
"Have you heard?"

"This year, a genius emerged in No. 3 Middle School, a true genius who can crush No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, two key famous schools, as well as Chuying and Lanpu, two top private high schools."

"You are talking about Jiangnan, right?"

"Yes, it is Jiangnan, you know it too?"

"Of course I know! In the Mathematical Olympiad, Physics Competition and Chemistry Competition held in the past few days, he scored 88 points and won three first places, and was called the triple crown."

"Now all the high schools in Jiangcheng have spread the news, and it has even been published in newspapers, on the Internet, in the news and on TV."

"It seems that he has become famous!"

"Of course he is famous, after all, he is the first in the three competitions! Jiangcheng has never seen such a person before. Such a genius."

"He is indeed a genius, a great one!"

"Before this, Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School, Du Jiang from No. 2 Middle School, Chu Yingxia Ji and Lan Pu Mengchuan all had the ability to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. This year, Jiangcheng's top scorer in the college entrance examination is most likely to come from these four people, but now, Jiangnan has to be added."

"If this is true, won't No. 3 Middle School also rise?"

"It has definitely risen. Although its overall strength is not as good as No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, its potential should not be underestimated."

"After all..."

"Even No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School can't cultivate the first place in the three competitions, but No. 3 Middle School can, which is evident."


In less than half a day, the news that Jiangnan won the first place in the three competitions spread throughout Jiangcheng.


Jiangnan became famous.

It was very popular.

If it was said before...

Jiangnan was only famous in No. 3 Middle School, and was famous in a small range on the Internet and forums.

And now...

No one asked about his hard work for ten years, but he became famous overnight and known all over the world.

As long as you are from Jiangcheng and have not lost touch with society, you will know Jiangnan's name.


The news about Jiangnan is spreading in the school.

Many news media are also reporting this matter.

After all...

This is an Olympic competition!

For big media.

A mere preliminary competition is not too important.

But for local media in Jiangcheng, this is already big news.

Especially the first place in the three competitions.

It can definitely make their front page headlines.


Many media people rushed to No. 3 Middle School to find Jiangnan and wanted to do a column interview with him.


These people were stopped by the school.

The reason is...

Jiangnan will participate in the biology competition on Friday, and will go to the province to participate in the semi-finals of various subject competitions later, strive to get good grades, win glory for the school, and win glory for Jiangcheng.


It is not convenient to be interviewed for the time being.

I hope everyone will not disturb Jiangnan's studies.

Of course!

This is the school's statement to the outside world.

Those media people have to believe it even if they don't want to. After all, the school is a closed management, and they can't get in even if they want to.

As for the internal statement...


Now in the whole No. 3 Middle School, almost no one doesn't know that Jiangnan usually sleeps during class.


That's a joke.

And disturbing study is a joke among jokes.

It's almost like disturbing sleep.

This is indeed the case.

Since the news of the first place in physics and chemistry competitions came back to No. 3 Middle School, the door of Class 304 has been trampled by people.

Students from other classes who came here because of their reputation are only one of them. There are more teachers of physics and chemistry, plus mathematics.

Oh, right!

There are also some school leaders.

The teaching department, the political education department, the director, the deputy director, all came to visit Jiangnan one after another.


Even the school principal came.

Jiangnan was so annoyed that he almost exploded.

In the end!

He had no way.

The only way was to use the trump card.

"From today on, no one should disturb my sleep, otherwise, don't blame me for letting him off in the following competitions."

Tsk tsk!

As soon as these words came out.

The group leaders of the four departments of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, Zhou Lingfeng, Lao Li, Chu Yang and others were immediately shocked and anxious.

Jiangnan is now a hot commodity.

They are still waiting for him to win awards in the province.

What if Jiangnan quits.

What will happen?

Especially the biology group leader, who is even more impatient.

After all, Jiangnan has won the first place in the preliminary rounds of three competitions, but the biology competition has not yet begun.

If Jiangnan lets him off and the biology competition on Friday is a mess, then his biology group will be laughed to death.

In response to this.

Almost immediately.

The four of them jointly found the principal Gu Tianxuan and asked him to order that no one should disturb Jiangnan's sleep... cough, study.


There is the current scene.

All media personnel were blocked outside the school gate.

No one could get in touch with Jiangnan.

Yu Jiangnan...

Can sleep comfortably... ahem, study.

And in addition to studying.

Just check the system rewards and points.


"Congratulations to the host, complete the physical competition control score task."

"Reward physical fitness +1, physical competition foundation +1, physical competition potential +1, points +100..."



"Congratulations to the host, complete the chemical competition control score task."

"Reward physical fitness +1, chemical competition foundation +1, chemical competition potential +1, points +100..."


Two days later.


The biology competition begins.

The test site is still set up in No. 1 Middle School.

This day...

It should be the busiest and most watched day in No. 1 Middle School, even busier and more watched than the Mathematical Olympiad, Physics and Chemistry Competitions in the past few days.

At the same time.

It is also the first time in Jiangcheng in the past ten years that the biology competition has been so impressive.

As we all know...

The Olympic Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Competitions are held every year, but in previous years, people have always only paid attention to the first three competitions. The presence of the biology competition is very weak, so weak that few people pay attention to it.

But this year...

It is completely the opposite.

The reason is still because of Jiangnan.

Everyone wants to know.

Can Jiangnan also get the first place in this biology competition and become a four-time champion and break the record again.

For this reason.

Many media people in Jiangcheng made careful preparations.

The biology competition has not started yet.

They set up their cameras and collectively waited outside No. 1 Middle School, waiting for first-hand news.

Doulang News: "Look, everyone, the candidates from the ten high schools in Jiangcheng and the sixteen high schools in the county have entered the examination room, and the competition has officially begun..."

Jiangcheng Daily: "According to statistics, there are as many as 628 candidates participating in this competition, and there are only 30 places for promotion, and one in thirty, which shows how fierce the competition is..."

Xinye Live: "Of course, the most watched one today is Jiangnan from No. 3 Middle School. I guess many people want to know..."

"Whether Jiangnan can win the championship in this competition, pay attention to Xinye Live, let's wait and see..."


Normal opening remarks.

It doesn't attract many viewers.

There are few people interacting online.


The next second.

Doulang News: "Wow!"

Jiangcheng Daily: "Wow!"

Xinye News: "Wow!"

All media were shocked.

Just because...

Someone actually came out of the examination room.

And it's not someone else.

It's the hottest of the hot, the object of everyone's attention, Jiangnan from No. 3 Middle School?

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