
Qian Dayou left.

Jiangnan had made his choice in public.

Even if he was unwilling, he could do nothing about it.

Not only him.

Luo Qingzhi from No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying Fangcheng, and teachers from No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8 Middle School all left together.

The attempt to win over Jiangnan failed completely.

No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8 Middle Schools were fine.

But No. 2 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu, what they should do now is to go back and think about countermeasures.

And once these teachers left.

There was no point for the neighbors like Sister Wang to stay, and they all sent these teachers off respectfully.

Only Hu Yifei stayed.

As the head teacher.

She also had the task of home visits, and she had to communicate more with Jiang's father and mother to deepen their relationship, so it was naturally impossible for her to leave so quickly.

What's more... Jiang's father and mother were also enthusiastic people.

The head teacher is here.

How can he leave without eating?

This is not...

Zhou Xiuqin personally cooked a big meal and rewarded Hu Yifei.

At the dinner table.

Hu Yifei took out an envelope from her bag, which contained a brand new 30,000 yuan, and handed it to Jiangnan's parents.

This is the promised reward.

Originally it was 50,000 yuan.

But she only took out 30,000 yuan before coming, so there was no choice but to take out the remaining 20,000 yuan later.

(ps: I have to report to Gu Tianxuan).

In response to this.

Jiang's father and mother were delighted again.

Obviously, they didn't expect Hu Yifei to bring money.

Although it was only 30,000 yuan.

But this is cash!

Unlike the previous teachers, although the price was high, it was all verbal checks, not reliable.

In addition, Hu Yifei also brought three honorary banners specially awarded to Jiangnan by the school.

They are...

[The Light of No. 3 Middle School]

[Exam Star]

[King of Competition]

Although this was only awarded in the name of No. 3 Middle School.

But both Jiang Gaoyuan, Jiang's father, and Zhou Xiuqin, Jiang's mother, were extremely excited for a while.


"This is still the best!"

"Teacher Hu, you have brought such an honor to Nannan. If you had given it earlier, what would those teachers have done?"

"The Light of No. 3 Middle School, Exam Star, King of Competition, these twelve words are absolutely priceless."

"Dad, stop eating, quickly grab your tools, nail these three banners outside the door, and show them to the neighbors!"

Under Zhou Xiuqin's instructions.

Jiang Gaoyuan quickly took out a hammer and nails, and then moved a stool and ran outside the door to work.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Very quickly.

The three honorary banners were nailed.

Tsk tsk!

Jiang Gaoyuan and Zhou Xiuqin looked at the twelve golden words, and they were so excited that they couldn't calm down for a long time.

For parents of students, there is no reward more precious than the honor given by this school.

It must be said.

The old ones are still the best.

To be the principal of No. 3 Middle School, Gu Tianxuan's ability to figure out people's hearts is not something that ordinary people can have.

At least...

Hu Yifei couldn't think of it.

With these three banners.

She can be down-to-earth and no longer have to worry about teachers from other schools poaching her.

Speaking of which.

Jiangnan didn't expect this.


After dinner.

Hu Yifei said goodbye and returned to school.

Then she reported everything that happened at Jiangnan's house to Principal Gu Tianxuan.


"I knew that the people in those schools were bad, and they would not give up so easily."

"Fortunately, I arranged this."

"Xiao Hu, look, I was right!"

"In the future, when dealing with them, you must not be careless, and you must not hesitate to speculate on them with the worst malice."

The principal of the Third Middle School, Gu Tianxuan, said very proudly.


Just a little bit.

Otherwise, it is very likely to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Hu Yifei: "Principal, although I have stabilized Jiangnan's family, I made the decision on my own and raised the scholarship from 30,000 to 50,000. This is a big burden for the school..."

Gu Tianxuan: "It's okay, isn't it just an extra 20,000? As long as Jiangnan can be stabilized, all this is worth it."


Hu Yifei nodded, "But I'm still a little worried. Lanpu Middle School is too shameless."

"In order to recruit Jiangnan, they raised the annual scholarship to 100,000, and also waived all other expenses."

"Although they returned empty-handed this time, who knows if they will come back and stab us in the back again."

"And the same goes for No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School and Chu Ying."

"Even though Jiangnan promised many times to stay in No. 3 Middle School."

"But if they offer more favorable conditions, it's hard to guarantee that Jiangnan's family will not be tempted."


There's an old saying.

As long as the hoeIf you use your power well, there is no corner that you can't dig.

Before this.

Hu Yifei didn't quite believe it.


After seeing the sticky methods of Chu Ying and Lan Pu in No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School, she had to worry.


Gu Tianxuan was much more relaxed.

"It's okay!"

"Don't think so much for the time being."

"Jiangnan is your student, we have to trust him, since he has promised again and again, he should not regret it."


"Although money is important, it is not omnipotent. In addition to interests, there are also feelings between people."

"Don't you still owe 20,000 yuan?"


"I will approve you 20,000 yuan later, you can send it to Jiangnan's house tomorrow morning, and take the opportunity to contact him again."

"It happens to be the weekend, his parents are also at home, as long as the relationship is maintained, there will be no big problem."




At the same time.

On the other side.

When Hu Yifei reported to Gu Tianxuan.

No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, as well as Chu Ying and Lan Pu, also held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

In fact, they were generally in agreement.

Since they failed to win over Jiangnan, they only had one way left except to continue to win over.

An office in No. 1 Middle School.

Principal Gongsun Li glared at Chen Ze in anger, but did not blame him. He just said to the people below, "Since we can't win him over, we have no choice but to prepare for the battle."

"Start today."

"Everyone here, cheer up."

"Especially the leaders of the four groups of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, each of you will set up a special competition training group to train the top few students in each subject of our school."

"For example, our top student Liu Fan."

"There is still half a month before the semi-finals of the four-subject competition."

"In this half month, you have to give people, money and venues."

"I have only one request..."

"No matter what method you use, you must improve the competition level of Liu Fan and others by several levels."

"Not to say that Jiangnan will be defeated in the semi-finals, but at least he can't be allowed to take the first place in the four competitions again."


Office of the Second Middle School.

Principal Gu Hongyi was very disappointed with Luo Qingzhi.

But he didn't blame him too much either.

He immediately issued an order to all teachers in the school: "From today on, we will devote all resources to train Du Jiang and others, and strive to snipe Jiangnan and win the first place in the fourth provincial competition."


Principal of No. 4 Middle School: "Do our best to train Su Yun, and make breakthroughs again and again, and make up for it again and again. In half a month, in the fourth provincial competition, we will compete with Jiangnan."


Principal Chu Ying: "In half a month, it all depends on Xia Ji."


Principal Lan Pu: "Put your hopes on Meng Chuan..."

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