Jiangnan's house.

In the living room.

More than a dozen people sat at two tables.

At this moment, they were staring at each other, very embarrassed.


It was Luo Qingzhi, the representative of No. 2 Middle School, who spoke first, and said to Chu Ying Fang Cheng, Lan Pu Qian Dayou, and the teachers of No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8 Middle School: "Old Fang, Old Qian, and all of you..."

"As the saying goes, first come first served, I came the earliest, why don't you go back first and let me talk to Jiangnan's parents?"



"Isn't it appropriate to use first come first served here?"

"If you ask me, since everyone is here, why not open up and speak frankly, let's just put out the benefits and see which school Jiangnan's parents will choose in the end, how about it?"

Fang Cheng spoke meaningfully.

Qian Dayou: "Old Fang is right, bidding on the same stage, the one with the highest bid wins, it depends on who has the most capital."


Luo Qingzhi couldn't help but get angry.

He was the first to come, and originally had the most advantages.

As a result, No. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Middle Schools also got involved, which delayed a lot of time.

Jiangnan's parents were busy entertaining them.

He didn't have a chance to speak at all.

Of course!

He was not worried that No. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Middle Schools would snatch people from him.

After all...

His No. 2 Middle School was well-known.

Its strength far exceeded No. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Middle Schools.

He had full confidence that as long as Jiangnan's parents were not stupid, No. 2 Middle School would definitely be the first choice.


When Chu Ying and Lan Pu arrived.

He couldn't sit still.

Although these two schools were only private schools, their strength was second only to No. 2 Middle School.

Moreover, they were called aristocratic schools and had a lot of money, which was not comparable to No. 2 Middle School.

Fortunately, Chen Ze from No. 1 Middle School was kicked out before he entered the door, otherwise he would be under more pressure.

"Okay, okay!"

"Since you must fight."

"Then let's fight on the spot."

Luo Qingzhi took a deep breath and said to Jiangnan's parents: "I believe you two also know our intentions."

"Your son Jiangnan is very good, so good that there is no place for him to show his skills in No. 3 Middle School."

"After all..."

"No. 3 Middle School is just ordinary in Jiangcheng, whether it is the faculty, teaching environment, or other aspects."

"But our No. 2 Middle School is different."

"In any aspect, No. 2 Middle School is enough to beat No. 3 Middle School, so I hope your son can come to No. 2 Middle School to study."

"I can provide him with the best teachers, the best learning environment and food and accommodation. What do you think?"



"Is that all?"

Fang Cheng sneered and said to Jiangnan's parents: "You two, Jiangnan is far worse off than coming to my Chu "

"You all should know that Chuying is the best private school in Jiangcheng and also an aristocratic school."

"Whether it is the teaching environment or the accommodation, it is better than No. 2 Middle School."

"In addition, we will also give Jiangnan a scholarship of 10,000 yuan a year. What do you think?"



"I don't think so!"

"Who told you that Chuying is the best aristocratic school in Jiangcheng? Obviously, my Lanpu is the first."

Without waiting for Jiangnan's parents to answer, Qian Dayou took the lead and said to Jiang Gaoyuan and Zhou Xiuqin: "You two, Chuying can provide the conditions that Lanpu can provide."

"And they only have a scholarship of 10,000 yuan, and my Lanpu will provide 15,000 yuan. Let Jiangnan come to Lanpu to study!"


"My No. 2 Middle School will provide a scholarship of 20,000 yuan."

Luo Qingzhi stretched out two fingers and roared with gritted teeth.

"I, Chu Ying, will give 25,000."

"I, Lan Pu, will give 30,000."

Luo Qingzhi: "I, No. 2 Middle School, will give 35,000, and I specially bought a 10,000 mobile phone for Jiangnan, but Jiangnan hasn't come back yet, so please help me accept it first.

As he spoke, Luo Qingzhi took out a box with a new version of the fruit phone and handed it to Jiangnan's parents.

This was what Gu Hongyi, the principal of No. 2 Middle School, had instructed.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Jiangnan to come back before giving it.

But now Fang Cheng and Qian Dayou are pushing him too hard, so he has to take it out in advance to win people's hearts.

In short!

He came this time.

He must win over Jiangnan's parents.

As long as Jiangnan's parents agree.

Then Jiangnan will have no problem.

And the Third Middle School will have nothing to say.

Only Chu Ying and Lan Pu are troublesome.

On the other side.

Jiangnan's parents were originally very calm.

But when they heard that Luo Qingzhi, Fang Cheng and Qian Dayou bid again and again, the scholarship increased to 35,000.


Both of them were no longer calm.

Although they were not the kind of people who were greedy for money.

But 35,000 was equivalent to their salary for most of the year, not to mention a 10,000 mobile phone.

Tsk tsk!

Other people's children study.

Not only do they have to pay tuition, but they also have to pay for miscellaneousfees, etc., and several thousand living expenses every year.

But for my own child, the school not only exempted everything, but also gave a scholarship of 35,000 yuan directly.

Moreover, several of the best schools in Jiangcheng personally visited and fought for their sons.


This sense of pride is really full.

How can it be described in one word.


The more exciting thing is yet to come.

"Lao Luo, you are really well prepared!"

Fang Cheng's eyes were green, and he said unwillingly: "But my Chu Ying is not a vegetarian either. Jiangnan parents, as long as Jiangnan comes to my Chu Ying, we will give a scholarship of 50,000 yuan every year."

Qian Dayou gritted his teeth: "I will give 70,000 yuan to Lanpu."

Fang Cheng: "75,000!"

Qian Dayou: "80,000!"


"One hundred thousand...I will give one hundred thousand to Lanpu!"

Qian Dayou slammed the table and roared to the sky.

Fang Cheng: "..."

Luo Qingzhi: "..."

Both of them frowned and kept silent.

Although they were determined to get Jiangnan.

But a hundred thousand scholarship.

This amount is not small.

Of course!

It's not that the school can't afford it, but they can't make the decision. They have to ask the higher-ups for permission.

Almost in sync, the two of them hurriedly stood up and walked to the side, took out their mobile phones to make calls.

At the same time.

Jiang Gaoyuan and Zhou Xiuqin's legs were weak.


One hundred thousand yuan!

This is equivalent to their annual income.

And it's the kind of two people.

But the result...

Jiangnan has so much scholarship in a year?

It's a pity.

Jiangnan is already a senior high school student, and he can only get it once at most. If he is still a freshman, it would be better to get it three times.

On the other side, several teachers from the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth middle schools stared at each other.

Although they knew it a long time ago.

I probably can't compete with No. 1 and No. 2 Middle Schools. Chu Ying and Lan Pu are just trying their luck with a glimmer of hope.


I realized it when I arrived at the scene.

Don't even mention a glimmer of hope.

It's just despair.

They are completely invisible, and I can't get a word in. I just feel that No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu are crazy.


Jiangnan is very powerful.

But no matter how powerful he is.

It's not worth a hundred thousand scholarship!

You have to know that this is a high school, not a university.

Even for universities, such as famous schools like Tsinghua and Peking University, the highest scholarship per year is only fifty thousand!

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