This afternoon.

Hu Yifei was very busy.

Busy buying gifts for the Jiangnan family home visit.

That's right.

She was buying gifts.

It was very funny.

Usually, parents would give gifts to teachers, but when it came to Jiangnan, it was the other way around.

As the head teacher, Hu Yifei spent a lot of money filling the trunk with cigarettes, alcohol, and some medicinal supplements to please Jiangnan's parents.

Tsk tsk!

As a woman.

And being a head teacher at a young age.

Hu Yifei is naturally not stupid.

Although the principal Gu Tianxuan didn't say it clearly.

But the meaning is self-evident.

No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu's group hit a snag on Jiangnan, but they would definitely not give up easily, and they would most likely try to get Jiangnan's parents.


She couldn't do nothing.

After preparing everything.

School was over in the evening.

As soon as Jiangnan and Bai Yingying walked out of the classroom, Hu Yifei stood in front of them, "Jiangnan, let's go, I'll take you home."

"Teacher, take me home?"

As the person involved, Jiangnan was a little confused.

As for Bai Yingying, she was even more confused.

And so were many other classmates in the class.

They had long guessed that Jiangnan was not only handsome and had good grades, but also had a rich background.

As it turned out, it was true.

Even the head teacher had to personally take Jiangnan home.

Tsk tsk!

If you say they have nothing to do with each other, even a fool wouldn't believe it.

"Don't stand there, I'm going to visit your home and give your parents the reward that the principal promised you."

"Of course, I need you to lead the way, hurry up, my car is at the school gate, hurry up..."


Hu Yifei urged again and again.

Just because...

She was anxious.

After all...

Those people from No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School had already left No. 3 Middle School, so who knew if they had already arrived at Jiangnan's home?

In this regard.

Jiangnan didn't care.

It would be great if there was a car to take back.

But Bai Yingying...

As if she could guess Jiangnan's thoughts, Hu Yifei said directly: "I know you live close, let's go together!"

Jiangnan: "..."

Bai Yingying: "..."

Many classmates in the class: "..."

In a moment of dumbfoundedness, Jiangnan and Bai Yingying got into Hu Yifei's car together and left the school.


Speaking of which.

Hu Yifei's anxiety was justified.

At this moment.

The destination she was going to was playing a good show, the kind where you hadn't finished singing and I was on stage.


I can't say this moment.

But this whole day.

Jiangnan's family has never been quiet.

Although people from No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chuying and Lanpu were directly rejected by Jiangnan at No. 3 Middle School.


They really didn't give up.

As soon as they left No. 3 Middle School.

On the surface, they went back to their own homes and looked for their own mothers, but secretly, they all turned to Jiangnan's house.

Of course.

Except for the principal of No. 2 Middle School, Gu Hongyi, and Professor Harajuku.

The latter was going back to Binhai, the provincial capital, so the former would naturally go to see him off, so they naturally had no time to come to Jiangnan's house.


The cunning Gu Hongyi did not make any arrangements.


Huada Community.

Unit 1, Building 4, 302.

Fang Cheng, the director of Chuying's admissions office, came downstairs with his assistant first, then opened the trunk, took out a lot of gift boxes, and hurried upstairs.

Tsk tsk!

As the director of the admissions office of the best private high school in Jiangcheng, he is also an official.

On weekdays.

It was the parents of the students who tried every means to give him gifts in order to send their children to Chuying.

But now...

It's completely the opposite.


He didn't feel depressed at all.

On the contrary!

He was still a little excited.

Before, in No. 3 Middle School, all his trump cards were not as good as the one admission quota of No. 1 Middle School and the recommendation letter of No. 2 Middle School, so he didn't get involved in a word.


Now he is the first to come to Jiangnan's house.

And winning over Jiangnan's parents.

It is much easier than winning over Jiangnan himself.

After all, the latter has not entered the society yet, and does not know the cruelty of the society, and does not know the most valuable things in the world.

But Jiangnan's parents must know.

It's nothing more than...


And what Chu Ying lacks the least is money.

In this regard.

He has a lot of advantages over No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, and only Lanpu, who is also a private high school, can compare.


He was about to go upstairs, but he unexpectedly caught a glimpse of a very familiar figure not far behind him.

At this moment.

What he least wanted to see was acquaintances.

For this reason, he hurriedly quickened his pace.


The speed of the people behind him was alsoNot slow, he ran up to him, "Hey, isn't this Director Fang from Chuying?"

"Why are you walking so fast? Didn't we just meet this morning and don't recognize each other now?"


Hearing the voice.

Fang Cheng's heart skipped a beat.

He had come fast enough.

He wanted to get there first.

But he didn't expect that.

The other party was not later than him at all.


Whatever he said came true.

If it was someone from No. 1 or No. 2 Middle School, it would be fine. He had the most advantage in dealing with parents of students with money.

But the person who came was Qian Dayou.

You can tell by the name.

The other party is also rich.


To be precise.

It is the school where Qian Dayou is that is rich.

That is Lanpu Middle School, which is also a private school with Chuying and has been confronting each other for many years.


Qian Dayou is the same as him.

He is also the director of the admissions office.

It's true...

No enemies, no gathering.

Qian Dayou also brought his assistants, and they were also holding large and small bags in their hands. He followed and said: "Hey, Director Fang, you have so many things in your hands, are you here to give gifts?"


Since he couldn't hide, Fang Cheng had to bite the bullet and answer: "I have a relative here. There is a happy event in his family. I specially sent some things over. What about you, Director Qian?"

"Me too, visiting relatives and friends."

Qian Dayou laughed and said very calmly.

"Hehe, visiting relatives and friends? Director Qian, how come I have never heard that you have relatives and friends in this community?"

Fang Cheng sneered at Qian Dayou.

"Director Fang, although you and I are familiar with each other, we are not in the same school after all. How can you know all my relatives and friends?"

Qian Dayou looked at Fang Cheng coldly.

"Then tell me, which floor are your relatives and friends on?"

Fang Cheng showed a trace of anger on his face.

"Which floor is your relative on?"

A hint of gloom flashed across Qian Dayou's eyes.

"I'm on the third floor."

"What a coincidence, I'm also on the third floor."

"Tsk, you didn't say your relative's surname is Jiang, did you?"

"Why, your relative's surname is also Jiang?"

"That's right."

"That's a coincidence, it seems that you and I have the same relative, so we are also relatives!"

"Relatives? Ha, bullshit!"

Fang Cheng was completely furious and cursed at Qian Dayou directly, "Old Qian, let's not play tricks on you, Lanpu wants to compete with our Chuying for Jiangnan, dreaming."

Qian Dayou laughed angrily: "Old Fang, since it has come to this, Then I won't hide it. We, Lanpu, are determined to get Jiangnan. Please go back!"


"Go back to you, bastard."

Fang Cheng cursed: "We are also determined to get Jiangnan. Besides, I came here first, so you should go back."


"Hehe, it's impossible for me to go back. Since you don't want to give up, let's go up together!"

Qian Dayou waved the things in his hand, "It will depend on our foundation. Whoever wins will get Jiangnan?"


"No problem!"

Unable to get rid of the dog-skin plaster, Fang Cheng could only agree.

The two are old rivals.

At this moment.

No one will admit defeat.


Even if the two carry heavy objects, they walk with the wind. That speed can participate in a 100-meter race.

Rush to the third floor in one breath.

Then they can't wait to knock on the door.


Naturally, they want to show their faces first.

I want to win the favor of Jiangnan's parents.


"Ding Dong!"

The door opened.

It was a woman who opened the door.

But the woman was not surprised at the arrival of Fang Cheng and Qian Dayou. She just subconsciously asked, "Why, which school are you trying to recruit my son from?"

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