Multiple choice question.

"Cars A, B, and C pass a certain road sign at the same speed. After that, car A keeps moving in a straight line at a uniform speed. Car B first accelerates and then decelerates. Car C first decelerates and then accelerates. However, when they pass the next road sign, their speeds are the same. Then...

(A) Car A passes the next road sign first.

(B) Car B passes the next road sign first.

(C) Car C passes the next road sign first.

(D) All three cars reach the next road sign at the same time."

"Da da da da..."

Xie Hongwei quickly wrote the question on the blackboard.

At first glance.

It seems quite simple.


Many students frowned.

"Damn, I'm dizzy."

"It's like a demon released from hell."

"It's speeding up and slowing down. I hate it. It's a headache. I can't think of anything!"

"Isn't Jiangnan awesome? Try it out quickly. I don't believe you can do this problem?"


Many people looked at Jiangnan.

Of course...

They were all students who had no ideas.

Students with good grades like class monitor Qin Yumo and school beauty Bai Yingying immediately took out their draft paper to calculate.


They still have ideas.


Before they started writing.

Jiangnan suddenly said, "The answer is B."


When this was said, everyone was shocked.


Is the speed too fast?

Although it seems like a long time, it actually took only a moment. The physics teacher on the stage had just finished writing the question.

But the result...

Jiangnan said the answer?

Isn't this too incredible?


Or fake?


Suddenly, everyone on the stage turned their curious eyes to Xie Hongwei, the physics teacher on the stage.

In response to this.

Xie Hongwei nodded directly, "The answer is right."


Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked again.


"Jiangnan got it right again?"

"How is it possible? How can he be so good?"

"I remember that his physics grades were very average before! He was not ranked in the class at all, but now..."


The surrounding classmates were all shocked, with incredible expressions on their faces, including those who were familiar with Jiangnan.

At the same time.

Xie Hongwei on the stage was also surprised.

He was not surprised that Jiangnan could do this question.

After all...

In his opinion.

This question was not difficult. It tested the basics of physics. There should be many students in the class who could do it.

But what surprised him was that Jiangnan gave the answer before Qin Yumo and other top students had time to write?

This speed...

Either Jiangnan guessed it.

Or Jiangnan had done this problem before.

If it's neither of these two.

That means Jiangnan's physics foundation is very solid, far beyond that of Qin Yumo and other academic masters.

Is this...


"Tell me about your solution?"

Xie Hongwei stared at Jiangnan with burning eyes.

Jiangnan: "It's very simple. The three cars have the same displacement. The average speed of car B is the fastest, so naturally car B takes the least time."

Many students were about to listen.


Jiangnan stopped abruptly.

Everyone: "Keep going!"

Jiangnan: "That's it."

"What? It's that simple, that's all?"

Everyone was stunned, with big question marks on their foreheads, and they couldn't react.

It's true that the displacement is the same.

But why is car B the fastest on average?

Explain it clearly!


Jiangnan just waved his hand, "It's that simple, it's over."

Everyone was speechless, just like doing something that is just one step away from the final step, but can't get in, it's so frustrating.

There is no way, everyone can only look at Xie Hongwei on the stage, "Teacher, is Jiangnan's idea correct?"


Xie Hongwei spit out a word with force.

After saying that, he ignored everyone and said to Jiangnan calmly: "Come on, continue to look at the next question!"

Multiple choice questions.

"A cup of thick orange juice will not overflow after adding ice cubes. If the ice cubes are completely dissolved, the orange juice in the cup...

(A) will overflow.

(B) The liquid level will drop.

(C) It will still not overflow."

Xie Hongwei just finished writing the question.

Jiangnan said directly: "A will overflow."

This question hides a pit.

Many people only consider density.

Thinking that ice has a small density and a large volume, while water has a large density and a small volume, the answer is B.

But in fact...

The ice is floating on the thick orange juice, with a piece sticking out of the water, so it will overflow after dissolving.

To put it in physics terms.

This relies on a deep understanding of Archimedes' principle.

Many students were confused.But for Jiangnan, it was child's play.

"Right, come again!"

Xie Hongwei, the physics teacher on the stage, was shocked again. After all, this time Jiangnan answered in seconds again, which was really amazing.


He was not a person without knowledge.

The questions continued.

Multiple choice questions.

"In the atmosphere, a cylinder with a volume of 0.50m^3, one end closed and the other end open, is inserted vertically into the pool with the bottom facing up and the mouth facing down, and then let go..."

"When balanced, the volume of the air in the cylinder is 0.40m^3. Assuming that the pressure of the atmosphere is the same as the pressure generated by a 10m high water column, the height difference between the water surface inside and outside the cylinder is..."


Xie Hongwei had not had time to write out the options.


Jiangnan said directly: "2.5m."

Answered in seconds.

Answered in seconds.

The kind that did not think much at all.

It can be said to be extremely simple and crude.

You know...

Even a top-notch student like Qin Yumo hasn't understood the question yet, let alone solved it.


Everyone present was stunned.


Dead silence.

No one in the class dared to speak, they just stared at the physics teacher on the stage with big eyes like copper bells.

They wanted to know...

Is Jiangnan's answer right or wrong?

At the same time.


The chalk in Xie Hongwei's hand on the stage suddenly broke into two pieces, just because he was also shocked.

If he hadn't cared about the teacher's face and accomplishment, he really wanted to scream to the sky, "Fuck, how is this possible?"

This is a preliminary test question for a physics competition! It's harder than the final question of the college entrance examination.

From the first two questions, he could confirm that Jiangnan's foundation was very solid, and ordinary questions might not be difficult for him.


I made a competition question on purpose.

But the result...

Jiangnan answered it in a second by mental calculation?

This is simply amazing!

Is it really that awesome?

Even he, a senior physics teacher and the person who set the questions, had to say he admired it!


"I didn't expect it."

"I have been teaching for 30 years, but I still make mistakes sometimes. Your physics foundation is very good."

Xie Hongwei did not say whether the answer was right or wrong, but looked at Jiangnan with a complicated expression and praised him slowly.


This is enough.

Jiangnan's answer must be right.

In response to this.

Many students present were so shocked that their eyes almost fell out, and they vomited in their hearts: "Ni Ma, WTF!!!!"

But I am not educated.

One word of WTF is enough.

This is the resonance of everyone present at the moment.

No other words.

Four questions in a row.

They didn't know any of them, as if they were reading a book of heaven, but Jiangnan easily answered them.

They are not on the same level at all!


Are you still missing a pendant on your leg?

Please accept my knee!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan as if he were a god.

Qin Yumo's eyes were as bright as stars, Bai Yingying's heart was trembling, and Fatty Wang pinched his thigh until it was purple.


As the person involved, Jiangnan was calm and just nodded at Xie Hongwei on the podium, "Teacher, these questions are too simple, there is no difficulty at all!"

"How about..."

"Try another difficult one?"


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