and he will definitely be the first in the city."

"When the time comes..."

"You will naturally know who is the final winner!"



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